Dou Po: Nourish Xun'er's pulse and cut off Hu Xiaoyan!

Chapter 14 5-year-old Dou Ling, Xiao Zhan abdicates!

Chapter 14 15-year-old Dou Ling, Xiao Zhan abdicates!
Ge Ye's words fell into the ears of everyone in the Xiao family and immediately caused an uproar.

"What? Dou Ling? Did Elder Ge just say Dou Ling?"

"The Dou Qi condensation is indeed a manifestation of Dou Ling, is Yu'er a Dou Ling?"

"How is it possible? Yu'er has just turned 15 this year. If Yu'er's strength reaches that of Dou Ling, wouldn't it be too scary?"

"Then please explain, if Yu'er is not a fighting spirit, why did the clan leader lose in one move?"

" do I know this? Maybe there is someone skilled behind Yu'er to help?"

"Ha! That Dou Qi soft whip is in Yu'er's hand, why don't you try it?"

In the originally quiet family hall, noisy discussions suddenly broke out.

"Tread! Tread! Tread!"

Just as everyone was talking, the sound of heavy footsteps reached everyone's ears, and every step seemed to step on everyone's hearts.

An invisible pressure spread in the clan hall, and the clan hall that was noisy just now fell silent instantly, and no one even dared to take a breath.

Under the gaze of all the elders, Xiao Yu took Xiao Xun'er's hand, walked to the seat in the center of the clan hall, and then sat on it.

"From now on, I am the head of the Xiao family. Elders, do you have any objections?"

Xiao Yu's gaze swept across the elders, and everyone he looked at lowered their heads.

"Since all the elders have no objections, Xiao Yu will shamelessly take over!"

Seeing that no one resisted him, Xiao Yu smiled and raised his hands to the elders.

As Xiao Yu's smile appeared, the aura that suppressed the elders in the clan hall also disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

"Xiao Yu, you, you..."


Seeing his power being taken away, but unable to resist, Xiao Zhan became so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood and fainted.


Looking at his father who fainted in front of him, Xiao Yan's eyes turned red. He endured the pain in his body and rushed over while crawling.

"Mr. Ge, regarding the issue of Xiao Yan breaking off the engagement, I will be the one to decide this matter. You should have no objection, right?"

Xiao Yu ignored the father and son lying dead on the ground, looked at Ge Ye who had not recovered yet with a smile, and said.

"It's true that heroes emerge from youth. Since Patriarch Xiao intends to intervene at this time, I naturally don't dare to stop him!"

"The marriage contract between Yanran and Xiao Zhan's son Xiao Yan is entirely decided by the Xiao clan leader!"

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Ge Ye quickly squeezed out a smile and said that the matter was entirely up to Xiao Yu.

Just kidding, the person sitting in front of him was not Xiao Zhan, but a fighting spirit.

Only if he was dissatisfied with his longevity would he offend such a proud man.

Let alone the future, as long as others lay hands on you, you can kill yourself.

By then, I'm afraid the sect leader won't care about him, and he might even have to send someone over to apologize.

Ge Ye didn't even dare to think about where 15-year-old Dou Ling would go in the future.

If the Yun Lan Sect offends such a genius, it is estimated that it will be removed from the Jia Ma Empire within a few years.

Because of this, Ge Ye gave up and gave the initiative to Xiao Yu.

In this regard, Nalan Yanran on the side did not make any sense, but her beautiful eyes never left Xiao Yu's body.

"Since Mr. Ge has said so, then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful!"

"Xiao Zhan, the former patriarch of the Xiao family, took action against the clan members without authorization. In view of his past achievements, he will abolish the position of clan leader and will not be punished!"

"Xiao Yan, the son of the former patriarch of the Xiao family, has no regard for the overall situation, disrespects his eldest brother, and disrespects his elders. He should be expelled from the family!"

"But remembering his father is a meritorious service, and the punishment is suspended!"

"Xiao Yan, I will give you half a year. If you fail to reach the seventh level of fighting strength in the test, I will expel you from the Xiao family!"

Xiao Yu raised a smirk on his lips and announced the punishment for Xiao Zhan and his son.

