Three Kingdoms in a box

Chapter 147 All Nations Come to DPRK

Chapter 147 All Nations Come to DPRK
After listening to Li Yu's words, Wang Yue became very interested in mathematics, and then continued to turn the pages. Behind the multiplication table were the four simple arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This sudden impact on Wang Yue It's also very big. After all, although the ancients could count, ordinary people could only do simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, which was just a superficial understanding.

Among the four operations, the mathematical principles of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are explained in an easy-to-understand manner. Wang Yue's eyes widened as he looked at the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in front of him. Often, the simpler things are, the more directly they refer to objects. The basic principle itself, the more direct it is to the essence!
The simple four arithmetic operations were still very shocking. Wang Yue looked at the four arithmetic operations and fell into deep thought. If everyone learns these four arithmetic operations, he can actually be an accountant. If he joins the army, he can become a logistics officer. The quartermaster who keeps accounts is simply a university subject!
Then looking back is a consolidation lesson, the content is the application of the four arithmetic operations, including some distance problems, such as A travels ten miles in one hour, B travels twelve miles in one hour, now A is six miles ahead of B and B moves forward at the same time. How long will it take for B to catch up with A?

This question seems very simple, but when put on the battlefield, it is a question of chasing and annihilating the enemy. For example, the enemy's infantry can cover ten miles in one hour, and our light infantry can cover twelve miles in one hour. Now that the enemy is defeated, how long will it take for us to do so? If time can catch up with the enemy, where will it catch up?

Or maybe the enemy is preparing to attack one of our base areas, and our light infantry needs to travel a long way in an hour to catch up with this group of infantry and annihilate the enemy halfway.

Isn't this problem on the ancient battlefield just a simple elementary school math problem?

Once these foundations are laid, our soldiers will know more than the enemy's soldiers and can be better prepared. This is the importance of learning. Wang Yue clearly understood the intention of these teaching materials and couldn't help but sigh. : "If you teach it this way, I'm afraid everyone will have the ability of Mr. Accountant!"

Li Yu heard this and said: "This is not enough, keep reading!"

After hearing this, Wang Yue continued to look back, and the content behind was a little more difficult, such as finding the area of ​​a figure, teaching decimals in addition to natural numbers, understanding of diagonals, the Pythagorean theorem, pi, etc. wait……

Li Yu's textbook actually combines the content of primary school and junior high school textbooks. After all, children in Li Yu's era don't need to learn too much, just math and Chinese. As for English?

What is that? The people who can speak English in this era are almost like monkeys. Why should you imitate them?

After learning these things for three years, he will continue to go to school, such as some physics knowledge, chemistry knowledge, etc. Of course, these are all advanced parts, and everyone does not need to know them. In addition, Li Yu also wants to open a college for the advanced part. Learn some other skills, like medicine!

If there is a chance, Li Yu would like to invite famous doctors of this era to teach, such as Hua Tuo, who is an SSR-level figure with both internal and external skills. In addition to basic things such as taking pulses in internal medicine, he can also use anesthesia to boil. He can also perform surgical operations. This is the real medical master!
With Li Yu here, he didn't want a medical genius like Hua Tuo to fall into the hands of Cao Cao and then be wiped out by Cao Cao. But to be honest, it was very risky for Hua Tuo to prepare for brain surgery in this era. , after all, if you think about it, it is difficult to have a sterile environment in this era. Even if Hua Tuo can successfully open the craniotomy, what to do if the wound becomes infected after the operation is successful? You must know that there is no antibiotic like penicillin in this era.

It can be said that if Cao Cao really performed the surgery, it would be a gamble. If he was lucky and there was no infection, then he had really successfully performed a set of surgical craniotomy. But if he was unlucky and got an infection, then Cao Cao might die. Sexuality is also very strong, so although Cao Cao's murder of Hua Tuo is suspected of being the first medical incident in China, it cannot be said that there is no reason at all.

After all, Hua Tuo's description at the time was quite scary. He split open the head with a sharp ax and took out the wind saliva. To be honest, if I were Cao Cao, I wouldn't let Hua Tuo do it.

