Dou Po: Nourish Xun'er's pulse and cut off Hu Xiaoyan!

Chapter 73: Awakening of the ancient divine blood demon to challenge!

Chapter 73: Awakening of the ancient divine blood demon to challenge!

"They say women are outgoing, but they are really..."

In the clan hall, the corner of Gu Yuan's mouth twitched. Just now he was looking forward to Xiao Yu's performance in the ancient tomb, but now it seems that he seems to be happy a little too early.

He just mentioned it, and his daughter began to tell Xiao Yu about the situation in the tomb.

On the other side, Xiao Yu listened to Xiao Xun'er's explanation and kept nodding in agreement.

Although he had known what was in the tomb for a long time, he would not refuse Xiao Xun'er's affection.

The two of them walked in the ancient clan, attracting countless people to stop and watch, but no one dared to come forward and ask for trouble.

The fate of the Black Anni Army leader Lingquan happened in front of a stick of incense, and they didn't want to try it.

On the mountain peak in the distance, a man in green shirt stood on the top of the mountain. His eyes passed through the layers of space and landed on Xiao Yu.

"Brother, do you want to..."

Next to the man in green shirt, stood two young men, one wearing a silver robe and the other wearing a golden robe.

Judging from their appearance, the two seemed to be twin brothers. The boy in the silver robe raised his hand and clenched it into a fist, which was very obvious.

"Don't mess with him. You are no match for him. Don't worry, someone will succeed!"

The man in green shirt withdrew his gaze and waved his hand, signaling the two of them not to be impulsive.

At the same time, Xiao Yu, who was listening to Xun'er's explanation, noticed that someone was peeping at him, and suddenly raised his head to look at the mountain top in the distance.

"I was discovered, what a keen sense!"

The man in green shirt nodded towards Xiao Yu, indicating that he had no ill intentions.

Seeing this, Xiao Yu ignored it, withdrew his gaze and continued to listen to Xun'er's explanation.

"What's wrong, brother Xiao Yu, why are you looking over there suddenly? Is there something on the mountain?"

Naturally, Xiao Yu's movements would not escape Xiao Xun'er's eyes. He turned his head and looked towards the top of the mountain, but found nothing.

"Nothing, there were a few people watching me there just now, I should leave now!"

Xiao Yu shook his head. Although he didn't know those three people, the young man leading them was not weak in strength.

"Is that so!"

Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly, a stern look flashed in her eyes. Most of the people in the ancient clan were hostile to Xiao Yu, which made Xiao Xun'er a little angry.

"Don't worry, they can't hurt me yet!"

Reaching out to smooth Xiao Xun'er's brow, Xiao Yu said confidently.

"Well! Brother Xiao Yu!"

After hearing this, the anger in Xiao Xun'er's heart also dissipated a lot, and a smile bloomed on her beautiful face.

Two days later, in the central square of the Xiao Clan, the younger generation gathered here, waiting for the bloodline test.

"Ancient demon! Eighth-grade bloodline!"

"Gu Zhen, seventh grade bloodline!"

"Gu Hua, eighth grade bloodline!"

"Gu Qingyang, ninth grade bloodline!!!"

Elder Tongxuan, who was responsible for conducting the bloodline test, couldn't help but raise his voice a little higher after seeing Gu Qingyang's results.

"As expected of the eldest brother, he actually has ninth-grade bloodline!"

After the test, Gu Zhen looked at Gu Qingyang with excitement, feeling happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

"Eldest brother's bloodline is probably the same as Xun'er's!"

Gu Hua glanced at Xiao Xun'er beside him, his eyes flickering with a hint of burning passion.

"It's not that simple. Xun'er's bloodline is the most perfect in our ancient clan in the past ten thousand years!"

Gu Qingyang shook his head, a hint of bitterness appeared on his face. Even though he had ninth-grade blood, he was still far behind Xiao Xun'er.

"Xun'er, it's your turn!"

