Three Kingdoms in a box

Chapter 180 Capturing the Military Advisor Alive

Zhang Bao heard the sound from the city gate upstairs and immediately shouted: "Okay, I will give you a cup of tea. If you still don't surrender, then don't blame me for being unkind. After the thunderbolt car blasts open your city gate, everyone will Kill without mercy and leave no one alive."

Upon hearing this, the minions on the city gate tower immediately shouted: "Thank you so much, good man."

Then they all went to look for the military advisor. The military advisor's face was dark at this moment. He looked at the few men with positions who rushed over and said, "What are you doing here?"

At this time, several people said with mournful faces: "Master Military Advisor, the matter has come to this, we will definitely be defeated, and the Thunderbolt Chariot that Diao Master is so important to has been used by the enemy, which means that Diao Ye has also been killed, and we guys I am willing to guard this stronghold for Lord Diao, but Lord Diao is no longer here, so who are we to guard it for, so Master, please vote. With your wisdom, you will definitely be respected by the new owner of the village."

After hearing this, the master looked at a few people and said, "Since you don't trust Master Diao so much, you don't believe that Master Diao can break out of the siege and win? Don't you believe that Master Diao will come back?"

After hearing this, everyone said: "If Mr. Diao could come back, I'm afraid he would have come back a long time ago. If he doesn't come back now, I'm afraid he will never come back. Military advisor, you understand better than us, but why do you pretend not to understand?"

The master said: "It's not that I pretend not to understand, it's that I have followed Master Diao for 20 years and know that Master Diao is not someone who gives up easily. Master Diao has overcome many crises in the past, and Master Diao can also come through this time."

"What about the figure of Lord Diao?"

Someone asked.

The master said: "These bastards from Jitoushan must have used some despicable method to hold down Lord Diao. As long as we hold on here, when Lord Diao comes back, everyone will be a meritorious minister and will be rewarded heavily by Lord Diao." Yes, why don’t you do it?”

After hearing this, everyone shook their heads and said: "Master Military Advisor, we have always respected you and cannot pour cold water on you, but this time, I am afraid something has really happened to Lord Diao, otherwise Lord Diao will regard him as a thunderbolt as precious as life. How could the car fall into the hands of Jitoushan?"

"Okay, let's not talk about how it fell into the hands of Jitoushan. Even if they picked it up, Master, there are only a hundred or so people left in our village. The only barrier is this high city. But the enemy has the Thunderbolt Chariot. As long as they take it If the city gate is leveled, then we will have a smooth road here."

"How long can we hold on?"

"Yes, military advisor, the enemy has a Pili Chariot. Needless to say how powerful the Pili Chariot is. Moreover, Feng Erlu controls the Pili Chariot. Feng Erlu is so ruthless. Even our small city wall can withstand a few shots."

"If at that time, they blast open the city gate, wouldn't the hundreds of us here be easily slaughtered by the enemy like chopping vegetables and melons? The King Kong and his 300 people were easily killed by others. We are here to become apprentices. Why should we hold on, strategist, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, brothers will not be so helpless, but now, brothers really have no guarantee of victory!"

After hearing this, the military advisor said with a dark face: "Can't you just hold on a little longer? Master Diao, Master Diao must be back soon. There are only a few hundred Jitoushan bandits outside the city gate. We have a city wall." The danger may not be impossible to fight. If you surrender now and wait for Mr. Diao to come back, with how ruthless Mr. Diao is, your whole family will be killed if they still want to survive. Aren't you afraid?"

After hearing this, everyone fell silent. The military advisor clenched his fists and said: "As long as we hold on, not only will Diao Ye come to the rescue, don't forget, we will also have to fly over the grass to find Wuniu Mountain. Woniushan When the reinforcements arrive, we can still survive. By then, everyone will be saved. Just hold on, hold on!"

The military advisor said excitedly. After hearing this, the surrounding gangsters all fell silent and looked at each other. They couldn't make up their minds for a moment. At this time, one bandit shook his head incomprehensibly, and the other bandits nodded and said to each other. A very secretive exchange of glances.

The military advisor spent a lot of time trying to calm these guys down. He thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, but when he turned around, two bandits immediately came up. One of them held down one of the military advisor's arms, and with a small grab, they immediately killed the military advisor. His two arms were crossed!