However, Hua Tuo was also the first person in China to propose the idea of ​​brain surgery, and he also studied anesthetics, Ma Fei San. If he developed high-quality alcohol and penicillin, he could disinfect and treat inflammation afterwards. This time-defining surgery may not necessarily be unsuccessful!
In addition to Hua Tuo, there is also a relatively famous physician, Zhang Zhongjing, who seems to be holding an official position in Jiangxia. When he wins Jiangxia, he will be recruited into his medical school. By then, the medical school will have a doctor named Zhang Zhongjing in the Department of Internal Medicine. , there is a miracle doctor Hua Tuo in the Department of Surgery. The two confirm each other's ideas, and it is impossible to come up with different sparks.

Li Yu was thinking about his future scientific ideas, and was soon pulled into reality by Wang Yue's voice.

It turns out that Wang Yue actually saw the Pythagorean theorem, three gu and four mysterious and five. Isn't this the three gu Guang, four gu and four xuan five recorded by Shang Gao in the "Zhou Bei Suan Jing"?
He really didn't expect that the fairy world would collect these things. When he turned to the pi at the back, he was completely silent. This, this is an algorithm that he had never thought of. Is pi zero?

"It's π"

Li Yu seemed to be able to hear Wang Yue's thoughts and directly corrected the pronunciation. That thing is called π, π=3.1415926!

It is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle!
Li Yu started popular science for Wang Yue. Wang Yue's eyes lit up after hearing this. So is 3.1415926 the specific value of π?

Li Yu laughed when he heard this: "No, the value of π is infinite!"

"What? There are endless things in this world, it's impossible! One hundred is enough!"

Wang Yue is worthy of being a master of miscellaneous knowledge. After reading through elementary school mathematics, he already has a full understanding of the decimal point. At this time, he couldn't help but ask.

Li Yu laughed when he heard this: "What I said is endless, it means endless. It's not a false reference, but the real number is endless! If you don't believe it, you can ask for it on your own!"

Li Yu is telling the truth. To this day, after using the best computer in the world to calculate the last few billion digits of pi, this number has still not been exhausted. It can be said that it is endless.

But Li Yu didn't expect that because of today's words, Wang Yue in front of him would have a great pleasure in calculating pi for the rest of his life, and even calculated to more than 100 digits before his death.

Later generations were called the ancestor of pi. Later, his invention spread to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and was inherited by a young man named Zu Chongzhi, who pushed it back by more than 100 digits.A few years later, the Arab mathematician Kassie managed to calculate the last 17 digits of pi and was once considered a genius. Unfortunately, not long after, a book called "Collection of Chinese Mathematics" spread to Arabia through merchants on the Silk Road. It happened to be sold to Cassie by a friend.

Cassie didn't know Chinese characters, but fortunately at that time, Chinese caravans were already frequently doing business in Europe and Africa, exchanging China's exquisite ceramics, tea, and silk for gold, cattle, sheep, and various spices there.

Cassie found a Chinese businessman and asked him to translate it for him. After hearing this, the Chinese businessman took the book and took a look at it and said: "This is a popular science mathematics journal published by our highest mathematics university in China. , which tells the stories and lives of some of our great Chinese mathematicians!"

After hearing this, Cassie quickly turned a page. He couldn't understand other things on that page, but he knew a series of numbers, which was π=3.1415926...

This is very similar to his research results, pi. He wanted to know what this string of numbers meant, so the businessman took a look and said: "Oh, this is amazing. This is our number one educator in China, Master Wang Yue. He He is the enlightenment teacher of many masters in our Chinese educational, scientific, and medical circles, and is called a Holy Master!"

"This is a short story about our Saint Master. He said that the Saint Master has a little hobby, that is, he likes to calculate something called pi, which is the number obtained by dividing the circumference of a circle by the diameter of the circle. This branch is like this This thing is called π, and this π seems to be magical and endless. Even the Holy Master could only count to a hundred decimal places when he died!"

"How many!??"

After listening to the businessman's words, Cassie's eyes almost popped out of his head. He spent several years and lost countless brain cells before finally calculating to 17 decimal places. He thought he was definitely a genius, but this mysterious man from China The Holy Master actually calculated directly to one hundred decimal places.

