Dou Po: Nourish Xun'er's pulse and cut off Hu Xiaoyan!

Chapter 32, 1 sentence, dry burning Medusa CPU!

Chapter 32: In one sentence, burn the Medusa CPU!

Seeing Xiao Yu walking in the air, Medusa was secretly glad that she had not done anything with Xiao Yu before, silently spread her fighting spirit wings, and followed Xiao Yu honestly.

The group of four was extremely fast and arrived at Mocheng in just half a day.

Xiao Yu arrived at Haibodong's shop with ease, opened the door and walked in.

"You are finally back...Medusa!!!"

Haibodong was a little excited to see Xiao Yu return, but the next second, Medusa's figure appeared in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Haibodong's pupils shrank sharply, and he subconsciously wanted to run away.

"Where are you going!"

However, before Haibodong could apply oil on his feet, he was pulled back by Xiao Yu.

"Who are you? Why do you have the emperor's snake seal on you?"

Medusa narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Hai Bodong with extremely dangerous eyes.

From Hai Bodong's body, she sensed the existence of the snake seal. There was no doubt that she had planted it.

However, she couldn't remember who the person in front of her was, she only felt that he looked familiar.

"He is Ice King Haibodong, the friend I mentioned before!"

"By the way, since you planted his snake seal, can you lift it?"

Thinking that the initiator of sealing Haibodong's strength was right in front of him, Xiao Yu suddenly thought of this problem.

"It turns out it's him. Since he's your friend, let's forget the previous grudges!"

"However, I can't lift the snake seal!"

Medusa shook her head. If Hai Bodong offended her, she would have given Xiao Yu a lot of face by not pursuing it.

It is absolutely impossible to ask her to help lift the seal.

"Well, in that case, I'll do it myself!"

Xiao Yu also saw that it was not impossible to remove Medusa, but he just didn't want to do it, but he didn't force it.

"System, upgrade my alchemist level to level seven"

In order to succeed at once, Xiao Yu decided to be more stable and directly upgrade the alchemist level to the seventh level.

【Ding!After deducting 1000 million destiny points, the host's alchemist level has been raised to level seven! 】

With a lot of insights into refining medicine pouring into his mind, Xiao Yu already had a clear understanding of the refining of the Soul-Reviving Purple Pill.

"I have already obtained the Mandala of Sand. Give me the materials and prepare a quiet room. I will refine the Edan and the Purple Pill of Restoration for you right away!"

Xiao Yu took out the Sand Mandala, waved it in front of Hai Bodong, and said.

"Here are the materials needed to refine the Edan and the Purple Pill of Restoration. I'll leave everything to you, little friend!"

Seeing the Mandala of Sand, Hai Bodong was a little excited and quickly took out a space ring and handed it to Xiao Yu.

"Okay, take me to the quiet room, and don't disturb me while I'm refining the alchemy!"

Xiao Yu took the space ring, glanced at the materials inside, found that there was nothing missing, and spoke.

"This is the secret room where I usually practice. You can make elixirs here, and I will protect you outside!"

Haibodong took Xiao Yu to a secret room and guarded the door like a door god.

As time went by, Haibodong became more and more nervous. Every minute and every second now was extremely painful for him.

Xiao Yu was already his last hope. If he failed, he might not even dare to imagine what would happen to him.


After a moment of burning incense, the door to the secret room was pushed open, and Xiao Yu slowly walked out of the secret room.

"It's over. In such a short time, I'm afraid the refining failed!"

Looking at Xiao Yu walking out of it, Hai Bodong seemed to have lost all color and fell to the ground.

"I said, Haibodong, what are you doing?"

"You don't think that my refining failed, do you?"

Seeing Hai Bodong's appearance, Xiao Yu didn't know what he was thinking.

"Huh? Could it be that my friend... the refining was successful?"

Hearing what Xiao Yu said, Hai Bodong, who was in despair, ignited his last glimmer of hope and looked up at Xiao Yu.

