Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 591 The test papers given by the old men

Facing the questioning looks of Ning Ning and Ruo Jia, Lin Nuxia felt very embarrassed.

"Don't you believe me?"

"Don't forget that this heroine always keeps her word."

"forget it."

Ning Ning smiled helplessly. As best friends, how could they not know Lin Xixi's habits: "Anyway, the purpose of this time is to let these guys protect their bodies."

"Anyway, we can just make a measurement ourselves. After all, only we know their physical condition."

Ning Ning's words sounded like she was about to drive.

At this time, it is natural that Lin Nvxia comes to help: "Speaking of which, I would like to ask the two sisters, are your lives very happy?"


When girls get together, when no one is around, their topics may become much more popular than those of men.

But this is only when their best friends are together. If there is another mosquito, they will not be able to remove the disguise.

The few men downstairs are now much more serious. They are all married, and driving is actually quite tiring.

"Let's do this."

Zhang Zhejie has already contacted his grandfather. Mr. Zhang said that he can definitely attend the party tonight, and he will also bring them a very rare wine as a return gift.

"But my grandfather said that whether we can drink it depends on what the past gifts are like and whether they can be judged by him."

Lao Zhang was not speechless at this time: "He said that if he doesn't like something, he will take this bottle of wine back when the time comes."


Upon hearing this, Jiang An immediately waved his hand: "My grandpa is here. Do you think I can take back his wine?"

"I do not know."

Shaking his head, Zhang Zhejie leaned back on his chair helplessly: "But you also know my grandfather's character. If he doesn't want to give it, I don't think anyone can take it away."


Lin Qingyou suddenly said: "Why do I feel like the old man is giving us test questions? Has he already received the news in advance and knows what we are going to give?"

"No way?"

Lao Zhang didn't believe in the emergence of traitors, but Jiang An also reacted: "This is not a problem of traitors. You forgot, we were accompanied by Mr. Wang's people the whole time we went out, so... "

"Frog fun!"

"No way?"

Suddenly, Zhang Zhejie felt like he had fallen into a spy movie: "My grandfather wouldn't be so dishonest, would he?"

After tilting his head and thinking for a while, Lao Zhang already figured it out without anyone having to answer - yes!

Regardless of whether Jiang An is familiar with Mr. Zhang's character, Lin Qingyou has already experienced it.

"What should I do?"

The problem suddenly arises. No one expected to go out for a fun trip, and then come back with gifts and have to take an exam. It’s very uncomfortable.

"Lao Jiang, it's time for you to make a decision."

Zhang Zhejie touched his face and said, "How's it going? Does Teacher Jiang have any tips for coping with the exam?"

Jiang An didn't pay attention either. The idea came to him too quickly and he was unprepared.


After a moment of hesitation, Jiang An made a decisive decision: "Let's set off now. Didn't the old man give us a problem? Let's give him a big gift."

"What do you mean?"

Although he didn't quite know what Jiang An was thinking, Zhang Zhejie felt very excited by the look on his face: "Anyway, no matter what you say, we will do it!"

"Yes, that's what I mean too!"

Lin Qingyou was also made excited by the two of them. In fact, sometimes when I think about it, it's quite interesting to be able to tease Menzi like this with the old men.

Also very happy.

"Since they have given us difficult questions, we not only have to hand in the paper, but we also have to get high scores. Otherwise, won't we be looked down upon by the old men?"

"That makes sense."

Zhang Zhejie asked impatiently: "Lao Jiang, please stop showing off and hurry up. We will listen to you on what to do."

"A total of two steps."

Jiang An asked them to get closer, "Listen to the first step, let's set off now and go straight to the plant market. Although it's a bit late now, it shouldn't be a problem if we hurry up." "What are we going to the green plant market for?"

Lin Qingyou didn't quite understand what he was doing. Was he trying to buy flowers?


Jiang An nodded: "I'm buying flowers, but not ordinary flowers. I plan to buy two trees for the old men."


"Frog fun!"

As soon as these words came out, Lao Zhang and Lao Lin were both confused: "Buying a tree? What kind of operation is this?"

"Humph, didn't the ancients say that they hope that the elderly can have evergreen pines and cypresses, so we bought two trees and planted them in their yards."

"The implication is good, but the key is that it can also arrange some work for them."

Speaking of this, Jiang An couldn't help but smile a little evilly.

But compared to Zhang Zhejie's wild laughter, he was already very polite: "Lao Jiang, it has to be you. Sure enough, you can do these things more absolutely than us."

"Let's go, let's go as you said!"

Jiang An nodded, and after saying hello to the three girls upstairs, the three brothers drove Zhang Zhejie's business car and went straight to the green plant market.


Dafa Caiyuan Green Plant Club!

As a well-known green plant company in Shanghai, Dafa Caiyuan not only has a good reputation, but also has the most complete after-sales service. As long as you purchase its products, you can solve any technical problems during the subsequent planting process. Come directly to them.

The company's personnel will also provide standardized help and services.

Likewise, their main focus is on the high end.

"Anyway, we have finished our requests. Please help us choose two trees."

Just now, Zhang Zhejie has already stated all their demands. First of all, it is definitely pine and cypress trees, but in terms of species, their requirements are that they are easy to care for and adapt to the local climate.

Although it is said that the old men have to find some work to do, it should not be too tiring, as long as it is easy to take care of, water it and fertilize it and it will grow well.

On the one hand, they are worried that too much work will make the old men very hard, and also because although the two old men are older, they still have a lot of work to do every day.

You can’t waste too much time on this, right?

"We have all remembered your requests."

The store recorded their requirements in detail, and then quickly used the computer to find suitable varieties and pick up the goods immediately.

"Okay, it's them."

Jiang An chose the shape and size of the tree. After paying the money, he asked the store to deliver the tree.


Although they have never seen such anxious customers, high-end stores will naturally not show any hesitation. For them, completing the customer's requirements is the most important thing.

"So what's the address?"

"Do we need to send someone to do the transplant?"

Jiang An said: "As for the address, I will lead the way, and then it would be best if someone can help transplant it. Are we all laymen? If the planting is not good, such good green plants will be wasted."

"I see, please wait a moment."

It only took the store five minutes to arrange all the personnel steps.

Then Jiang An immediately took everyone on their way to the old man's house. The first stop was Mr. Zhang's house.

As for why, the only reason is that this test question came from his mouth. No matter how the strategy was negotiated, since he was the one to announce it, he had to be regarded as the core figure.

They set off here, and Jiang An also contacted Lin Xixi in the car about such a big move on his side.

They can only bother them to drive to meet each other, and at the same time, they have to bring all the gifts they have prepared.

Naturally, Lin Nuxia agreed wholeheartedly. The only problem was that they were not able to participate in such a lively event as planting trees, so it was a bit regretful.

But Jiang An knew very well that it seemed like a lively event, but in fact, it was also a competition with old men.

How can it be so easy.


When Jiang An and the others came to Mr. Zhang's home with their "gifts", the old man was dumbfounded.

"I said, boy, what are you doing?"

"It's a pickaxe and a shovel. Are you planning to demolish my house?"

Jiang An chuckled and took the old man to look at it together: "Of course I can't demolish a house. Don't you think we are here to give gifts to an inn?" (End of Chapter)

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