Dou Po: Nourish Xun'er's pulse and cut off Hu Xiaoyan!

Chapter 3 Xiao Yan takes Xun'er?Openly embrace the beauty and leave!

Chapter 3 Xiao Yan takes Xun'er?Openly embrace the beauty and leave!

"Mr. Ling, it's not convenient to talk here. Why don't you let Quanzi take Miss Xun'er to get acquainted with the clan first?"

"This will also make it easier for Miss Xun'er to integrate in better!"

"Yan'er, come here soon!"

Xiao Zhan glanced at Gu Xun'er, who was standing aside and looking around, and quietly winked at Xiao Yan.

"Father! Mr. Ling!"

When he heard his father calling him, Xiao Yan quickly walked over, bowed to Xiao Zhan and Mr. Ling each, and then stood aside.

"This is my dog, Xiao Yan. Although he is only five years old, he has already condensed three levels of fighting spirit!"

Xiao Zhan pointed to Xiao Yan beside him and introduced Mr. Ling with a proud look on his face.

"Oh? At such a young age, he has condensed three stages of fighting spirit. As expected, heroes come from young!"

"Your Majesty's future is limitless!"

Elder Ling looked at Xiao Yan and complimented him, but his heart did not waver at all.

It is true that at the age of five, with the third level of Dou Zhi Qi, looking at the entire Wutan City, he can be said to be a genius boy.

But among the ancient tribes?It’s really not enough to watch. If you pick anyone at random, they are better than Xiao Yan.

Of course, this is not because Xiao Yan is not talented enough, it can only be said that the resource gap is too big.

"Ling Lao Miao praised it. If that's the case, then I let Yan'er take Miss Xun'er around?"

Elder Ling's compliment made Xiao Zhan grin from ear to ear, but he still didn't forget it and seized the opportunity to build a good relationship.

And the key target for building a good relationship is naturally Gu Xun'er.

As an adult and the head of the Xiao family, it was naturally impossible for him to take Gu Xun'er around.

Let’s not talk about whether it is embarrassing or not. Communication is the problem.

"Miss, let this guy take you around. What do you think about this?"

Faced with Xiao Zhan's proposal, Mr. Ling did not directly agree, but asked Gu Xun'er's opinion.

"As long as Mr. Ling makes the decision, Xun'er can do anything!"

Gu Xun'er tilted her head and looked at Xiao Yan, without rejecting or agreeing.

"Father, if you don't speak up, your daughter-in-law will be kidnapped!"

Seeing that the matter was about to be finalized, Xiao Yu quickly lowered his head and whispered softly in Xiao Yun's ear.

"Ahem! You brat, stop talking nonsense!"

Xiao Yu's words were undoubtedly a bombshell, and he almost blew Xiao Yun over, and he quickly looked around.

After realizing that no one was looking at him, he breathed a sigh of relief and scolded him angrily.

Although Xiao Yu was reprimanded, what needed to be done still had to be done.

Just as Xiao Yu said, Gu Xun'er was abducted without stopping her.

"Hey, Mr. Patriarch, Yan'er is busy with his cultivation, so why not let my Yu'er do the work for you!"

"Yes! Mr. Patriarch, Yan'er is so busy in training and has been on the verge of promotion recently, so why not let my dog ​​do the work for you!"

"My Mei'er and Miss Xun'er are both girls, so they must have more in common. I think Mei'er should be the one to do it!"

As soon as Xiao Yun's words came out, all the elders responded one after another, fearing that they would be ignored by Xiao Zhan if they spoke too slowly.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. Yan'er's promotion can be postponed. We can take Miss Xun'er to get to know the Xiao family without delay!"

Xiao Zhan's face looked a little ugly. He didn't expect that all the elders had the same thoughts as him.

"Since everyone has their thoughts, let's let the young people communicate together. What do you think, Patriarch Xiao?"

Mr. Ling also knew everyone's thoughts and did not stop them. Instead, he spoke and agreed to them all.

