Three Kingdoms in a box

Chapter 13 Don’t be afraid, brother, we have an immortal

Chapter 13 Don’t be afraid, brother, we have an immortal


Everyone swallowed and looked at the big white and tender eggs with longing eyes.

The old man at the head was even more excited and said: "Is this really food for us?"

Zhang Jiao smiled and said: "Of course, this is a gift from the immortal, please use it!"

After saying that, he opened the door with Zhang Liang. Seeing Zhang Jiao's behavior, the old man shouted excitedly: "Everyone, this is the fairy egg that Mr. Zhang asked the immortal to give to us. Eat it quickly, everyone." Thank you, God!"

The old man shouted a thank you to the immortal, threw away all the walking sticks that were in the way, and quickly ran into the courtyard. He gnawed on the egg with his toothless mouth and chewed off a large piece. Eat with a face full of satisfaction.

Seeing the old man running so fast, the people behind him didn't care about anything else. In the present moment of food, nothing else mattered.

In fact, the concept of the people in ancient times was very simple. As long as you give them food to prevent them from going hungry, then they are the best obedient people. But one day if you can't even let them eat, they will take it without hesitation. If you don't let them eat, they will kill you. This is normal karma.

The villagers swarmed up, jumped on the eggs and gnawed on them. They were very happy to eat, and there were so many people that they immediately surrounded the eggs. Some people who couldn't eat the eggs in the back suddenly became anxious. Some of the shorter ones used the shoulders of the crowd to climb onto the eggs and gnaw on them.

The scene was spectacular.

Li Yu was watching all this on the box, feeling like he was a child watching ants eating food.

Now this group of people are gnawing around the eggs. In Li Yu's opinion, it is very similar to the scene when he threw a peach core next to an ant nest as a child and saw it full of ants the next day.

The common people had a great time eating it. These people usually didn't even care about the existence of wild vegetables, but when they saw the eggs, they ate them with their bellies open.

Many people have untied the straw ropes tied around their bellies.

Seeing everyone eating so happily, Zhang Liang frowned slightly and said to Zhang Jiao beside him: "Brother, these are the Kun eggs given to us by the immortal. We have divided them among them. What are we going to eat?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jiao glanced at Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang's eyes were staring at the eggs, full of reluctance. If he hadn't really endured it, he would have eaten two more bites, but he really couldn't eat anymore.

But if he can't eat this meal, it doesn't mean he can't eat the next meal. Now that the Kundan has been divided, what will he eat tomorrow?

Do you still want to eat rice with millet water and watery soup?

Zhang Liang was unwilling to do so. He looked at Zhang Jiao at this time, but Zhang Jiao said: "Third brother, people have to take a longer view. We have to do big things. We can't just focus on immediate interests and abandon the great righteousness. Today, we are showing kindness to you." They, they will repay us in the future, do you understand?"

Zhang Liang shook his head and said, "Brother, what's the big deal?" Zhang Jiao looked up at the sky and said, "Preach the Tao of Immortality on behalf of the Immortal, form a fairy kingdom in the world, and make everyone believe in the Immortal. We all have land to grow, we have food to eat, and we can live a good life, this is a big deal!”

After hearing this, Zhang Liang looked at Zhang Jiao in shock and said: "Brother, if you establish a fairy kingdom, I'm afraid the court will label it as treason! You will be beheaded!"

Zhang Jiao smiled contemptuously and said, "If this is the case, I am willing to devote my life to the Immortal and I will not regret it until I die!"

Zhang Jiao's eyes are bright, and he spreads the immortal way and realizes Zhang Jiao's ideal. Zhang Jiao himself is an idealist. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the aristocratic families were monopolized and the people's lives were as cheap as dogs, he took the initiative as a common person. They resisted brazenly and set off a vigorous peasant uprising.

He is not afraid of the imperial power and does not admire the powerful. In this era when the imperial power relies on the support of aristocratic families, he launched the Yellow Turban War in horror, hoping to subvert the imperial power and subvert the local aristocratic families. Although he failed, who can say that Zhang Jiao is a bad person?

He was just an idealist. He just wanted to build a world without aristocratic families and ignorant emperors. Unfortunately, he failed.

In the eyes of the aristocratic families and the royal family whose interests were harmed, that war was a complete rebellion, so they named it the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

But if you peel away the whitewash of the ruling class, you can see that it is a naked government-forced people's rebellion, a naked land annexation to the extreme, and wealthy families squeezing the people!

The reason why our first impression of the Yellow Turban Uprising is negative is also very simple, because history books are written by those in power.

Whether it is Chen Shou's Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, their starting point is written from the perspective of aristocratic families, and the Yellow Turban Uprising launched by Zhang Jiao was basically to overthrow all the ruling classes at the time, including the firm control of the various regions. A powerful family with grassroots power.

This led to powerful families from all over the country standing up to resist Zhang Jiao. This is what we saw at the beginning of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Powerful people like Liu Guan and Zhang sold their properties, recruited soldiers and horses, and attacked the Yellow Turban Army.

The Yellow Turban Army seems to be huge, with 36 people revolting. But if you analyze it carefully, there are 36 states and [-] counties in the Eastern Han Dynasty. If you throw these [-] people into it, the average number of people in a county is only a few thousand. Just people.

And what about the powerful family?Several times, dozens of times more than the Yellow Turban Army, how can the Yellow Turban Army be invincible?
So Li Yu decided to learn a lesson and not to be too aggressive in doing things. We must use Zhu Yuanzhang's plan to accumulate food widely, build walls high, and slowly become king!

Of course, these are all contents in Li Yu's planning book. Zhang Jiao does not know that he is only an executor of Li Yu's plan, not the planner and decision-maker!
But Zhang Jiao is very willing to work for Li Yu, not only because of his belief, but more importantly, because Li Yu's goals highly coincide with his ideals. They have the same ideals and aspirations!
Zhang Liang looked at Zhang Jue's shining eyes and his determination to sacrifice his life for righteousness. His heart was deeply shaken. He looked at Zhang Jue for a long time and then slowly said: "Brother, if the day of beheading really comes, , I will work with the eldest brother, and Liang will give his full support to whatever the eldest brother wants to do!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jiao looked at Zhang Liang in surprise and said, "Aren't you afraid of being implicated and executed by the court as a traitor?"

Zhang Liang laughed loudly when he heard this: "Brothers fight tigers, father and son go into battle, you and I are brothers. Since the eldest brother has such great ambitions, the younger brother cannot turn a blind eye. Although he has little talent and little knowledge, he still has martial arts. If the elder brother needs it, I am willing to do it for him." Brother’s vanguard, nine deaths without regrets!”

"Third brother, you..."

Zhang Jiao was very moved. Seeing Zhang Jiao like this, Zhang Liang smiled and said: "Brother, you don't have to be like this. Besides, we may not lose. We are working for the Immortal. How can the Immortal watch us die? The Immortal protects us." , even if the imperial court sends a large army to encircle and suppress us, we will not necessarily lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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