Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 588 The God of Ginger Tea and Yellow Peach

Looking at the milk tea handed over by Jiang An, Lin Xixi simply didn't want to be surprised. If she hadn't been feeling uncomfortable, she would definitely jump up and give him a big ooh.

"Teacher Jiang still understands me."

"How did you know I would want milk tea?"

While drinking, Lin Xixi looked at Jiang An eagerly, looking innocent and innocent: "Did I just talk in my sleep?"

"No, who doesn't want to drink a cup of warm milk tea when they feel uncomfortable?"

"Anyway, I think our classmate Xiaolin definitely needs it."

"Teacher Jiang, I love you!"

Even though she was feeling unwell, Lin Xixi still pulled Jiang An and kissed her hard, but she immediately regretted it.

"If this happens, will it infect you?"

"Will not."

Jiang An dared to guarantee: "You just have a fever now. You don't have a cough or anything. It's just a common cold at most."

"So just take some medicine or something. So Xiaolin-san, who has got a cup of milk tea now, would you like to have some breakfast?"

No matter when, Lin Xixi has no resistance to eating.

But the question is, what should I eat now?

"Mr. Jiang, I feel like something is stuck in my throat right now, and it's burning."

"And it feels cold inside my stomach."

"So is there anything you can recommend to me?"

Sure enough, Jiang An knew that the problem would still fall on him in the end. Fortunately, he made preparations in advance: "Two suggestions. First, you can eat some sweet noodle soup."

"The second thing is, if you don't mind a stronger taste, I can make you a stir-fried pork dish with shredded ginger."

"It's noon now. By calculation, you haven't eaten in almost over twelve hours."

"So would you like to?"

Lin Xixi, who was lying in bed, covered her head immediately when she heard the ginger shredded meat being stir-fried. She had eaten this dish before.

It is said to be a very famous old dish in the north. It actually looks very good, but she really can't stand the crispy and spicy taste of shredded ginger.

Especially last time, the ginger chosen was not good enough and was particularly old.

"When I tasted it, the inside of me was covered with the snowy white color of ginger shreds."

"I don't want it!"

She was so cute, Jiang An couldn't help but smile. In fact, he also knew that Lin Xixi would not choose the latter. In fact, the original intention of this choice was not to let her choose.

But if only one direction is given, Lady Lin may not be happy.

This is also Teacher Jiang’s wisdom.

"Okay, then just wait for me for a moment. I'll be back in three minutes."

"But it's agreed. Although I won't eat shredded ginger meat, I will cook a pot of healthy ginger shredded hot tea. You want to give me this face, do you understand?"

"Alright alright."

Lin Xixi agreed directly without thinking. In her opinion, it was enough to deal with the "trouble" in front of her first. As for Jiang Sicha and so on. It doesn't matter if you wait a while and cheat.


Sweet noodle soup is actually boiled with flour, water, and sugar. It is similar to a paste but is more refreshing.

It is a local specialty snack that has the effect of repelling cold and contains enough sugar to make people feel better.

Jiang An started playing around in the kitchen.

He has already fried the flour in advance. This requires a little bit of skill, that is, it must be completely fried while not allowing the flour to turn yellow.

Because one of the characteristics of this noodle soup is that it is very white.

The three-minute operation only allows the flour that has been fried in advance to completely blend with the water and sugar.

Jiang An came in with noodle soup, and Lin Xixi also got up from the bed in cooperation: "Is this for me?"

"Eat quickly."

Jiang An couldn't help but smile. He didn't want to talk to this girl anymore. He had to hurry up and prepare the ginger tea, otherwise he would cheat later.

Here Lin Xixi was sitting on the bedside drinking noodle soup, while Jiang An watched over her and started a new round of operations.

Ginger tea!

For many people, this is a very scary drink. In addition to the original taste of shredded ginger, which is not very acceptable, it is also mixed with some simple medicinal materials and black tea.