There is no way, my young lady will have to live here in the future, and it is hard to offend anyone if she lowers her head but does not raise her head again.

"Since Mr. Ling has said so, let's do what Mr. Ling wants!"

Xiao Zhan also knew that there was no way to change the matter, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.Seeing that the matter was finalized, each elder quickly whispered to his children to have a good relationship with Gu Xun'er.

As Gu Xun'er walked out of the clan hall, a group of boys and girls ran out immediately after.

"Miss Xun'er, my name is Xiao Ning. I am the son of the third elder of the Xiao family. Now I have condensed a level of fighting spirit!"

"Miss Xun'er, I am Xiao Yu, I am..."

Such a general introduction was ringing around Gu Xun'er all the time, which made Gu Xun'er a little upset.

Although it had just been unblocked for half a year, she had seen all the overt and covert struggles of the big family.

Unexpectedly, now in a small family, there is still such a struggle.

Just when Gu Xun'er was thinking about how to drive away this group of people, a hand grabbed her wrist, and then the world started spinning, and she was held in the arms of a young man.

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing? Let go of Miss Xun'er quickly!"

"Xiao Yu, how dare you be disrespectful to Miss Xun'er, I want to tell the clan leader!"

"Xiao Yu, are you crazy? Let go of Miss Xun'er quickly!!"

A series of scoldings told Gu Xun'er that the young man holding her at this time was named Xiao Yu.

"Don't struggle, I'll take you out of here!"

However, Xiao Yu was not moved at all. He whispered in Gu Xun'er's ear and ran away.

"Xiao Yu, stop!"

"Don't run, stop!"

"Damn it, I have to go back and tell the clan leader!"

Behind Xiao Yu, someone was chasing him, and someone was about to go back and file a complaint. Only Xiao Yan stood there blankly, watching the two of them disappear.

At this time, Xiao Yan had a strange feeling, as if he would regret it in the future if he didn't catch up.

But Xiao Yan didn't know why he regretted it, let alone why he had this strange feeling.

This also resulted in Xiao Yan being stunned on the spot for a moment without any reaction.

"Ha! Forget it, everyone has run away, I'd better go back to practice!"

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Yan came to his senses, looked at the two people who had disappeared, shook his head, turned around and walked towards home.

In his opinion, the idea just now was just an illusion.

What's more, Xiao Yan doesn't even bother to do things like climbing a dragon and attaching himself to a phoenix. Rather than establishing a good relationship with Gu Xun'er, he would rather improve his own strength.

Only by being strong can you gain more respect and survive better.

At the same time, after learning that Xiao Yu had taken Gu Xun'er away, Xiao Zhan was furious, but he couldn't show it on the surface.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ling, it's because of my poor discipline as the leader of the clan that Miss Xun'er encountered this kind of thing in the clan!"

"Xiao Yun, look what your good son has done? Why don't you hurry up and bring him here?"

While Xiao Zhan was accompanying Mr. Ling, he angrily scolded Xiao Yun and even ordered Xiao Yu to be brought over.

"Patriarch, I don't know where my son has gone now. How do you want me to bring him back?"

Faced with Xiao Zhan's order, Xiao Yun naturally refused to execute it and started pretending to be crazy.

"Then why aren't you looking for him? Do you want me to order the whole clan to take action to capture your son?"

Xiao Zhan tried hard to contain his anger, but everyone could still hear the impatience in his tone.

"Clan Chief Xiao doesn't have to be like this. Elder Xiao Yun must not have expected such a thing to happen!"

"Elder Xiao Yun, please go and find your son and young lady!"

When Elder Ling's consciousness on the side was swept, he found that his young lady was not in danger, so he calmly withdrew his consciousness and handed over the task of retrieving the two of them to Xiao Yun.

"That's not necessary. I'm going to bring my son back now. Please don't worry, clan leader!"

Xiao Yun didn't care about Xiao Zhan's anger, but Xiao Yun didn't dare to ignore Mr. Ling beside him and left the clan hall quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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