Chapter 972 A honeymoon only for two people

After the wedding, the hustle and bustle gradually subsided, and Lin Xixi nestled in Jiang An's arms, with expectation and tenderness shining in her eyes. She raised her head slightly and looked at Jiang An, with a sweet smile on her lips.

"Jiang An, shall we go out for our honeymoon? This time, I want a honeymoon just for the two of us. Just the two of us!" Lin Xixi's voice was soft and full of expectation, as if she had imagined the two of them walking hand in hand. Romantic scenes in exotic places.

Jiang An lowered his head and looked at his wife in his arms, feeling warm in his heart. He knew that Lin Xixi had been looking forward to spending some sweet time with him, and he had already been prepared for it.

"Okay, where do you want to go?" Jiang An asked with a smile, his eyes full of doting and love for his wife.

Lin Xixi's eyes flashed with surprise when she heard Jiang An's answer. She sat up straight and said enthusiastically: "I have always wanted to visit France and make our wish under the Eiffel Tower in Paris." , go to the lavender fields in Provence to feel the romance of purple, and go to the French Riviera in the south to enjoy the sun and beaches..."

Listening to Lin Xixi's description, Jiang An seemed to be infected by her emotions, and his heart was filled with expectations for the unknown journey. He gently held Lin Xixi's hand and said affectionately: "Okay, then let's go to France to feel the romance and beauty you said."

When Lin Xixi heard Jiang An's response, a smile that was brighter than a flower bloomed on her face. She hugged Jiang An tightly, as if she wanted to freeze this happiness at this moment forever.

"Thank you, Jiang An." Lin Xixi's voice was trembling, but full of gratitude and love. "It is my greatest wish in this life to be able to see the beauty of this world with you."

Jiang An gently stroked Lin Xixi's long hair, his eyes full of tenderness and determination: "Silly girl, your wish is my wish. I will accompany you wherever you want to go."

The two people's eyes met, as if the world had stopped for a moment. They looked at each other affectionately, as if they were communicating with their hearts about their expectations and commitments for the future.

After a while, Lin Xixi sat up from Jiang An's arms, her face filled with excitement and anticipation: "Then when will we set off?"

Jiang An thought for a while and said with a smile: "When you are ready, we can set off at any time. However, before we set off, we have to plan our trip carefully to ensure that our honeymoon trip can leave the best memories."

"Okay!" Lin Xixi said eagerly, "Then let's plan it together. I want to make sure our honeymoon trip is fully planned!"

As a result, the two began to excitedly discuss their upcoming honeymoon trip. Their voices echoed in the night sky, as if even the stars were twinkling for their happiness.

In the sweet communication and anticipation, Jiang An and Lin Xixi gradually fell into sleep. They dreamed of the romantic streets of France, the purple ocean in the lavender fields, and the sun-drenched Cote d'Azur...and all this beauty and romance will become a reality in the near future.

After deciding on the destination for their honeymoon, Jiang An and Lin Xixi began intensive preparations. They both knew that this trip was not just a simple vacation, but an important milestone in their newlywed life.

One night, the two of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room, with a pile of travel guides and maps spread out in front of them. Lin Xixi held an exquisite French travel brochure in her hand, while Jiang An was searching for various travel strategies on his laptop.

"Jiang An, what do you think of this winery?" Lin Xixi pointed to a winery in the Bordeaux region in the brochure and said, "We can go there to taste authentic French red wine, and we can also visit the winery and learn about wine. production process.”

Jiang An came over to take a look, nodded and praised: "This winery is indeed good, and the reviews are very high. And the red wine in the Bordeaux region is indeed very famous, so it would be good to experience it."

Lin Xixi smiled with satisfaction, and then made a mark on the manual. She looked up at Jiang An and asked, "Then what else do we need to prepare? In addition to clothes and daily necessities, are there any other necessary things?"

Jiang An thought for a while and replied: "We can bring some common medicines, just in case. Also, the power plugs in France may be different from ours, so we need to bring a travel adapter."

"By the way," Jiang An continued, "we can also bring a portable translator so that we can better communicate with the locals if we encounter language barriers."

After hearing this, Lin Xixi nodded repeatedly, picked up a pen and wrote down everything on her notepad. She sighed: "You are still thoughtful, I didn't even consider this."

Jiang An patted her head lovingly and said with a smile, "Just enjoy the trip and leave these trivial matters to me."

In addition to material preparations, the two also began to understand French culture and customs.

Lin Xixi deliberately learned some basic French phrases to better integrate into the local culture during her travels. Jiang An started studying French cuisine and planned to take Lin Xixi to taste some authentic French dishes during the trip.

In the process of preparation, the relationship between the two became deeper and deeper. They picked out travel outfits together, made itinerary plans together, and fantasized about their romantic time in France. These shared experiences brought their hearts closer together.

Finally, after everything was ready, the two embarked on their long-awaited honeymoon trip.

They walked into the airport hand in hand, with happy smiles on their faces.

This trip is not just a simple vacation, but also the beginning of their new life. They will explore the unknown world together and write their own romantic story together.

Jiang An and Lin Xixi finally ushered in the honeymoon trip they had longed for. The moment they walked into the cabin hand in hand, their hearts were filled with expectations and longing for the unknown journey.

Before the plane took off, the two of them sat in a spacious seat. Jiang An gently held Lin Xixi's hand and looked at her tenderly: "Xixi, this trip will be wonderful."

Lin Xixi responded with a sweet smile: "As long as you are by my side, wherever I go there will be the most beautiful scenery."

As the plane roared, they embarked on this romantic journey. As the plane flew above the clouds, Lin Xixi looked out the window curiously, while Jiang An stayed with her quietly.

"Wow, look at those clouds, do they look like marshmallows?" Lin Xixi said excitedly, pointing to the clouds outside the window.

Jiang An followed her hand and nodded with a smile: "Yes, it does look similar. When we get off the plane, I will buy marshmallows for you to eat."

Lin Xixi turned her head and winked playfully: "Okay, I want to eat the biggest one."

The two smiled at each other, and the cabin was filled with a sweet atmosphere.

During the flight, the flight attendant began to distribute meals. Jiang An carefully opened the lunch box for Lin Xixi and placed the delicacies one by one on the small table in front of her.

"Come, try this beef rice. I chose it specially for you." Jiang An handed a spoonful of beef rice to Lin Xixi's mouth.

Lin Xixi opened her mouth and ate the spoonful of beef rice with satisfaction, her eyes shining with happiness: "It's delicious, you should eat it too."

The two of them were sharing the delicious food one bite at a time, as if they were the only two people left in the world.

After the meal, Lin Xixi leaned sleepily on Jiang An's shoulder. Jiang An gently hugged her so that she could rest more comfortably.

"Jiang An, you are so kind." Lin Xixi closed her eyes and murmured.

Jiang An lowered his head and kissed her gently on the forehead: "Silly girl, you are the most important person to me. Of course I must treat you well."

The plane continued to fly high in the sky, and Jiang An and Lin Xixi were immersed in this rare tranquility and sweetness. They knew that this honeymoon trip was not just a simple trip, but also a sublimation of their feelings.

After a long flight, the plane finally arrived in France.

When the two walked out of the airport hand in hand, they seemed to have integrated into the atmosphere of this romantic country.

(End of this chapter)

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