Chapter 945 Preparations in progress

However, it was so late now, and even if Jiang An wanted to cook, he didn't have any ingredients to cook at home.

Because they had emptied the refrigerator before leaving for the trip to prevent food from spoiling and causing waste.

Jiang An really couldn't bear to see the food rotting and being thrown away.

In desperation, Jiang An had no choice but to run to the supermarket in the park and buy a few buckets of instant noodles for emergency relief.

Not only did he prepare it for himself and Lin Xixi, but he also thoughtfully bought a bucket each for Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou.

He predicted that these girls returning home from the airport would be extremely hungry.

When Jiang An delivered the instant noodles to Lao Zhang and Lao Lin, their grateful eyes said it all.

Zhang Zhejie breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was about to order takeout, but this will save me a lot of trouble. There don't seem to be many restaurants open all night near us. It's really not possible. I almost want to eat the green belt in the community."

Jiang An looked at him helplessly, "What you said is too exaggerated. Even if there is no food nearby, you can still drive to the city to find it."

Zhang Zhejie waved his hand, "I don't want to move now. I just want to lie down at home. And my boss has also spoken and won't let me bother anymore." In fact, it's not that Zhang Zhejie hasn't thought about the option of going out to eat, it's just that Ruojia doesn't want it. He works too hard.

"Okay, let's call it a day." Jiang An suggested, "Go back and eat instant noodles and have a good rest. Let's talk about anything tomorrow."

There was nothing to say all night, and in the blink of an eye it was the next morning. Only Jiang An woke up early, while Lin Xixi was still in bed meeting Meng Zhougong.

He simply cleaned up his home, left a note, and drove to the market to buy fresh ingredients.

Although there is also a fresh food supermarket in the park, Jiang An feels that the varieties are a bit monotonous, and he hopes to let Lin Xixi enjoy the delicious food.

As usual, in addition to his own ingredients, he also bought a portion each for Lin Qingyou and Zhang Zhejie.

When Jiang An returned from the market with a full load, Lin Qingyou and Zhang Zhejie had also gotten up.

They took the ingredients handed over by Jiang An, but with a surprisingly tacit understanding, they pushed all the ingredients back to Jiang An, saying one after another: "Brother, it's up to you this time. We are completely useless now."

Faced with Lin Qingyou and Zhang Zhejie's "shirk", Jiang An could only accept it helplessly.

After nearly two hours of careful cooking, he finally prepared a sumptuous meal.

Everyone gathered at Jiang An's home again, sitting around a table and discussing wedding preparations while tasting delicious food.

Zhang Zhejie is as enthusiastic and unrestrained as ever. He hopes to make this wedding a glorious one and invites all the guests he can get in touch with.

He even proposed that for those friends who could not come for some reason, they could be responsible for purchasing air tickets.

"My idea is very simple, just to bring all my good friends together. Either we don't have a wedding, or we have to do it with great fanfare. Firstly, it shows the strength of our brothers, and secondly, it's also for girls. A grand announcement. Who doesn’t want his wedding to be grand and grand?” Zhang Zhejie made an impassioned speech.

Although Jiang An usually doesn't like publicity, Zhang Zhejie's words touched him deeply this time.

Indeed, they should give the girls a clear and solemn explanation.

"Okay, we can do it according to your idea. But in this case, we have to seriously consider which hotel to choose." Jiang An analyzed.

Based on his and Zhang Zhejie's family background and status, they have many friends. If they want to invite all these people, they may need to book a hotel.

This only solves the accommodation problem, but further elaboration and consideration is needed regarding the banquet and wedding venue selection.

Zhang Zhejie made a suggestion. He was inclined to choose the Peace Hotel because that place had special meaning to them.

However, Jiang An believes that although the Peace Hotel is not small in size, if it is used to hold a wedding, it may make the atmosphere a bit heavy.

After repeated discussions among several people, they finally decided to set the wedding venue at the Mandarin Hotel.

