Xiaofang came to Taylor's door and looked at the tall and glorious place full of fashion sense, but she was not interested at all.

This time, she actually didn't tell Liu Youran the truth. The reason why she came here was to expand her business first, and she also had another purpose.

I also want to see if I can meet any suitable boss in Tellery.

Xiaofang did not deliberately deceive Liu Youran, but she never shied away from her desire for money.

She was afraid of poverty.

Entering Taylor, as a nightclub with a membership system, ordinary guests can only play in the lobby on the first floor. Certain points are required on the second floor, and the private rooms on the third floor are where real members go to enjoy themselves.

With a black membership card, Xiaofang successfully entered the second floor, but this was her maximum authority.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call. In less than 3 minutes, two young men wearing black suits and dyed yellow hair walked down from the entrance on the third floor.

Although he was wearing sunglasses, he could still see his malicious eyes scanning Xiaofang's body.

"Are you the girl Fang that Mr. Yang mentioned?"

"It's quite beautiful, come up with me!"

The man walked up with Xiaofang, walked around a corridor, and stopped outside a private room.

"Wait a moment, I'll go talk to Mr. Yang."

Xiaofang nodded, and after a while, the door opened.

"Come on, Mr. Yang is waiting for you."

Xiaofang didn't say a word during the whole process, but expressed her gratitude with very measured eyes. How could she still look like the slightly rustic little girl she usually was in the studio?

Walking into the private room, opposite Xiaofang, Mr. Yang was dragging a few young people to drink, shouting that the data must be refreshed and so on.

The other party seemed to know that she was coming, but he didn't care much about it. Xiaofang smiled slightly, walked slowly over, and came to Mr. Yang, smiling and narrowing his eyes into thin slits.

"General Manager Yang Wenqin, you took the initiative to ask me out this time."

"You treat me like this, don't you take me too seriously?"

This person is clearly Yang Wenqin!
"Little girl, you don't have to do this."

Yang Wenqin smiled coldly and leaned on the sofa: "I found you right, but do you know why I found you?"

"Not for business?"

Xiaofang frowned slightly, and Yang Wenqin looked at her as if she were a fool: "You are so naive, we can only do some business in bed."

"Tell the truth, you are Liu Youran's employee, right?"

Hearing the other party mention Liu Youran, Xiaofang suddenly became more wary and retreated involuntarily.

"Don't be afraid, I won't eat you."

He waved her to sit down, and Yang Wenqin also asked someone to give her a glass of red wine.

"You may not know who I am, but your boss and I have an unusual relationship, just what you imagine."

"But there is a bit of a conflict between the two of us now."

"It wouldn't be appropriate to go directly to her, so I need you to help me get her out."

After Yang Wenqin learned that Liu Youran had opened a studio, the first thought that came to his mind was to make Liu Youran pay the price for what he had done before.

I still remember that time, after her studio "closed down", it was difficult for me to have a meal with her.

Yang Wenqin had told himself long ago that one day he would make her regret it and then beg her to come back to him.

"This is what I want you to do."

Facing Xiaofang, Yang Wenqin waved his hand proudly: "Okay, you can go back."


Before Xiaofang could get up, Yang Wenqin took out a cowhide envelope from his bag and threw it on the table: "I might as well tell your boss about the reward I gave you. Just say that I, Yang Wenqin, am still the same Yang Wenqin."

"In addition, this time I will pin Jiang Hu to the ground and crush him."

"Tomorrow, I want to see him!"

Yang Wenqin's giving orders still has a deterrent effect on Xiaofang, but this girl is also used to seeing big scenes. Compared with her previous experience, the Yang Wenqin in front of her is nothing.

"Mr. Yang, I actually like a straightforward person like you." Glancing at the envelope on the table, Xiaofang smiled disdainfully: "But I hope you can be sincere to me. I am Mr. Liu's employee. But not yours."

"So Brother Wenqin."

After a pause, Xiaofang suddenly got close to Yang Wenqin's face. Such a sudden scene even scared him.

"What are you doing!"

Yang Wenqin unnaturally stepped back. Xiaofang stepped forward instead of retreating. She stretched out her hand and lightly scratched his face: "You are still too young."

"If you want to see Mr. Liu, go find him yourself. I will help you hide what happened tonight."

"It's hush money."

Xiaofang picked up the envelope on the table and shook it: "It seems that you are not very valuable. Mr. Yang must never do this again."

"Not everyone can help you keep a secret."

After Xiaofang finished speaking, she left gracefully, leaving only Yang Wenqin and the others dumbfounded.

Why is this different from what was expected just now...

Although his face was damaged, Yang Wenqin didn't know why, but he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart when he looked at Xiaofang.

"Okay, let's just pretend that nothing happened today!"

After calming down his emotions, Yang Wenqin led his subordinates to continue playing music and dancing.

The people present here at this moment are all Liu Chun's subordinates. They are all well-known in the gaming industry, but when it comes to the job of running scores, these people are definitely indispensable.

"Brothers, it was just a farce. Don't take it seriously."

Holding the wine glass, Yang Wenqin looked as if nothing had happened just now: "Since it is the eldest brother who asked you to help me this time."

"I accept the favor, but I can't neglect your brothers' affairs."

As far as Wangtu Studio is concerned, those here today are foreign aids. No matter what industry they are in, foreign aids are definitely treasures.

Yang Wenqin was also unambiguous, [-] per person!

"As long as our game can be ranked among the top three in the Penguin Mall, each person will receive an additional [-]!"

"If you can dominate the rankings, I will give each of you an additional [-]!"

If you do another seven or eight people, not counting the basic ones, the top-level bonus alone will be 10,000+.

Several people couldn't help but look at each other. They didn't quite believe that Yang Wenqin could come up with so much money.

But what surprised everyone was that Yang Wenqin opened the bank deposit account in front of them today, and there was a clear standard of 200 million yuan to be used.

This time, the big guy became energetic.

They all know that when they do this, the profit is not very big in terms of running scores. They mainly rely on cooperation with advertisers to get traffic bonuses from higher-level companies.

So it is quite surprising that Yang Wenqin offered such a large amount of money today.

"I remember the boss said that he is a tough guy."

A young man held a bottle of Blue Label and whispered to his brother next to him: "I feel so generous all of a sudden."

"I do not know."

His brother thought it might be a scam, but sure enough, just when everyone was apparently celebrating his generosity, Yang Wenqin's additional conditions came up.

"Everyone, let's settle the money as agreed, but we have to chase one duck and let two ducks go."

With a smirk, Yang Wenqin realized his true purpose, "So I hope that when we run the data, we can also bring Jiang An's traffic line with them."

"Mr. Yang, you have done enough damage."

The same guy who drank Blue Label just now pushed the eyes on his nose and said: "You are planning to let us show some flaws on purpose when we run the data for her."

"Then let the relevant departments hit him just to clear up the status, right?"

This is what Yang Wenqin meant: "How about we say that you are the professionals? This is just a matter of supporting others, right?"

As an expert, Yang Wenqin is certainly right, but the problem is that his method is a bit despicable, and there are risks. Those who run data are most afraid of having their own base station streams captured and discovered.

In addition, technology is so advanced now that one can catch it with certainty. How can they lose their gold ingots for these 10 yuan?
"Mr. Yang, I think it's better to forget it and run the data for you. We can use a secret port to self-report family affairs. We never do that." (End of Chapter)

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