That blazing look made Xiao Yu tremble in fright, and he quickly took two steps back.

"These are the Po'er Pill and the Soul-Reviving Purple Pill, take them and get out!"

The corner of Xiao Yu's mouth twitched, and he quickly threw the jade bottle in his hand to Hai Bodong, turned around and left.He didn't want to stay in this place for more than a minute. Hai Bodong's look just now made him seriously doubt that this old guy was not glass.

【Ding!It is detected that the host intercepts the fate of the Son of Destiny. Reward: 5000000 Destiny Points! 】

"The matter is settled, let's leave quickly!"

Xiao Yu walked out, picked up the little medical fairy and Qing Lin and rushed out.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Medusa, who was drinking tea, didn't know what was happening and had no time to think about it, so she hurriedly chased after him.

"Brother Xiao Yu, what happened? Why did you leave so quickly?"

The little medical fairy was held in Xiao Yu's arms and asked with some doubts.

"It's nothing, I was just scared by Hai Bodong!"

Xiao Yu looked back at the shop that had disappeared from sight and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you scared by Hai Bodong? You, a Dou Zong, are you afraid of him, a Dou Emperor whose cultivation has been sealed?"

When Medusa, who was catching up, heard Xiao Yu's words, her CPU was almost fried, and she looked at Xiao Yu in confusion.

"You don't understand even if I tell you, let's go to Qingshan Town first, and then go to Canaan College!"

Xiao Yu didn't explain too much, changed the direction and accelerated his advance.

Seeing this, Medusa did not ask any further questions, but just followed closely behind.

"Brother Xiao Yu is going back to Qingshan Town?"

Qingshan Town is like a second hometown to the little medical fairy.

After hearing that Xiao Yu was going back to Qingshan Town, a trace of nostalgia flashed in the eyes of the little medical fairy.

"Well, there are some things there, let's go get them!"

Xiao Yu patted the little medical fairy's soft waist and nodded in response.

There is the Seven-Colored Poison Sutra that the Little Medical Immortal needs, and he will not forget it.

Time flies, the sun and the moon fly by, three days pass in the blink of an eye, and a group of four people successfully arrive at Qingshan Town.

"What are you doing here?"

After taking a look at the surrounding environment, Medusa frowned slightly. She really couldn't figure out why Xiao Yu came to such a small city.

"Didn't I say, come and get some things!"

"Here, follow me!"

Xiao Yu responded to Medusa while opening the system to locate the location of the Colorful Poison Sutra.

Seeing that Xiao Yu refused to say anything, Medusa did not ask further questions and followed Xiao Yu all the way to the cliff.

"We're here, let's go down!"

As soon as he reached the edge of the cliff, Xiao Yu jumped down with the little medical fairy and Qing Lin in his arms.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

Although she was a little impatient, thinking that she had to rely on Xiao Yu to obtain the strange fire together, Medusa could only jump down.

Xiao Yu jumped off the cliff and landed on a protruding boulder. In front of him was the cave he was looking for.

"There is actually a cave here. Is the thing you are looking for in here?"

From Mocheng to Qingshan Town, I jumped off the cliff without hesitation and landed accurately in front of the cave.

If Medusa didn't expect that there was something Xiao Yu wanted inside, she wouldn't be worthy of being the Snake Queen.


Xiao Yu had no intention of hiding it, so he nodded and walked straight into the cave.

The cave was winding and winding. After walking for some time, the cave suddenly opened up.

"Brother Xiao Yu, so... so many gold coins!!"

Seeing the gold coins piled up like a hill on the ground, Qing Lin was startled.

"You wouldn't come here just for these gold coins, would you?"

Medusa glanced at the gold coins on the ground, but her eyes didn't linger much.

This money is nothing to her as the Queen of Snakes and the strongest warrior at the top of the fighting emperor.

Therefore, in her opinion, Xiao Yu, who was more powerful than her, was even less likely to come here for money.

(End of this chapter)

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