As soon as Gu Qingyang finished speaking, Elder Tongxuan read Xiao Xun'er's name.

"Brother Xiao Yu, I'm going to go test first!" Xiao Xun'er said hello to Xiao Yu, then walked to Elder Tongxuan and put his hand on the astrolabe.

Just as soon as they made contact, the stars on the astrolabe appeared quickly, and in the blink of an eye there were already nine.

"This speed...can't be possible!"

Gu Zhen looked at the speed at which the stars were being generated, swallowed his saliva, and felt a turmoil in his heart.

The next second, a faint golden light appeared in Xiao Xun'er's body. The golden light slowly condensed into a beam of light and rose into the sky.

As the golden light pillar appeared, an invisible pressure spread within the ancient clan.

The new generation of the ancient tribe, including Gu Qingyang, actually had the urge to kneel down and surrender.

Even some elders of the ancient tribe were suppressed by the power of blood at this time, and inexplicable fear emerged from their hearts.

"Bloodline suppression, god-level bloodline!!"

Elder Tongxuan was extremely excited at the moment, looking at the pillar of light reaching the sky, his whole body was trembling.

After the beam of light dispersed, Elder Tongxuan calmed down the excitement in his heart, took out the seven-colored Emperor's Pen, and sketched the family pattern for Xiao Xun'er.

As the last stroke fell, Xiao Xun'er's forehead burst into bright colorful light.

Everyone in the ancient clan, except for the three Supreme Immortals and the clan leader Gu Yuan, were all suppressed by the powerful power of blood and fell to their knees.

It wasn't until Xiao Xun'er restrained her family pattern that these people got up from the ground. However, these people did not dare to blame Xiao Xun'er at all. Instead, they looked at Xiao Xun'er like fanatical believers.

"Brother Xiao Yu, I'm back!"

Xiao Xun'er didn't care what others thought of her, she only had Xiao Yu in her eyes from beginning to end.

Xiao Xun'er, who successfully awakened her clan pattern, ran all the way and threw herself into Xiao Yu's arms. This scene undoubtedly aroused the jealousy of many people.

"Are you Xiao Yu? I want to challenge you!"

The ancient demon who had just awakened his eighth-grade bloodline jumped out immediately and pointed at Xiao Yu.

"Gu Yao, you are too presumptuous!"

Xiao Xun'er was very angry. She just wanted to be intimate with Xiao Yu for a while, but the ancient demon jumped out and disturbed her.

"Xun'er, I..."

The ancient demon still wanted to explain something, but Xiao Xun'er didn't want to hear it. The colorful clan patterns emitted a bright light, and the ancient demon fell to his knees on the ground under the pressure of his bloodline.

"Xiao Yu, if you are a man, accept my challenge openly!"

The ancient demon who was suppressed by the power of the bloodline was obviously a little dissatisfied. He endured the pressure of the bloodline and spoke.

"Xun'er, let him go. Since he wants to die, then I will help him!"

Xiao Yu reached out and patted Xun'er's head and said slowly.

"Brother Xiao Yu...okay!"

Seeing what Xiao Yu said, Xiao Xun'er had no choice but to put away her bloodline pressure.

"I am not that good-for-nothing Lingquan. Today I will let you know that Xun'er is not worthy of you!"

After the ancient demon got up from the ground, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes and he spoke loudly.

Although Xiao Yu has the strength of a one-star fighting saint, he doesn't take it seriously and thinks that he will definitely win.

The reason is none other than One Star Fighting Saint, he had defeated it in the Seven Star Fighting Saint.

If his Dou Qi level has reached the Eight-Star Dou Zun level, he thinks he can easily defeat Xiao Yu.

"The ignorant are fearless, who will be the judge?"

Xiao Yu ignored the arrogant ancient demon and looked at the elders present.

"Then it's up to me..."

Seeing that no one was willing to come forward, Elder Tongxuan hesitated for a moment and then stood up.

However, Elder Tongxuan was interrupted by a familiar voice just halfway through his words.

(End of this chapter)

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