Chapter 908 Maybe a friend

Yang Wenqin said lightly and smiled at Jiang An, "Anyway, our two companies are going to start a new competition again."

"I hope, as we said at the listing ceremony, that both parties can compete fairly and fairly for all business in the entire gaming field. I believe that the new Wangtu Company will definitely show a different attitude."

Jiang An also smiled and responded: "You are right. In fact, many of the conflicts between the two of us are self-inflicted. I also thought about it later, if we did not have a dispute of temper with you at that time, maybe we After all, work, career and love have to be separated."

"That's right," Yang Wenqin rarely agreed, "You're right."

When the two of them talked about this, they both obviously paused for a moment, and at this time Lin Xixi cleverly pulled Zhang Zhejie and several others aside. Star Tao also followed them very wisely.

Although Yang Tao had always wanted to talk to Lin Xixi and others, unfortunately, they still couldn't accept him.

For Yang Tao at this moment, this scene is indeed a bit embarrassing.

However, he has long been accustomed to this kind of treatment. Although he had a good relationship with Yang Wenqin, Yang Wenqin would have trouble controlling his emotions from time to time and would leave him aside in the cold.

In addition, everyone seems to be biased against him due to some business activities and Carambola's past. However, Star Tao accepted it all calmly.

In other words, his love for Yang Wenqin is sincere.

"How about we go over and have a word with him," Ning Ning suddenly whispered to the two girls. "After all, Teacher Jiang has reconciled with Mr. Yang, there is no need for us to continue to treat him like this. And from now on From a certain perspective, there is actually no conflict between him and us.”

"That's what I said, but I don't know why I treat him like this." Lin Xixi frowned and twitched her nose, "But we can try to get close to him."

Lin Xixi was the first to stand up. She walked up to Yang Tao and showed a faint smile.

"How is it? How is your life after you and Mr. Yang got together? We met at the hanging ceremony, but we didn't talk much at the time. I hope this time can be the starting point for us to get in touch again, okay?"

Yang Tao was obviously surprised by Lin Xixi's words. His eyes flashed with surprise, "Is everything you said true?"

"Of course it's true," Ruo Jia also said, "We Xixi have a heroine character and we must do what we say. I also feel that it was not good for you like that in the past. We are classmates after all, and there is no conflict at all. It can be said that everything is a mistake.”

Yang Tao feels deeply about the word "a combination of circumstances". He excitedly took Lin Xixi's hand, but was so excited that he couldn't speak.

At this time, Ning Ning rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Let the two of them chat first, and the four of us will 'bully' the other two men and make them treat us to delicious food."

With that said, Ning Ning ignored Yang Tao's reaction and waved to Lin Qingyou, "Old Lin, hurry up! We want to eat ice cream and various desserts. Give you five minutes to prepare these, or take us to a suitable store."

The changes on the scene caught Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou a little off guard, but for them, this is undoubtedly a positive progress.

Although Ning Ning's requirements are somewhat harsh, they are confident in their abilities. This is especially true for Mr. Zhang. There seems to be no place in the Magic City that he doesn't know about or hasn't played before.

"Let's go," he pointed ahead. "There is a great coffee shop just around the corner. Let's go there and sit."

He also shouted to Jiang An and Yang Wenqin: "You two go to that coffee shop to find us later, right at the intersection. If you can't find it, call us, but I have to charge for the directions service."

After jokingly saying these words, Zhang Zhejie led them towards the street. At this moment, only Jiang An and Yang Wenqin were left standing together.

They exchanged glances with each other, and Yang Wenqin said: "I never thought that one day the two of us would have this kind of relationship. I still remember that we were like enemies at that time."

"Why do you say they are similar?" Jiang An was a little confused. Because of Liu Youran's relationship, they were once really no different from enemies. For Liu Youran, Yang Wenqin also did too many heartbreaking things. "I don't want to apologize to you for what happened in the past." Yang Wenqin said and took out a cigarette.

Since it is inconvenient to smoke cigars outside, he always brings a box of cigars with him. The pure black Shou Baibai tastes mellow, and the faint aroma of coffee and chocolate always stimulates his nerves.

"I don't know how to tell you now. At that time, I also felt that there was something wrong with me. Why did I have to go against you? We could obviously be friends. But because of my behavior, it all came to nothing. ”

Yang Wenqin said this with a lonely look on his face, "Maybe I'm not destined to have friends."

"But haven't we become friends now?" Jiang An smiled and took the cigarette from Yang Wenqin.

However, Yang Wenqin's attitude was extremely firm: "If you don't smoke, it will be difficult for me to regard you as a friend. You can't imagine that in my most difficult days, it was these cigarettes that supported me."

"When you started a graphics studio in the past, you always felt that it was not easy for you. But have you ever thought about how many difficulties I encountered in the process of developing the studio? Although someone helped me with funds at first, he also gave me It was a huge disruption, to be honest, the studio at that time was not what I wanted.”

Jiang An was deeply surprised by these words. He stared at Yang Wenqin with a slightly gloomy look and a little indifference. "By the way, you talked about the people who helped you with funding before. I want to ask you this time, are you still cooperating with them?"

It was obvious that Jiang An's words seemed to have touched Yang Wenqin's sensitive nerves.

He took a deep look at the other person, and after a while, he slowly spoke: "Of course, I can't live without them, at least for now. With their help behind me, many things will become easier."

"If this is the case, I would like to remind you to be careful in your new cooperation with them." Jiang An said and sighed. In fact, he had no intention of exploring the forces behind Yang Wenqin, but he just hoped that he would not make the same mistake again.

Although Jiang An didn't know what happened at that time, he could detect some clues in every subsequent incident.

Those who originally gave Yang Wenqin money seemed to be manipulating not only his studio, but also him.

"I know it may be a bit uncomfortable to say this, but you must never be used by anyone again." Jiang An sighed, "I always felt that you seemed to be a knife in someone else's hand at that time, just like... The tools are the same.”

"I can't help it, I have to rely on those big brothers for a living." Yang Wenqin said and handed the cigarette to Jiang An again. This time, Jiang An did not refuse.

Seeing this scene, Yang Wenqin couldn't help but smile, and then lit it for him with his own hands.

Jiang An does not know how to smoke, but as a businessman and the boss of a company, he can do some social things, but he just doesn't like to do them, including smoking.

But today, Yang Wenqin has already said this. Jiang An knows that if he continues to reject him, it will definitely affect the relationship between the two people.

To be honest, he still values ​​this newly established connection very much.

Maybe it's not appropriate to use "friendship" to describe their relationship now, but for Jiang An, he doesn't think it's a bad thing to take the initiative to show some attitude.

Sometimes, a proactive attitude may lead to things that were once unthinkable.

And Yang Wenqin's attitude is actually similar to his. Even today, Yang Wenqin still feels resentful towards Jiang An, but he is willing to accept this person and let them have more contact with each other.

Only in this way can he feel that he can say goodbye to the past.

Of course, saying goodbye to the past does not mean that he will not continue to have disputes with Jiang An, but at least in the general direction, the two are no longer enemies, which is enough for them.

(End of this chapter)

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