At this time, the military advisor was given the shape of a bird spreading its wings!

The military advisor had his arms raised and suddenly shouted in pain: "What are you doing, what are you doing!"

"Find the rope, quickly find the rope, tie it, tie it!"

Everyone shouted, and suddenly everyone came up and held the military advisor in place. At this time, the military advisor yelled desperately: "You bastards, let me go, you don't want to live anymore, what are you doing, why are you rebelling!" "

After hearing this, a minion said: "Master Military Advisor, please stop shouting. We all know that you are very eloquent. We cannot listen to you. How can we bet that Lord Diao will come back? When will the soldiers and horses of Woniu Mountain be ready?" When we arrive, we will know that we only have a cup of tea. If we don't open the city gate, then the enemy will rush up and kill us, and by then, we will die without a place to bury ourselves."

"You are a military advisor. When you are defending the city, you all run back, but we are going to attack. We are the ones who will die. We are not stupid!"

"Yes, strategist, don't blame us. The matter is obvious. We can't joke with our own lives, so strategist, everything is wronged by you!"

At this time, the military advisor's arms were tied up and he screamed like a slaughtering pig: "You treacherous villains and beasts who sell themselves to others for glory. Lord Diao treats you very badly. You betrayed Lord Diao like this. How dare you? Now, do you still have a conscience?"

Hearing this, the bandits frowned and said, "Yes, Pu Tian Diao treats you very well, but what about us? Okay?"

"It's because I had a stomachache while on patrol last time, and he found out. What a beating. I took off my butt in public, spanked me dozens of times, and almost beat me to death. Still treating me like this Okay?"

"That's right, that's right, what are you doing? Last time I didn't have enough to eat, so I went to the kitchen secretly. I stole half a mold cake, but he found out, and Pu Tiandiao actually made me kneel down at the door of the kitchen. Day and night, yes, food is precious now. But he can't keep us like dogs, that's good."

"Isn't it that Pu Tian Diao has done so many wicked things? I've long been used to seeing him. I'll make it clear today that I'm going to Jitoushan now, and no one can stop me. I Let me tell you, everything I did today was worthy of my conscience. What a seller seeking glory. What a shame. Don’t put a big label on us. We became bandits just to have a bite of food. If you don’t give us food, why should we sacrifice our lives for you? "

"That's right, that's right. You are enjoying hot drinks every day, playing with girls, and having sex with old women. What about us, what kind of life are we living? You don't even look at it, and you still say that we, now The Thunderbolt Chariot has been set up, and they will defend the city for a while. Are we in front? We are all out. You see something is wrong. If you surrender again, they will treat you like a treasure. What have we become? We are just cannon fodder. , just deserve to die?"


A group of minions became increasingly angry as they talked.This flamboyant eagle is unpopular. Everyone has endured it all these years and dare not speak out when they are angry.The Flying Eagle is in trouble today, why do we still treat him as our ancestor?We just want to live, we just want to live, is that wrong?

Everyone is full of resentment.Let it all out at this moment.

Military was right, Pu Tian Diao was really good to him.All treatments are top notch.But they are really treated like pigs and dogs. Who among you is willing to give your life for someone who treats them like pigs and dogs?

To put it bluntly, the truth is that Pu Tiandiao doesn't know how to be a human being, he treats everyone like pigs and dogs.Can everyone still regard him as a relative?There is nothing good about such people since ancient times.For example, Lu Bu, Xiang Yu, Chen Youliang, these people are all like this, especially Lu Bu is the most representative.

Being mean and ungrateful, he uses others as tools.Everyone has emotions and desires, and they all know warmth and coldness. If you treat others as tools, can they treat you as a good person?How you treated others back then is how others will treat you today.Even if there was a favor back then, there will be a day when the favor will be repaid.That's when you're unlucky.

The military advisor was still yelling at him, but the bandits ignored him. One man even took off his shoes, blackened himself, and left his socks smelling sour.Put it directly into his mouth.

The military advisor choked with tears.But he was helpless and struggled desperately, making whining sounds from his mouth.He has never suffered anything like this in his life. This damn bandit. These socks haven't been washed for at least a month. How can you describe the smell?into the mouth.The whole mouth was numb.

"Ahem... I said, Lao Zhao, why do your socks smell so strong?"

"Yeah, yeah, damn, she's so slutty."

