Lin Xixi suddenly shouted, and everyone's eyes immediately turned to him. As for Mr. Zhang, perhaps it was because he was too impatient.

He actually didn't follow the crew member's instructions and just started to hit the pole. His main focus was a swift and fierce move.

I thought he would still fail, but I didn't expect that he would get a big deal - lobster!
And it’s an authentic Daqinglong.

Not the little green dragon.

Looking at the body size of the lobster, it has reached edible size.

"I'll go! I said there must be something big!"

Zhang Zhejie was happier than anyone else. Although he had spoken harshly, his body was still very honest. He had been unable to sit still for a long time. If it weren't for the sake of breathing, he wouldn't be like this.

As a man, face comes first.

And now that his face has been restored with Qinglong's coming out of the water, why don't he just give it up?

"Okay, Lao Zhang, you are the cruelest."

Jiang An sighed at his luck: "We got so much seafood, and we were just thinking about getting a lobster to eat."

"This will be just right."

Jiang An had to take care of Zhang Zhejie's face, so when he said this, Lao Zhang hurriedly borrowed Po Xia Donkey: "Yes, this is a coincidence."

"If you look at this lobster, we can eat three."

There are not many lobsters that can be eaten three times, which shows how rich Lao Zhang's harvest is.


With Lao Zhang's face restored, everyone can finally start tonight's barbecue.

All fish and seafood are prepared in advance by the chefs on board, and then they just need to grill them over charcoal fire themselves.

As for Lao Zhang’s lobster, he eats three kinds of shrimp, including sashimi shrimp meat, shrimp porridge and fried typhoon shelter shrimp shells.

A large table of seafood feast kicked off the night.


"I'm so tired today."

Jiang An sighed: "But it's quite interesting, isn't it?"

"Honestly, I'm kind of falling in love with this activity."

"that's great."

Lao Zhang was still high-profile at this moment: "I think it's pretty good, so why don't we do more activities like this in the future?"

"just forget it."

Lin Qingyou grabbed a piece of grilled snapper meat and said: "Sea fishing is a waste of time and entertainment. We are a company that makes games, and the work is very intensive."

"It's okay to come out for fun occasionally, but it will be troublesome if you become addicted."

Zhang Zhejie did not agree with his statement, and even roped in Ning Ning to help: "Old Lin, although we are busy with work, we should still have some free space."

"Besides, although the company needs us now, what about its future development?"

"Then it's even more necessary."

Lin Qingyou's words made Lao Zhang almost spit out the ice wine in his mouth: "Are you kidding me?"

"The company is developing better and better. There are more people who can replace us, and won't there be more free time?"


Waving his hand, Zhang Zhejie said: "We have come out this time, so will it be far away next time?"

"I think the bigger the company is, the more we should look at every link within the company. This is respect for our customers."


Seeing the two of them mentioning work, Jiang An hurriedly interrupted, funny, are you having fun now?
And if work is mentioned, several girls become silent.

How disappointing?
"Let's talk about the things at hand. Today is our first day on the ship. The first day is so interesting. How will we spend the next few days? Have you thought about it?"

When Jiang An said this, the first person to respond to him was Lin Xixi: "Teacher Jiang! I know, I plan to dive tomorrow!"

"And! And! I want to wake surf!"

Ruojia also said at the side: "Also, I want to try that slide. It is said that the sea area where we will arrive tomorrow will allow you to ride on the slide."

"What about you?"

Jiang An looked at Ning Ning. He said he was discussing with everyone. In fact, he was collecting everyone's thoughts and attitudes, and he would just send them directly to the tour guide.

The tour guide is also on board, and they only need to communicate with her for any needs.


Xu Ningning pointed at herself and smiled: "They have said everything I want to do, but I can live like this tomorrow, but what about the day after tomorrow?" "What about the next few days?"


When she said this, everyone felt a little worried. If this was the only entertainment item on the ship, it would be really boring.

Although Mr. Wang kindly hopes that they can enjoy the scenery on the sea more, the scenery will make them feel tired after a long time.

Besides, they are all young people!
Shouldn't young people do something meaningful?

Jiang An, who saw everyone looking a bit sad, simply decided to invite the tour guide to have a meal together again. He had already invited the tour guide once before, but was rejected by the other party.

The reason is simple. As a server, she cannot sit with the guests.


Soon at Jiang An's request, the beautiful tour guide came.

"Guests, are you satisfied with today's service?"

This is called professionalism!

Lao Zhang said with emotion: "It seems that I have never heard a word from you that has nothing to do with tourism."

"This is my duty."

The beautiful tour guide smiled, and then refused Jiang An's invitation to sit down and have a meal.

"If you stand like this, it won't be comfortable for us to eat."

Although Jiang An knows that this is a matter of professionalism, professionalism must also be humane. If the beautiful tour guide keeps acting so businesslike, it will only ruin the current atmosphere.

However, just when Jiang An thought she was going to reject him, the beautiful tour guide actually agreed.

"Okay then, thank you very much."

Although it was a bit unexpected, Jiang An still liked the result. Everyone sat down to eat together, and the distance between the beautiful tour guide and them became much closer.

After a few brief words, the beautiful tour guide also understood Jiang An's needs.

“So that’s it, distinguished guests, you don’t have to worry at all.”

"We have bars, tkv, chess and cards, social parties and other activities on board. We also provide guests with art supplies, as well as performance shows and so on."

"So you don't have to worry at all. The journey will be lonely. Enriching the journey is also very important."

"Frog fun! There's actually a bar?"

Zhang Zhejie's eyes suddenly lit up: "Really? It's not that quiet, right?"

"There are three."

The tour guide smiled and patiently explained to them that the bars on the cruise ship are divided into dynamic bars that young people like, clear bars, and business bars.

"But for the business bar, we need to make a reservation in advance."

"It's okay, I won't go to that place anyway."

Mr. Zhang, who was resurrected with full health, his blood was beating: "How about Lao Jiang, Lao Lin, how about we go to the bar to hang out after dinner?"

"Isn't it said that bars are the best place for young people to socialize? Look at how many elites we can meet on this cruise ship."

"Come on."

As soon as Zhang Zhejie finished speaking, Ruojia's little hand was placed on his waist, and Zhang Zhejie suddenly felt numb all over: "Why socialize? I think you want to see those big white legs?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Even if he kills Zhang Zhejie, he can't admit it: "I just want to see it. People who can really go to sea on this kind of cruise ship have extraordinary status. If I meet a few like-minded people, it will also be helpful for future development."

"Right, Lao Jiang?"

Jiang An chose to remain silent, and Mr. Zhang had no choice but to turn his attention to Lin Qingyou for help, but it was a pity that Old Lin was also counting the stars at this time.


Zhang Zhejie, who failed to ask for help, may have been reacting to stress, but he actually burst out with wise words. He looked at Ruojia eagerly, scanning his eyes up and down.

"Actually, you really misunderstood me."

“I really just go to the bar to see if there’s anyone that’s suitable.”

"Besides, look at your thighs? Do I have this preference? Even if I do, who has whiter thighs than you?"

Drive on the spot!
Suddenly Ruojia's face turned as red as a ripe apple, and no matter how much she wanted to say anything, she couldn't speak, as if all the words would be blocked when they came to her mouth.

The atmosphere at the scene was also ignited with Mr. Zhang's words.

In the end, he played more explosively, but Lin Xixi and Xu Ningning now want to know how he, Lao Zhang, will continue to survive after Ruojia blushes. This is simply a huge problem. (End of chapter)

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