Just when Mr. Jiang was anxious, a voice from behind his ear suddenly saved him.

"Wait a minute, let's go together!"

Just as Jiang An was worried about Lin Xixi, this girl was also worried about her. Jiang An hurriedly followed her. After they both went out, Mr. Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, if he waits a little longer, he won't be able to bear it anymore even if Lin Xixi is there.


In another room, Mr. Zhang had just performed an earth-shaking show for them.

Indeed, Ruojia is also a good wife. She cleaned up everything the old man vomited. Ning Ning was also helping. If Lin Qingyou's burden was not light, he had to hold the old man to prevent him from falling directly from the bed. drop down.

"How's it going? What happened?"

Jiang An walked in quickly. The scene in front of him made him a little worried, but fortunately Ruojia said: "Grandpa just vomited, and now there seems to be no problem."

"Look at it."

Lin Xixi also squeezed in wearing a blanket. At this moment, they saw the eyes of Mr. Zhang, who was already unconscious, open.

Moreover, the smell of alcohol on his face has also dissipated by seven to eight points.

"This is the only problem with me as an old man. I vomit after drinking too much."

"Anyway, just spit it out and it'll be fine. I've been tormenting you tonight, haven't I?"

The old man said, looking at them distressedly.

Lin Qingyou had nothing to say. When the time came, Ningning and Ruojia shook their heads: "It's okay, grandpa, didn't you say we are all one family?"

"As a junior, should I take care of you?"

"That's not what you said."

Mr. Zhang said with emotion: "Nowadays, let alone my granddaughter-in-law, even my own daughter-in-law will not take care of others like this. In the end, it is better for you children, don't dislike us old people."

"Who are you talking about?"

Suddenly, Mr. Jiang's voice came over. At this moment, he had returned to his usual appearance. He said calmly and calmly: "Old man, don't count me in. See if you can drink enough. Next time Just don't push it; it will cause trouble for the children."

"Look at me, nothing happened!"

He said this, but who doesn’t know what happened before?

But no one could expose this old gentleman. As for Mr. Zhang, he didn't believe his words at all: "Stop talking about it. You, Lao Jiang, got drunk before me at the dinner table."

"Okay, I won't nag you here. How about today's meeting is considered a success?"

Mr. Jiang nodded. He was indeed very satisfied with today's dinner.

"That's okay, we can give the child an explanation."

The two old men were quite emotional at this moment. After all, from this time on, their grandchildren will all have wives.

"In the future, you must be worthy of your own choices and the choices of others."

"Grandpa, don't worry."

Jiang An said that it was almost time to sober up now, only Zhang Zhejie was still sleeping soundly.

"Since both old men are fine, you can go and rest."

Jiang An knew that Lin Qingyou and the others had a lot of work to do this night: "Then you two should also have a good rest. After drinking so much wine, you must have a good sleep to recuperate."

"But we can't sleep."

The two old men said almost in unison that the two of them fell asleep when they were drunk anyway, and they would be refreshed when they woke up. Besides, the elderly have less sleep.

When Jiang An saw this, he had to ask Lin Qingyou and the others to rest first, and then tell some things about the hotel, including what the lobby manager said.

"Good to say."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang simply agreed: "Anyway, we have nothing to do now. I guess Xiao Wang needs our help."


Mr. Jiang held different opinions on this: "I also know Xiao Wang. He may want us to tell him about the things he is interested in."

"never mind."

Mr. Zhang laughed: "He gave us enough face today."

"That's it. I won't be vague if I can help him with anything."

The two old men were talking and laughing. After a while, Mr. Zhang actually asked for some beer to clear his mind.

As soon as this statement came out, Mr. Jiang immediately agreed.Although Jiang An didn't want them to be like this, he also knew that the two old men rarely acted so wildly. It happened that there were many people today, so even if there was a problem, he would take care of it.

"Okay, but let me make it clear, drinking is okay, but three bottles per person, no more."

"rest assured."

Mr. Zhang patted his chest and said, "Three bottles are enough! By the way, I want two bowls of noodles and side dishes. If you want to eat, just order them too."

"It will be very comfortable to drink a little soup of hand-made noodles, but I don't want Yangchun noodles, they are too thin."


Liu Youran shed tears all the way out of her father's house, and she didn't even know why.

Is it sad?

Or grief?

Or a little sad?Not willing to give in?
All kinds of emotions seemed to be there, but none of them seemed to exist. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but her tears were like a flood that burst a dam.

He didn't listen to her at all and couldn't control himself.

Liu Youran was crying all the way. Her tears wet the steering wheel and soaked the driver's seat cushion, which also hurt her heart.

She kept driving on the road like this, driving aimlessly, and the places she passed by inadvertently were places where Jiang An had been before.

The street is still the same street, but it seems to have completely changed.

I don't know how long it took, or what time it was, until the tears had dried up, Liu Youran returned to his residence, and Yang Tao was watching TV at home.

Seeing her coming in as a guard, Yang Tao rushed towards him: "Youran, do you know! There is a shocking big melon!"

"I must share it with you."


When she walked into the building door, Liu Youran's mood had eased a lot. The moment she returned home, she had become the same as before.

There is always an indescribable coldness in my heart.

The feeling was uncomfortable, but it was possible to endure it. It was just that it was so debilitating that she was a little weak.

"Tell me a story that surprises you so much. It must be extraordinary."

"That is!"

Yang Tao started talking enthusiastically: "Do you remember that Yang Wenqin?"

"Yes, it was just before...well, you know."

Her relationship with Yang Wenqin, the relationship between Liu Youran and Yang Wenqin, and many of the things she did in the past seemed to be understated in Yang Tao's mouth.

She didn't even notice the change in the expression on Liu Youran's face after she said these words.

"Of course I remember him."

Yang Tao nodded, still going his own way: "Hey, wasn't the Yang Wenqin from before doing a good job in a studio?"

"He's finished now."

Yang Tao lay next to Liu Youran's ear mysteriously: "I heard that he was working against Jiang An's company, and then he cheated in business, or whatever, it was against the law anyway."

"And it offended the goose factory!"

"According to rumors, that guy might stay there for 30 to [-] years this time."

"Some people seem to be saying that Goose Factory is determined to make him sit in jail for the rest of his life."

When Yang Tao said this, he looked at Liu Youran happily: "It's a good thing that I didn't have anything to do with him, otherwise it would have been really troublesome. People say that Goose Factory is a good baby if it doesn't use the knife. Once the knife is used, Are you sure your house will be ransacked?"

"If we really had anything to do with him at that time, I think we will be punished this time too."

"Fortunately fortunate!"

Yang Tao didn't forget to pat her chest as she spoke. Although she only had so much to say, Liu Youran could tell that she had a voiceover.

It seemed that she was telling herself that her behavior was correct. In a certain way, she saved herself.

There are hundreds of kinds of tea in the world, but the one in front of you is really green.

In the past, although Liu Youran could usually hold back his temper, this time he would definitely fall out with Yang Tao.

However, today it seemed that none of the news could touch her heart. Yang Tao said a lot, but Liu Youran didn't feel it at all.

And Yang Wenqin, even if he is arrested, what does it have to do with him?
He has long since lost his past. (End of chapter)

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