You can imagine what it tastes like.

Lin Xixi was drinking noodle soup and glanced at Jiang An who was working. She felt uncomfortable all over. “Don’t peek, even if you peek you still have to drink.”

Jiang An said without any doubt: "You are a sick child now, so you must listen to the teacher's words."

"Of course, I will also try to make it taste better."

"Actually, the ginger tea outside doesn't taste good, mainly because the ginger tea isn't handled properly."

As he said that, he showed Lin Xixi the ginger slices he had prepared. They were all thin slices cut by hand and soaked in ice water.

"This can remove its spicy taste without destroying the efficacy of the ginger itself."

"So believe me, the taste is no different from ordinary sweet tea."

Lin Xixi nodded, her smile just a little forced and awkward.

Stop it!

How can ginger tea taste so good?

Five minutes later, as the blended tea in the health pot was boiled, an indescribable aroma suddenly filled the bedroom, including the sweet aroma of red dates and longan, and a little bit of tea. The special ingredients of wolfberry make its taste extremely special among various fragrances.

Finally, behind this complicated thought, there is a faint hint of shredded ginger.

It's amazing. If you don't pay attention, you can't feel the taste of ginger at all.

"Come on, take a rest and wait until the heat stops before you drink again."

Jiang An poured out two glasses, one for Lin Xixi and one for himself.

He knew that if he didn't accompany Xiaolin, he wouldn't be able to get it in, and at the same time, he was taking some precautions for himself.

After all, two people sleep in the same bed. If she gets sick, who will take care of Lin Xixi?


"Do you really want to drink?"

"I really want to drink."

Lin Xixi was holding the warm ginger tea, still a little unable to swallow it, but Jiang An's answer was a flat yes and a very strong one.

"Believe me, as long as you drink this cup, your belly will be warm."

"Then just simmer in bed for a while, and you will definitely get better."

"Then I also prepared for you the guardian of the children of the north - the God of Yellow Peach!"

"How about as long as you drink it all, I'll invite the God of Yellow Peach out, okay?"

In the north, as long as a child is sick, a bottle of canned yellow peach can basically solve the problem.

It's amazing, and I can't find any scientific basis for it, but it works.

Lin Xixi naturally knew this legend, but there was no such theory in the south, although she was curious about how powerful the God of Yellow Peach was.

But she was still very hesitant to exchange ginger tea.

"Teacher Jiang, is it really okay?"

"Believe me."

Jiang An said, picked up his glass, raised his head and drank it.

Seeing the expression of enjoyment on his face and the act of pouring another glass, Lin Xixi was still moved.

"Anyway, this is the only drink that doesn't taste good. I'm a heroine who won't be a coward when traveling around the world!"

After cheering herself up for a long time, Lin Xixi closed her eyes and drank the ginger tea in large gulps. However, as soon as it entered her mouth, she realized that she seemed to be bluffing.

Because the taste of this ginger tea was completely different from the ones she had used before. It was very delicate and not too strong. Even the fruity flavor was still stimulating her taste buds that were numb due to fever.

Is this really ginger tea?

Is there such delicious ginger tea?

After reacting, Lin Xixi changed her previous attitude as if she was "generous for charity" and tasted it with a smile, letting the complex taste of the tea spread in her mouth.

"Ah, Teacher Jiang, what kind of magical secret recipe is this? It tastes so good!"

"It's different from anything I've tasted before."

"Who do you think I am?" Jiang An couldn't help but laugh: "Actually, this is the right thing to do. Don't ask me how I know this. Read more books and newspapers, eat less snacks and sleep more."

Lin Xixi couldn't help but laugh out loud when the classic lines came out, but the problem was that she immediately realized that she had allowed herself to be tricked.

"Dog man, are you trying to make fun of my habit of eating snacks?"

As she spoke, Lin Xixi's pink fist also shook.

Just, threaten him! (End of chapter)

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