"Yes, Lao Zhao, how many days have you not washed your feet? Oh my God, you just took off your socks. I saw a puff of smoke and I was scared to death. I thought a monster was coming."

"Hey, hey, hey, you're almost done. Don't talk about me. Your socks are good. Yesterday, when I came back from patrolling the mountains, as soon as you took off your socks, there was no one in the room. I almost lost my temper."

"Ahem...Okay, okay, let's put our shoes on before we talk, it's so annoying."

Several people talked to each other and had already tied up the military advisor.

At this time, a person shouted: "Brothers opened the city gate and surrendered. Who are you not eating with these days? There is no need to risk your life."

"Yes, yes, brothers, the military advisor has been captured by us. Open the city gate to welcome the heroes of Jitoushan!"

Several bandits shouted loudly after taking the military counselor.When the surrounding minions heard this, they all reacted immediately.At this time, someone shouted, please call the heroes below the city.

After hearing this, several bandits immediately climbed up the tower and shouted to Zhang Bao and others below.

"The good guys downstairs, we surrender. Let's open the door now and don't put any stones."

Hearing this, Zhang Bao suddenly laughed and said: "Okay, those who know the current affairs are heroes, and you are all good. Open the city gate quickly and put down your weapons. We will treat you preferentially."

"Yes, you are a good man. Let's put down our weapons and open the city gate."

On the tower above the city gate, the minions shouted loudly, and immediately ordered people to open the city gate.

Zhang Baojian immediately said to the security guards behind him: "Brothers, listen up. Don't let down your guard when we enter the city soon. Everyone in Bu Yuanyang Formation, please cheer up and be careful of fraud. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

The security guards immediately shouted in response, and at this time the gate of the Beacon Hill cottage slowly opened.This gate is modeled after the county town, and the main material of the gate is century-old iron wood.It is very heavy. This wood can only be found in deep mountains and is very precious.

The city gates are also wrapped in huge iron sheets, which are very strong and durable. In fact, it will take a lot of effort to smash them open with a thunderbolt car.

Moreover, ironwood is very resistant to burning, even if one party attacks with fire during a battle.If you shoot rockets at the city gate, it will take a lot of effort to burn the entire city gate.

Therefore, at this time, the minions in the city can be tricked into opening the door, and the city can be captured without a single blow.It can be considered a huge success.

The security forces lined up in a neat formation, cooperated with each other, formed a mandarin duck formation, and marched straight into Bijia Village.

By this time, the bandits from Bijia [-] had collected all their weapons.They were placed aside and piled into a pile, and the rest of the bandits squatted against the city wall.

Warmly welcome the security forces stationed in Beacon Hill.

A group of anti-security forces entered Beacon Hill neatly and instantly took control of the situation in the entire village.At this time, Zhang Bao came in with his troops and saw three bandit leaders who took the lead in arresting the military advisor.

When the bandit leaders saw Zhang Bao, they immediately smiled and greeted him.

When he arrived, he knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said, "Young man, I have seen a good man."

Zhang Bao glanced at the three of them and said, "Were you the ones shouting on the city gate tower just now?"

"That's right, that's right, it's the little ones."

The three people immediately kowtowed. After hearing this, Zhang Bao said: "Where is your copycat military advisor?"

After hearing this, the three of them immediately looked at each other and then said to the minions behind them: "Bring that old guy up quickly."

As soon as he said this, two Luo Luo soldiers pushed and pushed a man up.

Zhang Bao glanced at him and said, "Why did you tie him up?"

Hear this.The three kneeling bandit leaders immediately kowtowed and said: "A good man is a kind of cake. This old guy understands and ignores him. When the good man Willin arrived, he did not surrender. He even wanted to fight to the death with him and put up a stubborn resistance. I can't wait to see. I got used to his ugly face and persuaded him to surrender, but he refused to listen and insisted on dragging a copycat to die with the good man. I saw that he was crazy, so I tied him here and asked the good man to see you! "

Zhang Baowen also glanced at the three people and knew that these three people were weak and spineless.He didn't have the courage to fight for his life, but he said that his military advisor was a lunatic.

But they also need this kind of people.

Zhang Bao ignored the three of them and turned to look at the military advisor. He saw that the military advisor still had a sock stuffed in his mouth, so he said, "Take out what is in his mouth and let him talk." (End of Chapter)

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