Chapter 906 Jealousy

Several people walked together to the stinky vinegar store that Jiang An said. Before they even entered the door, the special smell hit their faces, making them almost unable to open their eyes.

To be honest, at this moment, no one has the courage to actually step into the store.

"Teacher Jiang, does this taste too 'sour'?"

Zhang Zhejie changed his name to Jiang An, which shows how powerful this jealousy is, "I feel like I'm going to faint even standing here. Let's not talk about eating, let's go directly to the barbecue. Or if you want to eat If not, can I treat you as a treat?"

"I don't want it!"

As soon as Zhang Zhejie finished speaking, Ruo Jia retorted from the side, "Since we are here, of course we have to have a good taste. Although the smell is quite 'horrible', I think it is similar to stinky tofu. It doesn't smell good." It smells great, but tastes particularly delicious.”

"It smells particularly good?" Zhang Zhejie shook his head, "I don't dare to say that now. Anyway, I really can't describe the smell."

Several of them were talking outside the door, when a clerk noticed them.

A beautiful girl in uniform ran up to them briskly and took out a leaflet: "Dear guests, if you haven't eaten yet, please come to our store and try it. It is definitely a special delicacy - stinky vinegar. , which is particularly good for the body.”

Lao Zhang has a "bad habit" of always feeling soft when he sees a beautiful girl. Even in front of Ruojia, he could show this attitude without restraint.

Of course, this is only limited to chatting with girls. As for other deeper contacts, Lao Zhang himself will stick to the bottom line.

As the little girl handed him the flyer, Zhang Zhejie seemed to have changed his mind. He looked at the introduction on the flyer and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The flyer said that stinky vinegar is actually a special kind of vinegar. During the fermentation process, it develops some unique flavors.

The main raw materials are water, rice and glutinous rice.

After high-temperature fermentation and special cellaring methods, the so-called stinky vinegar is produced.

In addition to having the same functions as ordinary vinegar in appetizing, dispersing blood stasis, detoxifying, ventilating, and purging liver fire, if other ingredients are added to it, it will also have different effects, such as losing weight, beautifying, and removing dampness.

The leaflet also specifically pointed out that adding pig's trotters to the vinegar would be especially beneficial to girls, because the acidity of the vinegar can break down some of the greasiness of the pig's trotters.

Coupled with the various transaminases produced by the fermentation of stinky vinegar, the taste and effect are simply not wonderful.

"I think this seems really interesting."

Zhang Zhejie said with increasing certainty, "Let's go and have a taste. If it's delicious, we haven't missed a delicacy; if it's not delicious, isn't there another activity waiting for us?" Lao Zhang Now they don't have the nerve to tell them that they want to have barbecue. After all, it's a bit disrespectful to say this in front of the clerk.

Jiang An and others had no other opinions, "Okay then, let's go and have a taste."

Immediately, Jiang An turned to the clerk and said, "Can you please help us find a place, and can the store be ventilated?"

Although Jiang An had been very determined to come in and have a taste just now, he was also a little unable to accept the taste, so he needed to find a well-ventilated location. At least when you enjoy this "special delicacy", you don't have to endure the overwhelming smell of stinky vinegar.

"Don't worry, although it smells a little bit outside, the inside of the store is full of fragrance."

The clerk explained, "After these things are boiled, they taste particularly good and are very sour. They also have a significant improvement effect on the human body."

As the clerk spoke, he introduced them into the store and then found a suitable location according to Jiang An's request.

"Dear guests, please take a seat and I will prepare the menu for you." The clerk left after saying this. After a while, he came back with a thick book and said, "Guests, please take a look. We have all the ingredients written in it today."

The little girl excitedly introduced them to them: "First of all, the most famous and recommended one is of course the pig's trotters. In addition, there are also some beef, chicken feet, etc., which are all my family's specialties. Moreover, the taste is absolutely the same as outside. What you taste is different. Every ingredient is marinated in advance and paired with our stinky vinegar. The taste will definitely make you have endless aftertaste! The young master said, "Just give us all the ingredients that you think are delicious. If there are small portions, you can help us adjust them. Today is our first time eating. The key is to try the taste, so you You will definitely arrange it for us, right?"

To talk about why Zhang Zhejie is known as Mr. Zhang, in addition to his superior family conditions, a very important point is that he can always show his aura on such occasions, making people stunned.

When he said this, the little girl immediately nodded and said, "Sir, don't worry, I will do my best to meet your requirements."

"Well, thank you for the hard work."

Zhang Zhejie smiled slightly as he spoke, then turned his eyes to Jiang An and the others, "We can wait and eat now. To be honest, I have begun to adapt to the taste now."

"I think you have fallen in love with that little girl." Ruojia said jokingly at this moment.

"No!" Zhang Zhejie immediately denied, "I really think this thing is quite interesting. To be honest, although I almost couldn't stand it when I stood at the door, but after smelling it carefully, I found that there is a special sweetness in this vinegar. Taste, don’t you all feel it?”

"This is true," Jiang An also smelled the sweet smell, "Anyway, I think this kind of food should be very unique, otherwise it would not be recognized as a special food by the local area, and it would even have to apply for intangible cultural heritage heritage."

"Then it's even more important to try it." Ruojia and Ningning were also looking forward to it.

While several people were talking, the vinegar they ordered was served.

In addition to a pot of thick soup base, other ingredients are also packed in small plates.

The little waitress just now introduced to them that a total of more than twenty different ingredients were prepared, all of which were very unique combinations with the vinegar.

"Dear guests, these things can basically represent the flavor and characteristics of stinky vinegar. You can try it first. I ordered the smallest portion for each one. If you find something you like, we can continue to increase it." The waiter said The girl introduced enthusiastically.

"Okay, thank you." Zhang Zhejie smiled at the little girl, and then several people started to prepare to taste it. However, at this moment they had no idea what to do.

Zhang Zhejie quietly pushed Jiang An, "How is it? Do you know how to eat this thing?"

Jiang An shook his head and turned his attention to Lin Qingyou. But now Lao Lin's answer was very straightforward, "I've never even heard of it before."

At this time, the three men didn't know what to do. However, Lin Xixi and Ruojia took this opportunity to do some research on the Internet about how to eat Jealousy.

"To be honest, this thing is like a stew and a hot pot, so we can put everything in it." Ruojia said as he put the ingredients into the hot pot.

Although they had gradually become familiar with the taste when the soup was cooking, at this moment, as the ingredients were put in, the balance in the soup pot was instantly broken, and a pungent smell immediately spread out.

Jiang An and several others were unable to dodge, and they were all "hit".

"Ouch, oh my god, I thought I was poisoned!"

Zhang Zhejie covered his nose and even his breathing became very weak. Compared with him, Jiang An and Lin Qingyou were also in poor condition.

However, a few people still persisted. After all, everyone wanted to taste the characteristics of this stinky vinegar.

Although they couldn't accept the smell at first, when the pot became balanced again, the special fragrance did slowly spread out.

Zhang Zhejie took a bold sniff and noticed a very mellow aroma of vinegar spreading in his nose along with the smell of various ingredients. "I really can't help it. If it's cooked now, If so, I will take off my chopsticks immediately.”

"If you say so, then you can take the first bite." Ruojia took a spoon and handed it to him, "If it tastes good, remember to tell me. If it doesn't taste good, don't lie to me. ”

(End of this chapter)

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