Chapter 903 Challenge
Jiang An hid his inner thoughts, looked at Lin Qingyou who looked tired in front of him, and sighed again. "Old Lin, sometimes you push yourself too hard. I'm always worried that if you continue like this for a long time, it will have a great impact on your body."

Jiang An's words were full of concern for Lin Qingyou, and his eyes also showed deep concern.

"Let's see, I'll organize the company to go to the hospital together for a comprehensive physical examination when I find an opportunity, and you will go with me then."

"Well, there's no need for this." Lin Qingyou looked at Jiang An with some embarrassment, and then at Zhang Zhejie, "You two are so nice. But why do you have to ask me to go to the hospital for examination? Do you think Is there something wrong with my body?"

With that said, Lin Qingyou stood up and made a display move similar to that of a bodybuilder. "Look, if there is something wrong with my body, how could I do this kind of action? You two should be able to see my strong muscles."

Jiang An smiled softly, "This has no direct relationship with whether you are healthy. Even if you are a strong person, it does not mean that you are healthy. Moreover, don't think that I don't know. Ning Ning has already told Xi Xi After that, you start taking protein powder now.”

"Although that kind of thing helps muscle development, in my opinion it is a bit like an accelerant. It may make your muscles stronger, but it may also overdraw the original function of your body. Lao Lin, you You should listen to me and let’s check it out together then. If there’s nothing wrong, we can go abroad together.”

Although Jiang An didn't want to directly connect the two things, looking at Lin Qingyou's firm attitude at the moment, he had to do so.

After listening to Jiang An's words, Lin Qingyou showed a faint smile on his face.

"If you say that, then I don't have any objection. But we have agreed that the purpose of the physical examination is to go out and have fun, not because you think I am not in good health."

"Of course." Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie looked at each other and smiled.

The two of them knew Lin Qingyou's character very well.

He is a person who doesn't like to cause trouble to others and is never willing to admit defeat.

No matter what happens, he prefers to bear it alone, just like when he was at Wang Tu Studio before.

However, this characteristic of his is similar to that of Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie. It's just that the three people are good at different fields, which makes this feature slightly different.

"Okay, let's not talk about it anymore." Jiang An smiled and then said to everyone, "We can get off work early today. I know that a special place has opened in the Magic City. Let's go there to have fun."

"Teacher Jiang, what kind of place is newly opened in Magic City?" Lin Xixi immediately became interested and looked at him curiously with a pair of big watery eyes.

Jiang An smiled slightly, with a sense of mystery, "Let's not talk about it now. Everyone, go back and clean up before getting off work. You will know when you get to the place later. I promise, it will definitely be a very interesting place."

Although Lin Xixi was a little disappointed, her sense of expectation was even stronger.

She hurriedly pulled Ningning and Ruojia to pack their belongings.

After the girls left, Zhang Zhejie asked Jiang An: "What place are you talking about? Haven't I been there before?"

Jiang An nodded, "Actually, you should have been to the Kaiwei Building in our Magic City."

"Oh, I thought it was some new place." Zhang Zhejie laughed after hearing this, "I used to go to Kaiwei Building often. There are several very good bars there, as well as some large business centers, but there are also some Nothing particularly interesting.”

"Yeah, I've been there twice before, to buy mobile phones." Lin Qingyou also echoed, "To be honest, although that place has a complete range of products, the prices are really 'enjoyable'. I always feel that I It's like becoming a poor person when you get there. ""Look, if it was just a simple walk around, I wouldn't say this specifically." Jiang An smiled mysteriously, "While the three of them are not here, I can tell you that a special store has recently opened in that place. I saw it on my phone and verified it with some people, and it is really exciting.”

The word "stimulating" immediately aroused the curiosity of Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou, especially Zhang Zhejie, whose eyes shone with an unusual light.

"Lao Jiang, I really didn't expect that one day you would be associated with the word 'stimulation'. However, I have to say that you, an old boy, have finally begun to seek novelty. You have liberated your nature."

Facing Zhang Zhejie's teasing, Jiang An selectively ignored it. He turned to Lin Qingyou: "Old Lin, you can drive later. I left the car at the company. Let's drive two cars there. It's not convenient to park there."

"No problem." Lin Qingyou patted her chest and agreed, "It's enough for Lao Zhang and I to drive. But we have agreed that we will pay for the parking fees ourselves, but as the boss, you have to take care of the food."

"Let's see, have you also learned from Lao Zhang?" Jiang An smiled helplessly. At this time, the girls had packed their things, so Jiang An and the other six people left the company and took a car straight to Kaiwei Building.

Along the way, Lin Xixi and the others were full of expectations. But when they actually arrived at the Kaiwei Building parking lot, their interest was suddenly halved. As a long-established shopping mall in Shanghai, they are already familiar with this place.

"Teacher Jiang, believe it or not, no matter which door we enter from, I can tell you the location of each store with my eyes closed, and I can also take you to find them directly." Lin Xixi challenged.

Of course Jiang An understood what Lin Xixi meant, but he still kept smiling and said steadily: "Don't worry, I will take you to a particularly exciting project. We have agreed that if you find it boring then, I am willing to accept it. Punishment. But if everyone is having a great time, I don’t need you to do anything, but you have to bear witness for me.”

"Don't worry about this," Lin Xixi hugged Jiang An's arm and vowed, "As long as we can really have a great time, I will not only testify for you, but I will also cook you delicious food when I get home. Yes, do you like it?"

"Okay, it's settled then." Jiang An said, leading them directly into Kaiwei Building. Following the location guided by his cell phone, he arrived outside a chocolate shop. Looking at the huge M logo, everyone already understood what he was going to bring everyone to play.

"Teacher Jiang, are you going to let us challenge the game here?" Lin Xixi's eyes flashed with excitement, because Xixi had also seen this chocolate challenge on her phone.

Jiang An explained the rules to them: "It's actually very simple. There is a pull-tab type chocolate bean machine. Challengers can sign up with the staff first, then choose a number, get a small bag, and just pull the tab. As long as the amount of chocolate beans flowing out of the ring-pull machine is the same as the selected number, then these chocolate beans will be given away for free, and you will also get a shopping coupon worth thousands of yuan, which can be consumed directly here without any preconditions. "

He looked at them and continued: "This event has been held for a long time, but no one has really succeeded in challenging it. I think you all seem to know this challenge, so I am looking forward to it and want to see if you can break the zero mark here. Record."

"Teacher Jiang, if we break the zero record, do you have any rewards?" Lin Xixi tilted her head and looked at him cutely.

Jiang An thought for a while and said cheerfully: "Well, even if I am the master, no matter which of the three of you succeeds in the challenge, I will buy each of you a set of the latest sandalwood cosmetics, okay?"

"Then it's settled." Lin Xixi smiled brightly, then turned to look at her two best friends, "Today we agreed that we must let Teacher Jiang bleed properly."

"Don't worry," Ruojia took Lin Xixi's hand and picked up Ning Ning, "The three of us will have three chances. I don't believe we won't succeed after three times."

She glanced at Zhang Zhejie. Lao Zhang received the signal and immediately expressed his position: "Of course, you will definitely succeed, and you will succeed three times."

When facing Ruojia, Lao Zhang always behaves like this. No matter what the other person says, he will always echo him and appear to be particularly sincere.

As Zhang Zhejie finished speaking, the three girls couldn't wait to walk into the store and went straight to the challenge stage.

(End of this chapter)

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