"Xiao Yu, don't be proud, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty!!"

Looking at Xiao Yu sitting where his father should have been, Xiao Yan's eyes were full of hatred.

After saying a harsh word, he limped out of the clan hall with Xiao Zhan on his back. 【Ding!The host intercepts the destiny trajectory of the son of destiny, reward: 500000 destiny points! 】

"Hey! I've got it now, 50 life points, Xiao Yan is indeed worth more!"

Xiao Yu was not surprised by the result this time, everything was within his expectation.

Originally, he came to the clan hall just to earn destiny points, and even intervening in Nalan Yanran's engagement was intentional.

"Mr. Ge, regarding Miss Nalan's engagement, I will make the decision on behalf of Xiao Yan and cancel it!"

Ignoring Xiao Yan who left the clan hall, Xiao Yu spoke again.

Xiao Yan, who had just walked out of the clan hall, stiffened when he heard this, then quickened his pace and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Then I would like to thank Patriarch Xiao very much. I hope that Patriarch Xiao will accept these apology gifts!"

After getting the desired result, Kuzuye breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took out two identical boxes from his arms again and handed them over respectfully.

"Since Mr. Ge has said so, it would be too hypocritical for me to refuse!"

Naturally, Xiao Yu would not refuse the benefits brought to his door. This thing was useless to him, but it could be used to win people's hearts.

What's more, this was obtained by tricking Xiao Yan, so he liked it even more.

【Ding!A huge change in the fate of the Son of Destiny is detected, triggering a special reward: 500000 Destiny Points! 】

"The big change is probably because the three-year contract is gone!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and in the blink of an eye he understood how the 50-point special reward came from.

Because of his reasons, the three-year contract ended. In a sense, he was indeed the one who cut off this fate.

"Now that the matter is over, if there is something going on within the clan, I will stop bothering Patriarch Xiao!"

Seeing Xiao Yu accept the apology, Ge Ye quickly stood up and asked to leave, for fear that if he stayed for one more second, something unexpected would happen.

"If that's the case, then I won't keep Mr. Ge any longer!"

When Ge Ye wanted to leave, Xiao Yu didn't stop him, but he still wanted to say goodbye.

Ge Ye, Xiao Yu, and Nalan Yanran walked side by side, followed by several elders of the Xiao family.

But Hormeng, who was still very arrogant before, was hiding far away now, seeming to regard Xiao Yu as a scourge.

"Clan Chief Xiao, I'm taking my leave!"

A group of people walked out of Xiao's house. Ge Ye raised his fist at Xiao Yu and left with Nalan Yanran and He Meng.

"Your name is Xiao Yu, right?"

Before taking two steps, Nalan Yanran suddenly turned around and turned back.

"Well, that's right. Miss Nalan has something to do with me?"

Xiao Yu took a look at the big lolita in front of him. From the sight that had been resting on him before, it could be seen that this big lolita seemed to have a good impression of him.

"If possible, come to Yunlan Sect to practice. Yunlan Sect's resources are a hundred times stronger than those of the Xiao family!"

"With your talent, if you stay in the Xiao family, you will only be buried!"

After saying this, Nalan Yanran quietly observed Xiao Yu's reaction.

"Yunlan Sect, if there is a chance, I will go!"

Xiao Yu did not refuse Nalan Yanran's invitation. He would definitely go to the Yunlan Sect, but he was not sure when he would go.

"Okay! Then I'll wait for you at Yunlan Sect!"

Hearing what Xiao Yu said, Nalan Yanran felt happy and blurted out what was in her heart.

"That...I mean...I will introduce my master to you then!"

"After all, your talent is so strong, Master will definitely value you..."

Nalan Yanran's voice became softer and softer, and her face became redder and redder. In the end, even she felt guilty.

"Ahem, then I'll ask Miss Nalan to introduce me!"

Xiao Yu looked at the cute girl in front of him and couldn't help but reach out and rub her hair.

But just as he put his hand on it, he remembered that the girl in front of him was not Xun'er, so he quickly took it back.

(End of this chapter)

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