Chapter 910: A new chapter

"We don't want to tell you about girls' topics."

Lin Xixi pouted at Jiang An, then pulled Ruo Jia and Ning Ning and ran towards their car. At this time, Jiang An gave Zhang Zhejie a look, signaling him to quickly follow the girls, while he chose to leave Lin Qingyou where he was.

In fact, even if Jiang An didn't say anything, Lin Qingyou realized that Yang Wenqin must have talked about herself with him just now.

At this time, looking at Jiang An's expression, Lao Lin felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He was curious about what Jiang An would say to him.

"Actually, Yang Wenqin just told me about some of your experiences abroad,"

Jiang An spoke, with a hint of depth in his eyes, "After reflection, I found that I may have misunderstood your previous views. But, Old Lin, those are not important anymore."

"Yang Wenqin has a saying that is right. No matter what its history is, the string of beads in his hand was said to be brand new when his boss gave it to him. That means that everything in the past has been overturned, and it only needs to be dusted away. Just remember it. Can you understand what I mean?" When Jiang An said this, his eyes were filled with anticipation.

Lin Qingyou remained calm, "Lao Jiang, I understand what you mean. Judging from recent events, there may no longer be conflicts between our two companies outside of normal competition. The two of us should indeed resolve the past. "

"Really?" Jiang An looked very surprised.

Lin Qingyou nodded affirmatively, "Don't worry, I always do what I say. Although I am just a technician, I am also a real man at heart. Now that Yang Wenqin has found out what I did abroad, and Having told you everything, you should know that I will do what I say.”

Jiang An narrowed his eyes and stared at Lin Qingyou, "Why do I feel like you are talking to me now with a gun and a stick?"

He could actually understand why Lao Lin had such an attitude. After all, the things Lao Lin did abroad were not too glorious, at least for their current identity and status.

But the important thing is that they are both willing to let go of the baggage of the past and move forward together for the future.

Moreover, the words he just said seemed to touch Lin Qingyou, as if they were reminding him of something invisibly.

But Jiang An doesn't want to explain too much now. He wants to observe Lin Qingyou's reaction to see if there is the most basic trust between them.

Jiang An knows that such a temptation may not be appropriate, but as a company boss, he must have keen observation and judgment to accurately assess everyone's attitude towards him and their loyalty to the company.

Lin Qingyou's reaction satisfied Jiang An. He didn't say much, just showed a sincere smile to Jiang An.

The indifference and sincerity revealed in this smile not only expressed his respect for Jiang An, but also demonstrated his loyalty to the company.

"Okay, let's go." After getting the answer he wanted, Jiang An smiled back, and then walked to the car with Lin Qingyou. Everyone drove home.

Since Jiang An, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou's villas are connected courtyards, they still get together even when they return home.

Although they got off work early today to participate in the chocolate challenge, it was still early. After placing their chocolate trophies, the three girls also came to the yard to join them. However, these six people were suddenly at a loss and didn't know what to do.

"How about we stick to the old rules and play mahjong?" Zhang Zhejie suggested with a yawn, "Or how about we go straight to playing hexagon?"

"Come on, no one wants to play cards with you," Ruojia sighed, "I'm so happy today, don't you feel a little disappointed if you waste time playing cards? Besides, whether it's playing mahjong or In a hexagonal game, none of us can beat Teacher Jiang."

"Come on," Zhang Zhejie said with some dissatisfaction, "Lao Jiang was able to win before only because he was a novice and enjoyed novice protection. This thing is very mysterious, but now he has played with us so many times, and the novice protection period I must have passed. I really want to try again, otherwise my reputation will be ruined?"

"So, Mr. Zhang, are you going to call yourself the God of Gamblers?"

Ning Ning brought drinks and tea with a smile, "If you are a god of gambling, do you have a cashier's check? First, take out tens of millions to help everyone."

"I have tens of millions, but I don't dare to be called the God of Gamblers." Zhang Zhejie knew that everyone was joking, so he responded hahaha, "But if we don't play cards, what else can we do? Go home and play game consoles , or start the Internet together and go to the game world to torture? "

Although they are all fans of competitive games, it must be mentioned that as professional game producers, these people also have very high attainments in the field of competitive games.

This achievement stems from the superb skills and keen intuition they have developed through playing games for a long time in the past. Especially in games such as Dota, Zhang Zhejie's record is almost undefeated.

"Forget it, there's nothing new about playing games now." Lin Qingyou said while sucking on the atomizer, "I was wondering if we could find a more relaxing activity? Playing games is also quite stressful."

"How about we go see a show?"

Lin Xixi suddenly remembered a theater information she saw on her phone some time ago. That theater will be hosting a major stage play called "The Mysteries" for the next few months.

Due to the exceptional secrecy, its contents remain a mystery to the outside world. Even everyone who goes to watch is required to sign a confidentiality contract with the theater.

At first, Lin Xixi was not interested in this and thought signing a confidentiality contract was just a marketing gimmick.

She recalled that a famous Hollywood director arranged an ambulance outside the cinema in order to promote his horror film, and issued reminder notes to every guest before the screening to inform them if they were watching the movie. If anything feels wrong, immediately pull out the cross to exorcise the demons.

However, all this proved to be a careful marketing strategy by the director, and it was precisely because of these unique publicity methods that the film achieved unprecedented box office success.

Interestingly, after the film became a big success, the director chose to suspend his film career at the peak of his career and claimed that he encountered some unexplainable mysterious events during the filming of the film.

Therefore, he needed to go to the monastery for an exorcism after filming.

This series of events undoubtedly deepened the audience's impression of the film, and even made more people look forward to his future works. Now, Lin Xixi felt that going to see this mysterious stage play might give them a different experience.

Lin Xixi felt that the theater's promotion method was similar to that of the director back then.

In the past era of high-quality products, such publicity could indeed effectively promote sales.

However, in today's era when commercial films and commercial stage plays are impacting the original art market like a flood, relying too much on gimmicks for publicity may often mean that the quality of the work is lacking.

"That being said, it doesn't hurt for us to go and have a look." Zhang Zhejie looked very interested, "I haven't seen a stage play in many years."

"Come on, when have you ever seen a stage play?" Jiang An exposed him mercilessly, "Do you just want to see if this stunt is real or fake?"

"Lao Jiang, sometimes it's not fun to be friends with you."

Zhang Zhejie sighed, but still admitted what Jiang An said, "I am indeed more interested in these gimmick things. But we have agreed that if the stage play is good, I will bear all the expenses; if it is not good, , I’m just responsible for treating you to dinner, how about that?”

Since he has this attitude, no one will refuse. Later, Jiang An asked Lin Xixi to book tickets on her mobile phone.

Unfortunately, when Lin Xixi opened the official website for booking tickets, she found that all tickets for today had been sold out.

If you want to see it, you have to wait until midnight. But this may affect their normal work the next day.

Normally, in this case, they should choose to watch it in a theater another day. But today Mr. Zhang was in high spirits, and he chose the midnight show without hesitation.

"Originally, this play was quite mysterious. If we can go to the midnight show again, we might gain something different. Don't worry, if it delays tomorrow's work, then just delay it for one day. Anyway, we are all The boss of the company, right Mr. Jiang?"

(End of this chapter)

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