Douluo: Me!Xiao Zizai, can you please die?

Chapter 80 Stop Wuhun Palace’s conspiracy

Chapter 80 Stop Wuhun Palace’s conspiracy
The Wuhun Hall is a branch hall. The architecture here is very impressive. In the center of the hall is a tall Wuhun Tower.

Xiao Zizai was looking around here.

Suddenly, the system's voice sounded: "Host Xiao Zizai, please note that the mission has been released for a long time. You must rush to Poseidon Island as soon as possible to get rid of the Shrek Seven Monsters."

Xiao Zizai's heart moved. He knew that this was a very dangerous task, because the Shrek Seven Devils were the top experts on the famous Douluo Continent.

However, he also knows that completing this task is very important for his growth.

He immediately set off for Poseidon Island. Along the way, he kept thinking about how to deal with the battle between the Shrek Seven Monsters.

He realized that if he wanted to defeat them, he had to exert his full strength and use his strongest martial arts skills.


These are mysterious soul islands. To go to Poseidon Island, you must pass through here.

Located on the vast ocean, isolated from the world, it exudes a charming aura.

Here, the emerald green mountains and the blue ocean are intertwined to form a beautiful picture.Countless soul beasts coexist in this land, and they possess various magical powers and unique skills.

The appearance of the spirit beasts is all kinds of strange, some are shaped like giant dragons, mighty and domineering; some are as beautiful and noble as phoenixes; some are small, exquisite and cute.

They run and soar freely in the forests, lakes and grasslands of Fairy Island, showing endless vitality and vitality.

Soul beasts have unique talents and abilities. Some can control thunder and lightning, some can exert healing powers, and some can use natural elements to attack and defend.

These spirit beasts have established their own homes on the island, coexisting in harmony with the creatures on the island, helping each other, and jointly maintaining the harmony and balance of this land.

Whenever night falls, the spirit beasts will gather in the open space by the lake and hold a grand bonfire party.

They sang and danced around the campfire, sharing each other's lives and experiences, and spent a happy night.

During the day, they are busy with their own lives, guarding this beautiful land.

This fairy island is isolated from the outside world, but it is not alone.Here, the soul beasts enjoy the sunshine, waves and the beauty of nature, and experience the friendship and warmth between them.

On this fairy island, in addition to the soul beasts, there is also a medium-sized soul master sect.

This sect is composed of a group of soul masters who love nature and advocate peace. They are committed to protecting the creatures and soul beasts on the island and maintaining harmony and balance.

The members of the sect all have their own unique skills and talents, and they are proficient in soul magic, pharmacology and soul power cultivation.

They built their own palaces and academies on the island, training generations of young soul masters.

These young soul masters learn skills and hone their will here, and gradually become excellent soul masters, contributing to the protection of the fairy island and the soul beasts.

The members of the sect have established a deep friendship with the spirit beasts on the island. They trust and support each other.

The soul beasts will come to the sect's mountain gate regularly to communicate with the soul masters and share each other's lives and experiences.

The soul masters will provide shelter and help to the soul beasts, and jointly deal with external threats and challenges.

The status of this sect on the island is very important. They are the key force in maintaining harmony and balance.

They teach the younger generation how to live in harmony with nature and respect and protect every living thing on the island.

At the same time, they also actively explore and study the mysteries of soul magic, seeking breakthroughs in stronger power and higher realms.Soon, Xiao Zijiu set foot on this fairy island, also known as Soul Master Island, and a strong spiritual energy hit his face.

He took a deep breath and felt the unique atmosphere of this island.

Suddenly, he heard a greeting, looked back, and saw an old man in a green robe walking towards him.

"Is this Pope Xiao? I am the head of the Walrus Sect. I am very honored to meet you." The old man in green robe said with a smile.

Xiao Zizai smiled slightly, saluted the leader of the Walrus Sect, and said, "Your hospitality is really thoughtful. Is there anything you need my help with?"

The leader of the Walrus Sect looked solemn and said: "Our sect has been attacked by some mysterious forces recently, but the target of these forces is not our soul masters, but our soul beasts. Recently, the activities of these forces have become more and more frequent. , we are very worried that they will also attack our soul masters. I would like to ask you how to deal with this situation. "

Xiao Zizai lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said: "I will send people over as soon as possible to help you deal with these mysterious forces. At the same time, we must also strengthen the cooperation between the soul master sects to jointly fight against foreign enemies."

When the leader of the Walrus Sect heard this, a look of relief appeared on his face, and he said: "Thank you for your help, Pope Xiao. We will fully support you."

Xiao Zizai smiled and nodded.

Soon, the leader of Walrus Sect invited Xiao Zizai to rest here for a while, and Xiao Zizai agreed.

The main hall of Walrus Sect is spacious, bright and has a harmonious atmosphere.

The leader of the Walrus Sect enthusiastically introduced the history and features of the island to Xiao Zizai, while Xiao Zizai listened with slight admiration.

Finally, the head of the Walrus Sect enthusiastically arranged accommodation for Xiao Zizai so that he could have a good rest.

Finally, the leader of the Walrus Sect turned and left, and the remaining disciples also silently retreated, allowing Xiao Zizi to rest quietly.

The reason why Xiao Zizai stayed here was because he felt through the Shura Sword that there were only two very powerful auras at this moment, getting closer and closer to him.

The aura of the visitor is very violent, he must be an enemy rather than a friend.

So he was not in a hurry to go to Poseidon Island. He wanted to see who was in such a hurry to come and die.


On the sea in the distance.

Tang Chen ran without stopping, the sea trembling under his feet like huge rolling waves.

His face was full of determination and courage. He had already learned that Tang San was his descendant, and the new Pope of Wuhun Palace wanted to kill Tang San, so of course he had to stop him.

Tang Chen knew that time was very tight.He must reach his destination in the shortest possible time and stop Wuhundian's conspiracy.

He increased his speed just to get to Tang San's side faster.

The wind on the sea became more and more violent, and the huge waves rolled, as if to remind Tang Chen that his mission was very important.

His eyes became more determined, and he was convinced that this was a battle between justice and evil, and he must not fail.

Suddenly, he saw an island, and his destination was not far away.

He sped up and ran, praying secretly in his heart, hoping that he could arrive so that he could stop Wuhundian's conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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