Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 753: Do you want to go in and give it a try?

Chen Siya was dumbfounded!

I didn't expect to meet Zhang Zhejie in this way here.

"boss Zhang!"


Chen Siya didn't know how to speak at this moment. He really wanted to give his wife and mother a big mouth!

What is this called!

It's not good to offend anyone, it has to fall into Zhang Zhejie's hands.


"The person I was arguing with just now is not his."

The woman's words instantly brought the Chunchen family half back to life. If it weren't for Zhang Zhejie, it would have been much easier.

"Mr. Zhang didn't expect to meet you here."

"Now that things have reached this point, I need to solve the problem first, and then we go out to eat lobster!"

"My treat."

When Chen Siya said this, Lao Zhang was amused by him. He couldn't blame him for the lack of progress in his business and his lack of love.

Without even thinking about it, if there wasn't some reason, could I have stood up and stopped him?


I sighed softly in my heart. Lao Zhang felt a little pity for him now. Wouldn't it be good for me to eat some walnuts to replenish my brain?

It's winter, why go out and play, and then freeze your brain.

"Where's the person we had a quarrel with just now!"

"stand out!"

Chen Siya started barking again. It was probably because his wife was worried that Chen Siya might get into trouble again, so she pointed directly at Jiang An and Lin Xixi.

"It's just the two of them!"


Chen Siya stared at Jiang An and passed by. Because his eyesight was not very good, Chen Siya didn't realize it until he got there!

Isn’t this the big boss of Jianghu, Mr. Jiang?

Did he have a quarrel with his wife?

Chen Siya is not an ordinary person, and his wife is still shouting from behind: "What are you waiting for? They are the ones bullying me."

"Shut your mouth!"

Chen Siya turned his back and scolded him, then hurriedly came over to apologize to Jiang An.

"You must be Mr. Jiang!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect us to meet in this way."

"I hope you can give me a chance to explain what happened today."

Although they have never met each other, as an industry insider, Chen Siya's company has economic relations with Jiang Hu. Although it is only once, as the person in charge, he knows Jiang An more or less.

"no need."

Of course Jiang An would not be as domineering as Zhang Zhejie, but it was his indifference at the moment that made Chen Siya feel chilly.

No matter how you look at it, Boss Jiang seems to be unhappy.

This smile is definitely fake.

"Mr. Jiang, this is really a misunderstanding!"

"Don't say that."

Jiang An paused for a moment and said with a half-smile: "We have never met before, so I think it's good to meet in this way today."

"At least I see a lot of different things in you."

"After all, business and life, although there is only one word difference, have completely different meanings."

"Although you were wrong about what happened just now, my attitude was also not good. Let's forgive each other."


A full five minutes!

In the five minutes after Jiang An finished speaking, Chen Siya was like a dog-skin plaster, sticking to him and refusing to leave, insisting on explanations.

Jiang An originally intended not to pay attention to him, but he couldn't stand Chen Siya's endless pleading, just to preserve his dignity in front of so many people.

Jiang An agreed, but only gave her three minutes.

Specifically what Chen Siya said, Jiang An actually didn't hear a word clearly.

The main meaning is that what Jiang An and the others saw today was actually only one side, not all of him, so I hope Jiang An can give her a chance.

Some people may say that such a person needs no chance. Judging from his despicable character, it is clear that he is a partner who cannot cooperate.

In fact, however, this is not the case.

Jiang An explained to Lin Xixi: "Human character and business quality are different."

"Some people may be bad in life, like ghosts, but they are successful in business."

"It's just because the business itself is so easy to live without contact."

"OK then."

Lin Xixi was quite disappointed to hear what he said: "I thought I could stop cooperating with him."

"That's not okay." Zhang Zhejie said from the side: "Nvxia Lin, you are mistaken. We were a cooperative relationship before, but now the company is reviewing them."

"If the final result is that they cannot give a satisfactory answer, the company will make a claim against them."

"More than four million!"

Judging from Lao Zhang's intention, this time he planned to kill him.

But Jiang An reminded: "They are bastards but we are not, so everything should follow the normal routine."

"If you really have a problem, go to him to claim compensation. Don't deliberately make things difficult for others."

Chen Siya is a bastard, but it is not good because his personal behavior involves his entire company.

Jiang An is still a kind-hearted person.

Zhang Zhejie nodded: "Don't worry, you still don't know what I'm doing?"

"But I guess even if we follow the normal path, I think they will be in trouble!"

There is no need for Jiang An to know the details of this matter. Lao Zhang can control everything.

"That brother!"

At this moment, the administrator who had just cleaned up the mess came over, smiling as if nothing had happened just now.

"I just said you are not ordinary people,"

"You are already a big boss at a young age!"

Regarding his compliment, Jiang Anzhineng was disrespectful. After all, there was no need to explain.

"Well we want to buy a few feeding bags."

When Jiang An spoke, his eyes fell on Lin Xixi: "They like it very much."

"Then what else should I buy?"

The administrator patted his chest and said, "I'll give you a few sets; brothers, you have really made a contribution today."

If the sausage is really thrown away, Xiong Xiazi doesn't care whether it is spicy or not, he will put it in his mouth first.

"If you really eat it, it will be a battle today for the first time. If it is serious, you may have to be sent to the hospital."

"What a loss that is!"

Having said this, the administrator couldn't help but sigh: "You don't know, last time a little baby here got sick and was given a few slings worth thousands!"

"This is not a serious disease, just in case the gastric mucosa is damaged by those peppers."

"It doesn't matter how much you spend, the key is that the consequences are irreversible."

"The loss would be huge all of a sudden."

"Look at what you've done, what's wrong with me giving you a few feeding bags?"


The administrator is a person of temperament: "And if we want to feed them today, we won't be here."

"If you have the guts, follow me down there and have a look!"

The bottom he said was, of course, under the tourist bridge.

"Are you going to let us enter the bear cage?" Zhang Zhejie opened his mouth in an "O" shape, "Are you really not going to get eaten?"

"Of course not."

The staff laughed: "If it was really cannibalism, I would have been finished a long time ago."

I feed these guys every day.

The administrator's voice was very low at this moment: "How about it? Should I go or not?"

Of course go!

Faced with such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Jiang An knew that Lin Xixi and the others would definitely not want to miss it.

"Okay, don't make any noise."

As the administrator spoke, he carefully walked behind the crowd and walked around to a particularly secret door, and took them in to rent it.

The moment they entered the wicket, everyone was nervous and excited, but the management players said that this was their first time entering this place.

So don't get too excited.

"Although there are electric fences blocking them, these little cuties are still beasts after all."

"If you're too excited, that will be seen as hostile behavior by them."

"I don't know if I will get hurt if I really break through."

"Then it's not good to be scared."

Jiang An and others nodded and took his words to heart verbatim.

At this moment, under the leadership of the administrator, they also successfully entered the breeder area.

But this door is located in the tiger cage.

"Frog Fun! Look at that one still lying at the door!"

When Lao Zhang looked up, he happened to see a huge tiger sleeping on his stomach in front of the door. When several people came over, they just wagged their tails. (End of chapter)

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