Dou Po: Nourish Xun'er's pulse and cut off Hu Xiaoyan!

Chapter 75: On the 2nd floor of the Sky Tomb, encounter the Soul Clan!

Chapter 75: On the second floor of the Sky Tomb, encounter the Soul Clan!
The first floor of the Sky Tomb was covered with thick fog, blocking Xiao Yu's sight.

"These mist actually contain such a strong energy, which is more abundant than the energy in the ancient world!"

Feeling the energy in the mist, Xiao Yu was a little surprised. At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Yu.

"Brother Xiao Yu, be careful!"

Xiao Xun'er was startled and wanted to help, but before she could do anything, the shadow was eliminated by Xiao Yu.

【Ding!It is detected that the host intercepts the fate of the Son of Destiny. Reward: 10000000 Destiny Points! 】

"Is this the energy body?"

Looking at the crystal core in his hand, a trace of greed flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes. Killing the energy body would not only get the crystal core, but also life points, and then he would go on a killing spree.

"That's right, brother Xiao Yu, energy bodies can move with the help of mist and are very hidden, so it's better to be careful!"

Xiao Xun'er nodded. She knew the characteristics of the energy body very well.

"It doesn't matter, the alien fire is very restrained in dealing with this kind of thing!"

As he spoke, Xiao Yu's body surface rose with black flames, and he stepped forward.

The fact is just as Xiao Yu said, wherever Xiao Yu passed by, the dense fog was instantly evaporated, and even the energy bodies floating in the sky were instantly killed.

Xiao Xun'er's eyes lit up, and he followed suit, covering his body with a layer of Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame.

Wherever the two of them walked, no energy body could escape, and a large number of crystal nuclei fell from the air.

"Brother Xiao Yu, why don't we go to the second floor!"

Xiao Xun'er glanced at the storage ring that was almost full of crystal cores and suggested.

"Find a place to absorb these crystal nuclei first, and then go to the second floor!"

The energy bodies on the first level were almost killed by Xiao Yu and Xiao Xun'er.

The most important thing is that killing these energy bodies no longer generates destiny points. In this way, there is no need to stay on the first level.

Under the guidance of Xiao Yu's powerful soul power, the two quickly found a cave.

"Xun'er, please absorb all of this, this thing is of no use to me!"

Xiao Yu took off the ring and threw it to Xiao Xun'er. The absorption and improvement of these energy bodies were too slow and far inferior to the system.

"it is good!"

Xiao Xun'er didn't refuse. She knew very well that even if she refused, Xiao Yu would force it on her.

"System, consume all destiny points and improve my soul realm!"

After killing a large number of energy bodies in the sky tomb, Xiao Yu's destiny value reached [-] million. He planned to improve his soul realm to facilitate his promotion in the future.

【Ding!Consume [-] million destiny points, thinking that the host will raise the soul realm to the peak of heaven level! 】

"About a thousand times stronger than before!"

The increase in soul power caused Xiao Yu's perception and control abilities to skyrocket.

At this time, Xiao Yu's soul power swept through and he could easily explore every part of the first floor of the tomb.

Two months later, Gu Xun'er and Xiao Yu had arrived at the entrance to the second floor.

"Brother Xiao Yu, the energy on the second level is more intense than the first level, and the energy body inside is also stronger!"

Xiao Xun'er looked at the entrance to the second floor and reminded Xiao Yu.

At this time, Xiao Xun'er's strength has reached the peak of Douzong, and is only one step away from the realm of Douzong.

"Come on, go in and see!"

Xiao Yu nodded, took Xiao Xun'er's hand, and entered the second floor of the tomb.

After entering the second level, Xiao Yu did not sense the existence of those energy bodies, and even the thick fog in the air became much thinner.

"How could this happen? Did someone reach the second floor early?"

Xiao Xun'er was a little surprised, feeling the sparse energy in the air, her beautiful eyes filled with doubts.

"Well, it's possible. No matter what happens later, we won't be separated!"

What Xiao Xun'er said was not impossible. Thinking of this, Xiao Yu put his arms around Xun'er's waist and pulled her into his arms. "Okay, brother Xiao Yu!"

Xun'er's face turned red as she was pulled into his arms, but she enjoyed this feeling very much.

"Jie Jie Jie! You two really love each other. In that case, let me give you a ride!"

However, at this moment, two figures in black robes appeared in front of them.

"Soul Calendar, Soul Cliff!"

Xiao Xun'er recognized the identity of the visitor at a glance.

"Tsk! Just the two of you, do you want to kill me?"

Xiao Yu sneered, strange fire surged in his hand, and swatted towards the two of them.

"Of course I'm not qualified with the two of us, but add it on!"

Hunya quickly formed seals with his hands, moving the surrounding space, and a translucent shadow slowly emerged.

Although the shadow has its eyes closed, it exudes a terrifying aura.

"Six Star Fighting Saint!!"

Feeling the terrifying aura of the phantom, Xiao Yu couldn't help but frown.

But for some reason, the translucent shadow in front of him seemed to have no consciousness, but was completely controlled by Soul Cliff.

"Brother Xiao Yu, why don't we evacuate!"

Hearing the Six Star Fighting Saint, Xiao Xun'er was a little worried and stretched out her hand to grasp Xiao Yu's hand.

"Jie Jie Jie, this is the energy body that I carefully fed using the soul clan's secret method. Enjoy it!"

While speaking, Hun Ya cut off the connection with the energy body, and the originally calm energy body became violent in an instant.


The energy body that was released from control suddenly opened its eyes and let out a roar, instantly tearing apart the soul cliff and soul calendar around it.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu was a little confused. This thing actually killed the controller.

However, before Xiao Yu could figure out what was going on, the energy body actually swallowed the souls of Hun Li and Hun Ya into his body.

"Hahahahaha, just die here, no one can get out alive!"

"Sir, our printing work is completed!!!"

Hunya seemed to have expected this result from the beginning. After being swallowed, not only did he not feel sad, but he laughed crazily.

"Brother Xiao Yu, run quickly, they are sacrificing themselves!"

Xiao Xun'er saw Hunya's intention. This guy wanted to increase the strength of his energy body through sacrifice.

Hearing this, Xiao Yu said nothing, held Xiao Xun'er in his arms, cut through the space as quickly as possible, and disappeared on the second floor of the tomb.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, run, wherever you can run, everyone on the second floor of the ancient tomb will die!"

Looking at Xiao Yu and Xiao Xun'er disappearing, Hunya didn't panic at all and let out a strange and strange laugh.

The fact is just as Hunya said, the energy body absorbed the soul power of the two people while breaking through the space and chasing Xiao Yu.

"Damn it, I can't get rid of it!"

Looking at the energy body hanging behind him, wanting to follow closely, Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with anger.

However, at this moment, Hun Li's voice suddenly sounded within the energy body.

"Hunya, my mother, you never said that this thing would kill us!"

Hun Li cursed loudly, but no matter how he cursed, it was of no avail.

At this time, the soul power of the two people was being absorbed by the energy body, and he couldn't do anything to Soul Cliff at all.

(End of this chapter)

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