The fireworks show continues.

The splendor in the dream, the feeling presented in front of your eyes, it is impossible to describe the wonderful feeling without experiencing it personally.

But the happy time is always short-lived. When the fireworks show ends, all the splendor comes to an end, and the park gradually enters silence.

Lying on the bed, Lin Xixi leaned on Jiang An's chest: "Teacher Jiang, there is something I want to tell you."

"Say it."

Jiang An couldn't help but laugh and said: "Our usually neat and tidy Lin Nvxia, why did she become so petty and angry today?"

"Speak directly, you know I won't refuse you."

"Of course."

Lin Xixi smiled so hard that her eyes turned into slits, and she bit her lower lip to avoid making any noise. "Do you think we can go to Disneyland in the Magic City after we return to the Magic City?"


Jiang An touched her body: "Just go there then. I was too busy before, but although I agree to you now, the next time I go, I have to wait until we finish the project after a while, okay?"

Lin Xixi nodded, that's for sure.

But Jiang An was worried about affecting her mood, so she deliberately said: "After all, if you want to play, you must have enough bullets in your wallet. I will go back to earn some money for the tickets."

"Lest we have to play in the park during the day and hide on the Black Pearl at night and sleep secretly."

"Your mouth!"

At that time, Lin Xixi was so teased by Jiang An that she couldn't bear it any longer: "On the Internet, it is now said that men's mouths are deceitful. I thought Teacher Jiang would be different."

"I didn't expect you to be such a bitch!"

"What did you say?"

When Jiang An held her just now, he actually felt Mosuo was uncomfortable. When he heard the trash talk from Xiao Lin, he gave him a chance to take action.

Xiao Nizi, you asked for this.

Without waiting for Lin Xixi to react, Jiang An turned over and pinned her down. The scene that followed was naturally a night fire burning and the waves rolling outside Lantau Island.


It’s half past ten in the morning!
  As Disneyland officially opened for business, Jiang An and his party also ushered in their first day of playing here.

Their first stop was "Main Street, U.S.A."

Stepping into it, you will see all kinds of retro scenes, as if you are really in that era.

The most famous one here is undoubtedly the Flying Parade, which is also the main attraction of the town.

Under the leadership of the tour guide, the people in Jiang'an started a swimming trip according to the planned route.

After more than two hours of fighting, Jiang An and others also came out of the town and entered the next scenic spot "Toy Story Base Camp".

Time flies so fast, and everyone is getting hungry before we know it.

Lin Xixi got up late this morning, so she came out of the hotel without having time to eat. She was the first one to complain.

"Teacher Jiang, why don't we eat something first, do you think that's okay?"

"If this continues, I'll probably faint."

What could Jiang An say? Seeing her aggrieved look, he couldn't help but smile. He had to agree to her, but what to eat here and where to eat.

It's better to listen to the tour guide's opinion.

Soon, under the guidance of the tour guide, they came to a restaurant. After having a simple meal, they entered the next theme "Adventure World".

After finishing this theme, it was almost time to close the park. Although there was still about an hour, the tour guide suggested that they could choose to go back and rest to avoid overexertion.

Jiang An and others naturally adopted such constructive opinions, and this time they came out to play.

Anyway, there is no time plan, so it can be more comfortable. There is no need to rush to complete all the projects in one or two days.

In the hotel, in order to thank the tour guide, under Jiang An's strong invitation, she finally agreed to sit down and have a meal with everyone. “Thank you for your recognition of our work. As long as the distinguished guests are satisfied, that is the happiest thing for us.”

As the tour guide said, she picked up a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

Then she also planned the next itinerary for everyone, because there are a total of nine themes in the park, three of which were carried out today, and then tomorrow they can choose to move from "Fantasy World" to "Tomorrowland" and finally "Grizzly Valley" .

"If this is feasible, we can enjoy a more unique dinner in Grizzly Bear Valley, and then return to the hotel and have a good rest."

The third day's projects are "Iron Man Headquarters" and "Toy Story Base Camp", and the fourth day is "Mysterious Manor" and "Frozen World".

"Then if there is one of these themes that we like, we can play it again on the fifth day."

“This way you won’t be very tired and you can explore the entire park.”

"If we have had enough fun here, we can move to the next location. As Mr. Jiang and I have said before, this time we come out mainly for shopping."

"Then I want to feel the characteristics of this place, so I think I can try Ocean Park."

"Ocean Park is a hotel with its own brand. If you go shopping later, you can look for it all over Hong Kong."

When the tour guide said this, she took out her handwritten book: "Here is a list of all shopping malls in Hong Kong, and the specifications and characteristics of the shopping malls are also marked at the back."

"You can take a look in advance."

Because the professionalism of the tour guide had been recognized by them, Jiang An and his party had no objection to his arrangement.

"Anyway, we must go to Prince's Building."

Lin Qingyou was the first to speak: "This is Hong Kong's technology product center. Some of the equipment used in the company can be updated here."

“Although the price is not cheap, the stuff is really good.”

Jiang An nodded. He had thought about this before: "Then I must go to ifc."

"I want to buy some leaves for Xi Xi."

"Leaves" is a colloquial saying, and it can be said about everything from clothing decorations on the body.

Lin Xixi, on the other hand, was very happy to see Jiang An being so playful. It seemed that their teacher Jiang had really relaxed.

"Yes, we will arrange the route according to your needs. We will have cars throughout the entire journey. And because of the special environmental issues here, our company has also equipped a special bodyguard team for you."

"Frog fun!"

Upon hearing this, Lao Zhang's eyes lit up: "Beauty! Did you say there are bodyguards? It's like the one in the movie, right?"

"Wearing sunglasses and a suit, and then wearing a headset, a tough guy, right?"

He was so excited. In fact, Ruojia and Ningning were also very excited at this moment. After all, bodyguards are a mysterious industry for them.

The tour guide was much calmer: "Yes, the situation here is different from that in the mainland, so for everyone's safety, it is also to increase our service."

"The company has made such an arrangement, and our team is all professional, especially the ones arranged for our distinguished guests this time are internationally recognized gold medal commuter special defense personnel."

The so-called special defense is to protect dignitaries, and if you are abroad, you need to be equipped with a gun.

Lao Zhang's excitement was once again ignited.

"Frog Fun, I never thought that one day my brother would be like in the movie!"

"Yeah, I just don't know if these bodyguards are handsome or not."

As bright as Ning Ning's eyes were, Lao Lin's eyes were now dim. After all, he was not too confident about his appearance.

They were very excited, but Jiang An felt that it was a bit unnecessary. At least there was no need for special guards, right?
  Originally he wanted to say something, but when he saw Lin Xixi's eyes shining, he didn't want to say anything more.

Anyway, as long as Lin Xixi likes it.


The four days at Disney were very slow, but if you were really immersed in it, it passed by without you noticing. On the fifth day, Jiang An and his party said goodbye to Disney and went to the Ocean Park Hotel to check in. At the same time, it officially opened their shopping trip.

Buy and buy!
  It’s not an attitude, it’s something that needs to be implemented in behavior. (End of chapter)

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