Lin Xixi's reaction only intensified Jiang An's determination to swipe his card.

"Very good, then if we pay the bill now, can we move in directly?"


The staff member replied with a smile: "And if you purchase it in full today, sir, we will also provide you with some gifts."

"For example, our most popular place right now is the parking lot outside the factory."

Jiang An was stunned for a moment. Such houses all have private garages, so what is the parking lot outside the factory?
"That's it."

The staff explained patiently: "Because all our current owners may have it due to work or personal preferences."

"There are some people who like to play with cars, so the garage that comes with the house itself cannot meet their needs."

"In this way, in order to facilitate our distinguished owners.", "So before the project was developed, a piece of land was specially planned and used exclusively as a parking lot. Only owners who paid in full can get it for free."

"It's the kind of direct gift, right?"

Zhang Zhejie's eyes lit up when he heard this. You must know that in Shanghai, parking spaces are a luxury.

However, the staff member shook his head: "Actually, the only thing given to you is the right to use it, because it is commercial land, and there is no buying and selling relationship between us."

"So the land ownership cannot be given to you. Of course, this is to follow the regulations. This parking space is still open to the public at the same time."

"If you don't need it, you can rent it out. At the same time, the money will be credited to your account after tax is deducted."

In the words of the staff, this is for the convenience of customers, and it is a sign of sincerity that the park property is customer-oriented.

"Generally speaking, our parking space rentals can generate an average income of more than 10 yuan per year due to the location."

“Although the money won’t be a lot, it’s good to treat it as a passive income.”

High-end is just different.

Anyway, no matter what Jiang An and Lin Qingyou think, Lao Zhang is tempted now: "Okay, this is really good."

"Yes sir, can we sign the contract now?" The smile on the staff's face has always been so decent: "Of course, if you don't need a parking space, we have other options here."

"Okay, sign the contract!"

With a pat on the thigh, Zhang Zhejie had already decided to pay.

Jiang An and Lin Qingyou were not lagging behind this time. The three of them signed the purchase contract together. After paying, they completed all the procedures in a few hours under the street lights.

“Now congratulations to the three of you for becoming our distinguished owners.”

"All personnel involved in the company and the project swear to the distinguished owners that they will do their best to live up to the trust of every owner."

"Alright, alright."

With a character like Zhang Zhejie's, he was a little frightened by their earthy ceremony. He waved his hands hurriedly. He couldn't wait to go to his new home to rest.

"and many more."

After buying the house, Jiang An felt extremely comfortable, because at this moment, Lin Xixi and the other three girls were holding hands, discussing how to live in the future.

Now that the three families have become neighbors, no matter whether they are going out or doing anything in the future, just calling them will make them feel less lonely.

However, Jiang An looked at the appearance of the three girls at this moment, and he was a little worried. If these three guys formed an alliance, then life for his brothers would not be easy.

Lin Nuxia takes the lead, and the other two can make them dizzy even if they just beat the drums.



After all the procedures were completed, Jiang An and Lin Qingyou planned to go home and have a look, and then contact some professionals to change the door locks.

Then bring some daily necessities so that you can move in tonight.

But when he arrived at the door of his house, Zhang Zhejie forcibly dragged him to his house for no other reason than to celebrate.

Leaning on the Nordic-style fabric sofa, the smile on Zhang Zhejie's face has not changed at all, as if it is branded on it: "Otherwise they say they want to change to a bigger house. Look at the lighting and layout, it's not Same."

"You two, I know you are anxious to move in, but you must not forget the rules left by our ancestors."


Jiang An raised his eyebrows: "You won't do that mysterious trick too, will you?"

"of course not."

His Mr. Zhang’s main theme is that there are no taboos: “I mean, buying a house is a big deal for us, although we have made it clear to our family.” “But now that we have become a distinguished owner, shouldn’t we also celebrate it? Housewarming?!"

"Come on."

Lin Qingyou was a little tired after a busy day, and puffed on the atomizer: "Shouldn't we celebrate the day after we move in?"

"Are you going to move in today?"

Although you are checking in with your bags, the prerequisite is that you still have to carry your bags, that is, you need to bring daily necessities and so on. How can you stay without anything?
But Zhang Zhejie snorted nonchalantly: "We are all people of the new era, Lao Lin, you are a game developer, why are you so unimaginative?"

"Can't we celebrate today and then celebrate again when we move?"

"Are you celebrating? Are you afraid of too much?"

His fallacy, just one sentence, is enough to defeat Lin Qingyou.

After all, there were only six of them, so it was normal to have some food and drinks during the celebration.

"Well, since you insist, Lao Zhang, I don't want to say anything else."

"How about you make a request and then you treat me?"

"Small idea!"

Zhang Zhejie laughed, and Lin Xixi and the others heard from the side: "I said Mr. Zhang was very generous today."

"Normally, after spending so much money to buy a house, your personality will definitely keep your wallet tight for a long time. What happened today?"

Faced with Lin Xixi's question, Zhang Zhejie's answer was quite infuriating and speechless: "Nvxia Rongcheng, but before I answer you, I hope Nvxia Lin will clarify one thing."

"I'm not the stingy guy you said, I just know how to get by, do you understand?"

"It's two concepts."

Shaking his head proudly, Zhang Zhejie continued: "It's okay for me to treat you tonight, but I have a request."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Jiang An. In fact, Jiang An knew what this kid wanted to do without him having to tell him.

"Okay, we'll have another day off tomorrow, just for moving."

"Is that okay?"

Although Jiang An thought he performed well, Lao Zhang and Lao Lin still saw his thoughts.

"Look at our boss Jiang, he is so reasonable!"

"But..." Zhang Zhejie curled his lips with a bad smile: "He did this for Lady Lin, Lao Lin, but this time he used him as an excuse for us."

What Lao Zhang said was absolutely true. Jiang An did say this after seeing Lin Xixi's impatient look.

Otherwise, according to his personality, since he is about to travel, he will basically devote all his time to work before departure.

Strive to ensure that all work handovers can be completed safely.

This is also Jiang An's consistent way of doing things, but he only makes an exception when facing Lin Xixi.


Jiang An didn't want to watch the two of them come and bombard him: "Stop making fun of me here, Lao Zhang, have you decided where you want to host tonight?"

"That is."

Zhang Zhejie looked prepared and betrayed him instantly. It was obvious that he had planned this in advance: "I think we have been eating a little too well these days."

"So I thought, if I continue to eat big fish and meat, I will definitely not be able to eat it."

"There is a very good food stall on East Street. How about we go and pick something to eat?"

"Are you talking about the one on East Street, the one that rents a parking lot?"

As soon as Lin Qingyou said that, Zhang Zhejie kept nodding: "Yes! It's his home. Lao Lin, have you been there?"

"Tell me, does his family really have tiger red?"

Tiger red is a special cold-water fish with fresh and tender meat, and because of the extremely low temperature of the water where it lives, it has become a freshwater fish species that is rarely used as fish meat.

Lin Qingyou's answer was very positive.

"Yes, that's his family. Laohuhong is quite authoritative." (End of Chapter)

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