Dou Po: Nourish Xun'er's pulse and cut off Hu Xiaoyan!

Chapter 102 Soul Sacrifice, Curse of the Abyss!

Chapter 102 Soul Sacrifice, Curse of the Abyss!
Subsequently, layers of dark red abyss power emerged from the Abyss Demon's body and was injected into the crown, causing it to emit even more terrifying fluctuations.

Then, Hun Mie Tian reached into the crown and grabbed a black cursed ball.

The cursed ball was oval in shape, and its surface was covered with dense black lines. Each line was like the eyes of an evil ghost, full of evil and fierce aura.

There are also dark chains wrapped around the cursed ball, tightly trapping it to prevent escape.

This curse ball is the core of the curse's power and its most fatal weakness.

As long as the cursed ball is destroyed, the abyss demon can be completely defeated.

Of course, accidents may also occur when the source of the curse's power is severely damaged.

"Xiao Yu, watch out! I'm going to use the 'Abyss Curse' that only us Abyss Demons can use!"

"Your strange fire is very special. It can restrain all evil forces, including the curse of the abyss. But I don't believe that you can still resist the curse of my lineage of abyssal demons!"

Hun Mietian held the abyss cursed ball in his hands, his lips moved, and he recited some obscure language.

The next moment, a strange fluctuation filled the air.

Bursts of dark purple smoke suddenly appeared on the surface of the cursed ball, and traces of strange fluctuations escaped from it.

"Curse of the abyss!" Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows.

He has seen the curse of the abyss. In the abyss world, it will come to the abyss almost every million years or so, causing harm to all living things.

It is said that this curse of the abyss is a curse personally cast by a great lord of the abyss. Once touched, it will be imprinted in the depths of the soul.

Once eroded by the curse of the abyss, the soul will suffer eternal torture and suffer for a lifetime.

"Is this the Curse of the Abyss?"

Xiao Yu watched carefully, his thoughts changing rapidly.

The power of the curse was so weird and unpredictable that even he couldn't completely guard against it.

However, now that Xiao Yu has the strange fire spear, he has some confidence.

"go with!"

A cruel and ferocious smile appeared on Hun Mietian's face.

Immediately, the abyss cursed ball turned into a ray of light and shot towards Xiao Yu.


The dim light streaked across the sky, instantly penetrated Xiao Yu's body-protecting spiritual power, and penetrated into his body.

Xiao Yu's body was trembling slightly, with a look of extreme pain on his face.

The curse of the abyss exploded on the surface of his body, turning into tiny black needles that pricked the surface of his skin, trying to contaminate it.

However, there is a core of stars in his body. As soon as these cursed powers entered Xiao Yu's body, they were absorbed wildly by the core of stars and turned into nutrients.

In just a few seconds, the power of these curses was exhausted and disappeared without a trace.

"What? You actually blocked it?"

Hun Mie Tian was shocked and angry, his eyes filled with shock.

His Abyss Curse can easily corrode even Dou Emperor's protective fighting spirit, but it can't do anything to this young man?

How can this be?

"Your abyss curse has no effect on me. Do you still plan to continue fighting with me?" Xiao Yu shook his head: "You are no match for me at all!"

The body of the Abyss Demon is different from that of Dou Emperor. Dou Emperor can withstand a normal attack without being hurt.

The Abyss Demon cannot do this, otherwise, how could he end up in such a miserable state?

"Damn human kid!" Hun Mietian gritted his teeth, his eyes fierce: "No matter what, I must kill you today!"


The next moment, huge flames suddenly rose from behind the Abyss Demon.In the flames, a huge abyss demon appeared.


Looking at the phantom of the abyssal demon, even Xiao Yu couldn't help but gasp.

I saw that the abyss demon was burning with raging black flames. He was a thousand meters tall, with a broad back and horns on his head. His face was rough, and he had a ferocious aura unique to the abyss demon realm.

As soon as this giant demon's phantom appeared, the entire sky was dimmed, its infinite majesty and vastness suppressed everything.


Zi Yan's heart couldn't help but tighten, and she looked at Xiao Yu worriedly.

She knew that the demonic figure in front of her husband should be the ancestor of the abyssal demons, the Great Lord of the Abyss!
This is the devil!
The higher their strength, the more dominant they are!
"Xiao Yu, you dare to blaspheme the Great Lord of the Abyss? You are simply seeking death!"

Hun Mietian looked at Xiao Yu's shocked look, and a touch of sarcasm appeared on his indifferent face: "This time, no one can save you!"


Xiao Yu said calmly: "In that case, I'll give you a ride first!"

As the words fell, the strange fire spear suddenly flashed, bursting out with bright fire, shining in all directions.

"not good!"

Seeing the strange fire spear coming at him, Hun Mie Tian was so frightened that he even died.

He wanted to dodge, but the speed of the strange fire spear was too fast, and it was approaching him in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the alien fire spear was about to penetrate his head, a low and hoarse voice suddenly came from his mind.

"The curse of the Lord of the Abyss requires you to sacrifice your soul and ask the Lord of the Abyss to grant you the power of the curse!"

This voice rang in Hun Mietian's ears, making his eyes light up.

Immediately, he gave up his resistance without hesitation and poured the remaining soul power in his body into the cursed ball.

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, circles of dark red runes appeared on the surface of the cursed ball again.

This time, it turned into two words - "Xiao Yu!"


Xiao Yu's pupils suddenly shrank.

He sensed an extremely strange curse force, which was rapidly seeping into his body along the strange fire spear, trying to corrode his body and soul!
"I can swallow this kind of thing, but I am absolutely not allowed to keep it in my body!"

A warning sign suddenly occurred in Xiao Yu's heart, and he immediately mobilized the power in the strange fire spear to burn the strange curse power into ashes.

"Haha... Stupid humans! Do you think this is the real power of the curse?"

Hun Mie Tian laughed: "This is just a curse given to me by the Lord of the Abyss!"

"I have already prepared the sacrifices. Now I will guide the power of the curse into your body. You will be corrupted by the power of the abyss curse immediately! Then slowly endure the torture of the curse! Waiting for death!"

"You actually use yourself as a sacrificial material? Are you crazy?"

When Xiao Yu heard this, murderous intent was revealed in his eyes.

Although he also knew that if this was not the case, how could this abyss demon be so confident?

"How can a despicable ant like you understand the greatness of the great Demon King of the Abyss?"

Hun Mie Tian laughed loudly: "Sacrificing yourself for the Great Lord of the Abyss, what does it mean?"

"not to mention……"

Hun Mie Tian's eyes were gloomy: "My soul is much stronger than a weak human like you. Even if you sacrifice a trace of my soul, it is enough to give the Great Lord of the Abyss great power!"

(End of this chapter)

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