Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 533: Lao Lin is very sad, Lao Lin is very envious


These three words are easy to say, but it takes a lot of effort to actually do them.

Jiang An and Lin Qingyou were both blessing Zhang Zhejie at this moment.

Jiang An picked up the wine glass and looked at them with a smile: "Lao Zhang, I won't say congratulations. You and Ruo Jia have achieved success."

"It's definitely a good thing for you, but is it good for others..."

After a deliberate pause, Jiang An changed the subject: "That's not necessarily what the situation is. You are a troublemaker."

Immediately, his eyes fell on Xu Ruojia: "From now on, this Monkey King will be under your control, but you have to worry about it."

"Frog Qu, Lao Jiang, what are you talking about?"

Zhang Zhejie raised one eye and tilted his head to look at him: "According to what you say, will I still cause trouble to Ruo Jia?"

"Do you think?"

Jiang An chuckled: "Don't you know how careless you are, but I believe you, you will definitely turn around."

"Okay! Lao Jiang, thank you!"

Although Zhang Zhejie looked like he was gnashing his teeth, the happy look on his face was not fake.

Lin Xixi actually had nothing to say. She just pulled Xu Ruojia aside. The two girls didn't know what they said but they were laughing and joking, and the atmosphere was very happy.

Lin Qingyou was a little embarrassed at the moment. Blessings were naturally needed, but the problem was that he was really envious!
Seeing that Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie have both achieved positive results, only he and Ning Ning are left. Naturally, their relationship is fine, but the progress cannot catch up with the two of them.

Part of the reason was his, and it was also because Lin Qingyou had always thought about talking to Ning Ning about these things after changing the house.

The biggest wish in his heart is to give people a proper explanation.


"Lao Zhang, I have nothing to say."

Holding the wine glass, Lin Qingyou hid all his envy in his heart, squinted his eyes and said, "You know I'm not good at words, so congratulations to you, and congratulations to Ruojia."

"This glass of wine, I'm done!"

"Come on, brother, I'll accompany you!"

The three men had a drink together, but when Lin Qingyou sat back on the chair, Ning Ning, who had just been talking to Xu Nuojia and the others, suddenly lay on his shoulder.

"You don't seem very happy to see you. Are you envious?"


Shaking her head, Lin Qingyou would not admit it: "No, I'm just happy for them."


Ning Ning and him have been together for so long, and no one knows each other well. Now one look at it will tell you that Lin Qingyou is not telling the truth: "Can't you tell the truth to me?"

"I know you are a strong man, but being strong doesn't mean being tough."

"You said, right?"

Ning Ning was almost stroking Lin Qingyou's ears at this moment. The feeling of exhaling Ruolan made his heart tingle. Even iron would probably melt, not to mention that he was really full of envy at this moment.


"I envy them."

Take a deep breath, although it is just a few words, but it seems to have a different weight to Lin Qingyou. Saying it makes my heart feel much lighter.

"But Ningning, although I envy them, I will fulfill my promise to you."

"Believe me, as soon as possible!"

Seeing Lin Qingyou's determined yet somewhat silly look, Ning Ning laughed out loud, but her eye circles were also as red as two maple leaves.

"Okay fool, I know what you're thinking."

"Don't worry, I will always be with you."

"As long as... you are still you."

This was a promise between them, so only the two of them could hear it.

But Jiang An, standing by, had already noticed something was wrong, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he made up his mind.

When she got engaged, Lin Qingyou paid 20, so when Zhang Zhejie got engaged, Lao Lin would definitely not favor one over the other, so this was [-].

Indeed, for his income, 20 is nothing.But again, people are about to buy a house now. Lin Qingyou also said before that the full payment must be made in one go.

Whether as a brother or a boss who cares about his subordinates, Jiang An must do something.

The success of "Sledgehammer" has greatly increased his reputation in the industry, so this time he just took the opportunity to develop a new game.

And this time Jiang An plans to hand over all development rights to Lin Qingyou.

First, his ability is good, and second, he can help his brother make more money.


The banquet was still going on. Although there were only six people, it was precisely because of this that the atmosphere remained high.

Everyone exchanged cups, one cup for you and one cup for me, telling many stories about the past. From time to time, Zhang Zhejie would jump out to act as a mood setter for them.

Before I knew it, the bottle of Glenfiddich was already empty, and I ordered two more bottles of red wine, which were also completely wiped out by them.

I always drink with the right person. I won't get drunk after a thousand drinks. But when I meet someone I hate, I will drink half the drink.

Originally, their relationship was unusual, and coupled with the atmosphere of your double happiness today, no one felt drunk no matter how much they drank.

Holding the wine glass, Zhang Zhejie just sang a song affectionately. Although the singing voice was not very nice, it was very emotional.

Xu Ruojia was moved to tears, falling down like a bead curtain.

Lin Xixi and Xu Ningning couldn't comfort her no matter what. In her words, it was really not easy for her and Zhang Zhejie to be together.

"He doesn't know how to take care of his own body at all."

"It's enough to say such touching words now."

Lin Xixi succeeded in pulling Xu Ruojia, and also complained about Jiang An's many careless behaviors towards himself when he was busy at work.

"You men, even though you have a career, you still have to take care of yourselves."

"Everyone said they would take good care of us, but if you can't even take care of yourself, why don't you want our help when you're sick?"

"So you have to be responsible for what you say, and you can't just use work as an excuse."

not good!

Jiang An and the other three men didn't drink too much, but seeing Lin Xixi and the three girls slowly getting drunk, they all looked at each other.

I'm afraid they didn't get a little carried away first, right?

Jiang An glanced at the wine bottles on the table, and his heart sank. When he was eating just now, he was chatting and laughing, and the wine he ordered was delicious, so he didn't take it seriously.

Now think about it, that was 50 years of Glenfiddich.

Because it was well stored in the cellar, the alcohol inside did not evaporate at all. Instead, the taste was refined to a pure, sweet and soft taste. The fruity, floral aroma and a little bit of coal mud were mixed together, and it was sublimated to a new level.

But Jiu Jin is still there!

And no matter what kind of wine it is, the older it is, the better it is preserved, the stronger the wine is, and the softer it tastes.

Jiang An really regretted it this time. He had ordered two more bottles of red wine just now in his excitement.

After all, if you only drink one kind of wine, your drunkenness will be better, but if you mix two kinds of wine...

In order to avoid unexpected situations, Jiang An's side proposed to end today very timely.

"Is everyone having fun? Let's go home first."

"Have a good rest. Although it is a happy day, we still have to leave a little time for everyone to go home and whisper."

She greeted them and walked out with the others. After paying for two bottles of red wine, the store also found a driver for them, and the group went home separately.

And without exception, Jiang An, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou are all taking care of their women.

They were fine, but the girls were drunk.

Sitting in the car going home, Ning Ning had fallen asleep on Lin Qingyou's lap. Looking at her lover with her eyes closed, Lin Qingyou felt something special in her heart.

She was indeed very happy today, but the dog food that Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie spread together also made him choke.

Fortunately, Ning Ning could understand him, otherwise Lao Lin would be really embarrassed.

After all, everyone's progress was so fast, and he couldn't catch up if he was the only one left. It would be so uncomfortable.

It was Ning Ning's words that made him break free from envy and use all his energy to become stronger.

Give her an explanation as soon as possible. (End of chapter)

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