Douluo: Me!Xiao Zizai, can you please die?

Chapter 91 Bo Saixi versus Xiao Zizai

Chapter 91 Bo Saixi versus Xiao Zizai
Bo Saixi danced lightly and waved his delicate hands, instantly forming a wall of water that blocked Xiao Zizi's attack.

There was a hint of ridicule in her eyes, as if she was mocking Xiao Zizi's ignorance.

Not to be outdone, Xiao Zizi's body suddenly turned into a ball of flame, instantly melting the wall of water.

He jumped up and rushed towards Bo Saixi.

The figures of the two people intertwined, and the sword light and water splashes intertwined on the sea to form a magnificent picture.

Their moves were fast and fierce, as if they were going to tear the entire ocean apart.

Bo Saixi's attacks were flexible and ruthless, and her sword dance turned into a beautiful and deadly storm.

Xiao Zizai fought back with fierce strength and agility. His sword dance was like a violent storm, unstoppable.

The sea water was churning under the fight between the two, and the waves were splashing, as if the ocean was also trembling due to their fight.

As their figures intertwined, there was a tense and intense atmosphere in the air.

Time seemed to have stopped, leaving only the sound of their breathing and the clash of sword blades.

Their eyes were full of firmness and determination, and they met each other's attacks without flinching.

The battle lasted for a long time, and they won and lost each other, but neither gave up.

Xiao Zizi's physical strength began to be exhausted, and Bo Saixi's offensive became more fierce.

Just when Xiao Zizi felt powerless, a firm will rose in his heart.

He took a deep breath, and the momentum in his body burst out instantly.

There was a gleam of brilliance in his sword dance, shining like a star.

His attacks became more fierce, almost forcing Bo Saixi into a desperate situation.

Bo Saixi's beauty began to gradually turn pale, and her offensive was no longer as fierce as before.

She felt the power radiating from Xiao Zizai's body, which was an unshakable determination.


The sea breeze howls and the raging waves crash against the rocky cliffs, forming a spectacular natural picture.

On this magnificent Poseidon Island, battle cries and energy collisions echoed in the air.

"Xiao Zizai" and "Bo Saixi", two strong men from the Douluo Continent, stood at the confrontation point on Poseidon Island, their momentum surging and condensing unparalleled power.

Bo Saixi was wearing a dark blue dress, with her long hair fluttering in the wind.

Her eyes flashed with determination, and she held a crystal sword tightly in her hand.

Xiao Zizai was wearing a black battle robe, with sharp eyes and a black long sword in his hand.

The two of them stood on the beach of Poseidon Island, with the sea wind roaring past and causing rough waves.

The breaths between them intertwined, as if they had turned into an invisible wall.

Bo Saixi raised her crystal sword high, her eyes firm and cold.

Suddenly, she roared, her body glowed with bright blue light, and a powerful energy spurted out of her body.

She used her fourth soul skill, Waves of Waves.

The water from the sea surged towards her and turned into a huge wave, sweeping towards Xiao Zizai.

Xiao Zizai frowned slightly, the black light on his body exploded, and a sword energy spurted out from the black sword in his hand, colliding with Bo Saixi's huge wave.

The two forces collided together, making a deafening roar.

The waves rolled, sword energy spread across the sky, and the entire Poseidon Island was enveloped in the energy of battle.

Xiao Zizai sneered. His sword skills were extremely sharp, and every swing of his sword carried a destructive power.

Bo Saixi is extremely agile, and her water-attribute martial arts skills allow her to move freely in the water, sometimes turning into water flow, sometimes turning into ice cones.The battle has entered a fierce stage, with both sides going back and forth, and every move is fatal.

Bo Saixi's attacks were continuous like water, while Xiao Zizai counterattacked sharply with fast sword moves.

Time seemed to have stopped, and only the two figures were shuttled back and forth on Poseidon Island.

Their battle attracted countless sea creatures, with schools of fish leaping in the distance and seabirds circling in the sky.

A trace of exhaustion flashed in Bo Saixi's eyes, but her will remained firm.

She knew that there was no winner in this battle, only a constant struggle.

Her heart burned with the desire for freedom and the protection of Poseidon Island.

As for Xiao Zizai, his eyes revealed a decisive light.

He knows that only through constant fighting can he transcend himself and reach a stronger state.

His sword moves became more and more fierce, and every swing of the sword seemed to tear apart the space.

The war continued, and the endless battle began on Poseidon Island.

The forces of both sides intertwined, and the sparks of battle burned in the sea breeze, blooming with brilliant brilliance.

Then, on the sea, Xiao Zizai and the beautiful Bo Saixi continued to have a fierce battle.

They were wearing Douluo Dalu's specially-made battle robes, holding their respective martial arts skills in both hands, preparing for a showdown.

A trace of determination flashed in Bo Saixi's eyes. She took a deep breath, and her whole body burst into dazzling light.

She quietly activated her third soul skill - Yi Jing Tao.

Suddenly, the surrounding seawater began to churn, forming a huge wave that hit Xiao Zizai.

Xiao Zizai's eyes narrowed, and he immediately used his martial arts skills.

His body began to grow rapidly, turning into a huge sea beast with extremely powerful power.

He roared, and a huge water column spurted out from his mouth, colliding with Bo Saixi's waves.

The moment the sea water collided with the water column, a strong wave of energy filled the air.

The figures of the two people intertwined on the sea, and every collision brought violent shocks and caused countless splashes of water.

Bo Saixi kept changing her attack methods. With the power of her third soul skill, she sometimes turned into huge waves, sometimes into sharp water blades, and sometimes into dense water arrows.

Her attacks were fierce and sharp, forcing Xiao Zizi to be on high alert at all times.

Xiao Zizai relied on his own huge power. He transformed into a violent sea beast, and every attack brought huge impact.

His fists hit Bo Saixi like cannonballs, and each hit caused the seawater to explode, causing a surging wave.

The battle went on for a long time, with constant waves on the sea, and the figures of the two people kept intersecting.

Their auras became more and more intense, and their eyes were filled with perseverance and determination.

In endless battles, there is no concept of victory or defeat, only constant challenges and struggles.

In every confrontation, they continue to surpass themselves and constantly look for opportunities for breakthroughs.

In the sea water, a trace of surprise flashed in Bo Saixi's eyes.

She felt the increasingly powerful aura on Xiao Zizai's body, as if he had exceeded his own limits.

She gritted her teeth and continued fighting resolutely, refusing to show weakness.

Xiao Zizai's eyes were firm, and he knew that he couldn't stop there.

He let out a thundering roar, and his aura instantly reached its peak.

(End of this chapter)

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