You must know that π is more difficult to calculate the further back, and the easier it is to make mistakes the further back it is, but the man actually calculated it to a hundred digits. Thinking of this, Cassie's eyes almost popped out of her head. After a long time, she said: " Mr. Businessman, can you tell me where this holy master who calculated the last hundred digits of pi lives in China? I want to see him!"

After hearing this, the businessman was completely stunned. He looked at the mathematician Cassie, who was known as a genius in Arabia, in surprise, and then said in a very apologetic tone: "Mr. Cassie, I'm sorry, I'm afraid You can’t see our Holy Master anymore!”

"Why? Is it because I am not Chinese, so I am not qualified to meet your Chinese Saint Master?"

The businessman shook his head and said: "No, no, we in China respect talents and scholars the most, but our holy master has been dead for more than 1000 years. You will definitely not be able to see him now, but if you want, you can Go to our current Julu Academy site in Julu, Hebei Province and pay homage to the Holy Master Temple, and let the Holy Master bless you to become smarter!"

"Dead, more than 1000 years ago? Is this what your ancients calculated 1000 years ago??"

Cassie was shocked by the news. He thought he was a genius, but his research results were not as good as those studied by the ancients 1000 years ago. What kind of scholar was he like this? What a shame!
Thinking of this, Cassie said unwillingly: "You didn't lie to me?"

"Can I get gold coins by lying to you?"

The businessman smiled and said, looking at Cassie's appearance, he said: "And these more than 100 people are not our limit. Don't you see it written below? After the Holy Master, less than 200 years passed, and the number of A mathematical genius named Zu Chongzhi was also very interested in pi, so he started to study on the basis of the Holy Master, and finally after 20 years of research, he calculated the [-] digits after the decimal point!"

"Zu Chongzhi? Two hundred people!"

Cassie took a breath of air, then looked at the businessman and said: "Oh, my God, your East is so magical. No, I want to go back to the East with you. I want to go to your highest university to study mathematics. I want to calculate more pi! I want to go beyond two hundred digits!"

After hearing this, the businessman laughed again: "The two hundred digits have long been exceeded. Look at this paragraph. Not long ago, a young man named Zhu Shijie from our college calculated the last five digits of pi, which became the current pi ratio. record holder!"

"Five, five hundred!" Cassie's eyes almost popped out of his head. He was still feeling smug that he had calculated 17 decimal places. Later, he heard that someone had calculated a hundred decimal places and he felt incredible. , but what’s even more incredible is that someone actually calculated to [-] digits after the decimal point. I thought this was the limit, but now it has expanded to [-] digits. What a terrifying speed at this time!
Cassie felt that she didn't have much time left for herself. At this time, Cassie looked at the businessman and said: "Mr. Businessman, when will you go back to the East? I want to go back to the East with you. I want to go to that magical land to see it." !”

The businessman looked at Cassie and said, "I'm afraid it will take us a month. After all, we have to buy some spices before we can go back."

"Spices, very good. I know the biggest spice dealer here. They will sell you the spices you need at the lowest price. I just hope that we can go to the East as soon as possible. I can't help but want to see it. This magical East! And the highest school, Julu Academy, I, I feel like my blood is boiling!"

The East is a mysterious place, especially since the Three Kingdoms, when the great Taiping Taoism unified the country and became the Chinese Empire. Since then, the empire has been prosperous in science and technology, leading the world for thousands of years, and has been the global political and cultural brokerage center.

Countless scholars, businessmen, and politicians, with the intention of pilgrimage, have traveled thousands of miles to come to China to pay homage. If some small countries can be canonized by the Chinese emperor, they will kneel down in excitement and shout long live the ancestors' tombs for eight generations. Because when the great Chinese Empire recognizes you, your political power will be the most stable. No one dares to make the Chinese Empire unhappy, no one!
The Chinese Empire has also become the center of the world, bearing the honor of all nations, and the Han people have also become the most noble race in the world. Everyone is proud of the Han people, even the exotic beauties from other places, in order to let their descendants Enjoying the treatment of Han people, they all voluntarily married Han people as concubines, and they were even proud of it!
Of course, this is all in the future, and now there is only a small Xiagouhe village in the prototype of this great empire!

(End of this chapter)

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