Dou Po: Nourish Xun'er's pulse and cut off Hu Xiaoyan!

Chapter 25 It’s all my wife, heading to the Tagor Desert!

Chapter 25 It’s all my wife, heading to the Tagor Desert!
"What's wrong, Mei'er?"

Looking at Xiao Mei who suddenly blushed, Xiao Yu still didn't know what happened and scratched his head in confusion.

"No, it's nothing. Since brother Xiao Yu said it's okay, then Mei'er can definitely do it!"

Xiao Mei quickly shook her head, getting rid of the thoughts of sealing the book from her mind, and responded.

"I'll take you home first. You pack your clothes and get ready to go tomorrow!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yu did not continue to ask questions. It was normal for little girls to have some secrets, and there was no need to dig deeper.

After sending Xiao Mei home, Xiao Yu turned on the system again. This time, he had to be fully prepared to go to the Tagor Desert.

"There are still 190 million points of destiny. Should I directly increase my strength, or should I exchange it for alien fire to increase the level of Burning Technique?"

Xiao Yu thought for a while and finally chose to directly improve his strength.

He was going to get the strange fire right away, there was no need to waste his life points to change it.

After consuming 190 million destiny points, Xiao Yu's fighting spirit level was upgraded to a two-star fighting emperor.

"On average, one star consumes more than 30 yuan. It seems that the further you go, the more destiny points you will need!"

Xiao Yu felt a little pain in his head when he thought that Dou Huang would need tens of millions of life points to be promoted to Dou Zong.

"The strength of the two-star Dou Huang is enough for the time being. The nights are long and the dreams are many. Let's set off tomorrow!"

Glancing at the moonlight outside the window, Xiao Yu fell on the bed and fell asleep.

The next day, because Canaan College came to recruit students, Wutan City was particularly lively today.

Wutan City, the designated enrollment square, was now completely surrounded.

"The reputation of Canaan College is really great, so many people came here!"

Xiao Mei looked at the dark crowd, feeling anxious in her heart.

"Don't worry, sister Mei'er, my tutor is in charge of recruiting students this time!"

"With my recommendation and your talents, it will be no problem to enter Canaan College!"

Xiao Yu patted her chest as a promise, and the magnificent ups and downs instantly attracted Xiao Yu's eyes.

"There are too many people, brother Xiao Yu, how can we get there?"

Xiao Xun'er frowned, she didn't want to pass through this crowded crowd.

"Of course... fly over!"

"Mei'er, come here, I'll carry you!"

Xiao Yu squatted on the ground, waved to Xiao Mei, and motioned for her to lie on his back.

"Eh? Okay, brother Xiao Yu!"

Under the gazes of Xiao Yu and Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Mei blushed and lay on Xiao Yu's back.

"Hold on tight!"

The next second, Xiao Yu stood up, and two wings with condensed fighting spirit spread out from behind.

"Xiao Ning, go through it yourself, we will wait for you in the center of the square!"

Just when Xiao Ning was thinking about how Xiao Yu should take him with him, Xiao Yu's voice came to his ears.

Xiao Ning was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then realized that he had been abandoned.

"Gan! Xiao Yu, you are a guy who values ​​sex over friends!"

He looked at Xiao Yu, who was holding Xiao Xun'er with one arm and Xiao Yu with the other, flying freely in the sky.

Looking at the dense crowd in front of him, Xiao Ning felt his head buzzing and his heart filled with thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past.

"Dou Qi turns into wings, Dou Wang? How come there is Dou Wang in Wutan City?"

Ruolin, who was in charge of recruiting students at Canaan College this time, looked at the figure flying towards her in the sky, and her whole body fell into chaos.

She never thought that she would meet a Dou Wang-level existence in this small Wutan City.

Of course, this is just what she thinks. In her opinion, the one who can turn fighting energy into wings must be Dou Wang.

How could she have imagined that Xiao Yu in the sky was not the Dou Wang, but the Dou Huang who was above the Dou Wang.

While Ruolin was still in a daze, Xiao Yu had already landed in front of her. "Hello, are you the tutor in charge of admissions at Canaan College this time?"

Xiao Yu released the two in his arms, put down Xiao Mei, and greeted Ruolin.

"Well, it's me, sir. What do you want to see me for?"

Such a close contact with the powerful Dou Wang made Ruolin's heart beat wildly.

"I want to arrange for two people to enter Canaan Academy. It should be no problem!"

Xiao Yu stretched out his hand to pull Xiao Mei and Xiao Xun'er in front of him and said.

"The talents of both of you seem to be very good. Of course it will be no problem to enter Canaan College. I wonder about the relationship between these two and you..."

Just by looking at them, Ruolin knew the approximate strength of the two.

One is a three-star fighter, but the other cannot tell, but it can bring a sense of crisis to oneself, so the strength is definitely not too bad.

Canaan Academy has always welcomed talented people, not to mention that there is a fighting king behind these two people.

Now, Ruolin just wants to know the relationship between these two people and Xiao Yu, so that she can arrange their treatment after enrolling.

"My wife, this one too!"

Xiao Yu stretched out his hand to pull Xiao Yu over and said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the three women had different reactions. Xiao Xun'er was relatively calm, but the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Xiao Mei and Xiao Yu, on the other hand, lowered their heads and played with their fingers. Their faces were covered with blush, and they did not dare to raise their heads to look at Ruolin.

"I understand, please rest assured, sir, I will definitely take good care of the three ladies!"

Ruolin's eyelids twitched wildly, she looked at her former disciple, patted her chest and promised.

"With Teacher Ruolin taking care of me, I can rest assured. I still have some things to do and I have to leave for a while!"

"When I finish my work, I will go to Canaan College to see you!"

Xiao Yu rubbed the three women's hair, told them about his situation, and prepared to leave.

The three of them did not stop Xiao Yu from leaving, but they were just a little depressed.

"Brother Xiao Yu, come back soon, I'll be waiting for you at Canaan College!"

Xiao Mei looked at Xiao Yu who disappeared into the sky, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

"Don't worry, with Xiao Yu's strength, there won't be any danger!"

Xiao Yu gently patted Xiao Mei's shoulder and comforted her.

"Let's go, we have to become stronger before brother Xiao Yu comes back!"

"Otherwise we won't even be qualified to fight alongside him in the future!"

Xiao Xun'er retracted her gaze from the sky and walked towards Ruolin.

After hearing Xiao Xun'er's words, Xiao Mei and Xiao Yu looked at each other, nodded, and caught up with Xiao Xun'er.

"Brother Xiao Yu's eyesight is as good as ever!"

Sensing the footsteps behind her, Xiao Xun'er raised the corners of her mouth slightly, seeming to be very satisfied with the performance of Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei.

At the same time, on the other side, Xiao Yu spread his fighting spirit wings and flew quickly towards the Tagore Desert.

After flying at full strength for half a day, Xiao Yu landed in a small town and was ready to take a rest.

"Alas! The level of the Burning Jue is still too low, and the recovery of fighting energy cannot keep up with the consumption. It seems that the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire must be obtained as soon as possible!"

Xiao Yu felt the fighting spirit in his body that was about to be exhausted, and Xiao Yu sighed helplessly.

With Xiao Yu's current strength, Xuan level low-level skills are indeed a bit too shabby.

This means that you have not encountered a battle of the same level, otherwise, you will suffer a lot.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu's desire for Qinglian's inner fire surged again.

"Forget it, this kind of thing is not urgent. Let's find a place to stay first!"

After calming down the anxiety in his heart, Xiao Yu looked around, found a restaurant that looked good, and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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