This is a newly opened hotel. Although it is only rated as a five-star hotel, its interior decoration, luxury and service quality are completely comparable to a six-star hotel, and even challenge a seven-star hotel in some aspects.

Regarding the accommodation issue, after Jiang An thought for a while, he decided to let all guests stay at the Mandarin Hotel.

Although this will increase the cost of the wedding, he believes that since it costs money, it should be done in one step to provide the best experience for the guests. This is also a kind of respect for the guests.

"There's nothing wrong with this plan, just do as you say."

Zhang Zhejie never had many demands in this regard and readily agreed to Jiang An's decision. They returned home together and informed their elders about their marriage.

Mr. Zhang, Mr. Jiang, and grandma all expressed their blessings after hearing the news. They have long accepted this reality and are very happy to see their children spend their lives with each other.

Although they did not explicitly express approval or approval, their attitude said it all.

The two old men showed their support in a very direct way. They each took out a bank card and promised to bear all the expenses of the wedding.

However, Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie were surprisingly unanimous this time and both rejected their kindness.

The reason is simple. With their current financial strength, they are fully able to afford the cost of this wedding.

After finalizing the matter, Jiang An and his party went to Ruo Jia's home, explained the entire plan in detail, and gained their understanding and support.

Next, their last stop was the home of Lin Qingyou and Ning Ning.

They drove directly to Lin Qingyou's hometown and explained the entire plan to the elders in the family in detail, and successfully received their support and approval.

Ning Ning's family was also persuaded in the same way.

After taking care of all the family matters, they quickly returned to the Magic City.

During the process of notifying the guests, many people expressed their desire to come and help, but Jiang An politely declined.

He only hoped that these relatives and friends could attend on time on the wedding day and witness their happy moment together.

Among them, there is a special person worth mentioning, that is Mr. Xu.

When Jiang An called to inform him of the news, Mr. Xu immediately hung up the phone when he heard that Jiang An was not married yet.

Jiang An was still a little confused at the time and didn't understand Mr. Xu's reaction.

However, that night, he met Mr. Xu who was rushing over at the airport, and he had a profound understanding of what true brotherhood is.

As the guests arrived in the magic city one after another, Jiang An also began to busily make the final preparations.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the whole process of preparing for their wedding went extremely smoothly.

Today, they were going to pick out their wedding outfits.

Originally, Jiang An and the others planned to hold a wedding in the style of a fairy tale world, but unexpectedly, several girls had already discussed it and decided to use a Chinese wedding.

In this way, more elements are involved.

For example, the most basic thing is to prepare Fengguanxiapei.

As a result, Jiang An, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou split up and traveled across the country to purchase corresponding clothing.

Some need to be customized, while others can be purchased directly. After nearly a week of busy work, they finally completed the task. Fortunately, all the guests had not arrived yet and there was still time for final preparations.

In the process, they faced a new problem: whether to invite Liu Youran, Yang Wenqin and others to the wedding.

Zhang Zhejie was opposed at first. Considering Liu Youran's complicated feelings for him and what happened at Yang Wenqin's last listing ceremony, he felt that inviting Liu Youran might be a destabilizing factor.

However, Lin Xixi and others insisted that they should be invited.

After all, we are classmates, and we should have a resolution, and we cannot keep escaping. They believe that although the Magic City is big, there will always be encounters. Instead of letting this embarrassing situation continue to develop, it is better to take this opportunity to solve it.

Since the girls all thought so, Jiang An and others did not raise any objections. So, Lin Xixi took Ning Ning and Ruo Jia to go directly to Liu Youran, while Jiang An and others were responsible for inviting Yang Wenqin.

Before going to Yang Wenqin, Jiang An received a call and learned that Liu Yun, the general manager of his northern branch, had led the company's main team to the Magic City.

This news was a surprise to Jiang An.

Considering the current situation and situation of the branch, he originally thought that it would be difficult for Liu Yun to have time to come to Magic City to attend their wedding.

(End of this chapter)

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