Dou Po: Nourish Xun'er's pulse and cut off Hu Xiaoyan!

Chapter 97 The thoughts of the Thunder Clan, the battle between the two emperors!

Chapter 97 The thoughts of the Thunder Clan, the battle between the two emperors!

At the same time, Emperor Soul Heaven, who returned to the Soul Clan, immediately announced his appointment with Xiao Yu.

"I wonder how confident the emperor is about this battle?"

After hearing the news, Shi Splitian's reaction was exactly the same as that of Yan Jing Yao Dan, and he couldn't help but become nervous.

In any case, he has already boarded the Hun Tian Emperor's pirate ship. If the Hun Tian Emperor loses, he will not get any good results.

Therefore, he naturally does not hope that Emperor Soul will fail. As for what will happen to him after Emperor Soul wins, this is not within the scope of consideration.

Although he had long seen that Soul Emperor was an arbitrary person, even if he won, his result would not be much better.

But compared with the defeat of the Soul Emperor and the destruction of the Stone Clan, everything seemed unimportant.

"I'm not sure. I saw Xiao Yu today. His strength is probably still above mine!"

Emperor Huntian recalled the scene when Xiao Yu appeared. He was noticed by Xiao Yu as soon as he arrived at the ancient clan.

Although he did not deliberately hide himself, it also shows that Xiao Yu's perception is extremely strong.

On the contrary, Emperor Hun Tian was not aware of Xiao Yu's appearance at all. It was not until Xiao Yu spoke that Emperor Hun Tian learned that Xiao Yu had appeared.


Hearing this, Shi Splitian's face became a little ugly. The life and death of the Stone Clan were all in the hands of the Soul Emperor.

Now Emperor Huntian told himself that he was not sure of defeating Xiao Yu.

If the difference in strength was not too big, Shi Huitian would have decided to blow the big-eared melon seeds into his face.

"Then Xiao Yu is really so powerful that even the Emperor is not sure of defeating him?"

The leader of the Thunder Clan also looked ugly. If he had known this, he should have been tougher and made a decision directly when facing those elders.

Good thing now, once the Soul Emperor is defeated, the entire Thunder Clan will be on Xiao Yu's list to be wiped out.

"Of course, he followed the path of the ancient Emperor Tuoshe. The ancient Emperor Tuoshe once suppressed the Dou Qi Continent for thousands of years, how can he be an ordinary person!"

Emperor Hun Tian didn't think it was an unspeakable thing to admit that he was not Xiao Yu's opponent.

On the contrary, he felt that only victory in the face of an invincible enemy could bring joy.

"Okay, I know what you are thinking. That Xiao Yu is not a narrow-minded person. Even if this emperor is defeated, he will not embarrass you!"

Emperor Hun Tian had lived for so long, and his mind had already become as sharp as an old fox's. It was impossible to see what the two of them were thinking.

However, although Xiao Yu has a generous heart, the Soul Emperor will not let his men surrender to the enemy.

What's more, these two imperial clans are still of great use to him in the battle, so how can he let them go?

"The Emperor is joking, we will surrender to the Emperor immediately, and we will definitely not betray the Emperor!"

The leader of the Thunder Clan heard the meaning of Emperor Hun Tian's words and hurriedly patted his chest to show his loyalty.

"The leader of the Thunder Clan is right, we will share the same hatred with the Emperor!"

Seeing the Thunder Clan leader's expression of loyalty, Shi Splitian spoke quickly, fearing that he would be misunderstood by the Soul Emperor.

"You go down first and come back to see me in three days!"

Emperor Hun Tian really didn't want to talk to the two of them, so he waved his hand and motioned for the two of them to get down.

The two looked at each other and turned to leave.

"Chief Shi, what do you think of what the emperor said?"

After leaving the Soul Clan Hall, the Thunder Clan leader looked behind him, pulled Shi Splitian to a place, and asked.

"Why did Chief Shi say this? Since we have surrendered to the Soul Emperor, we must live and die with him and defend against the enemy together!"

Shi Splitian didn't know if the leader of the Thunder Clan was testing him, so he rolled his eyes and responded.

"Okay, why are you and I pretending? This is not in front of the Soul Emperor!"

"The war is coming, and he has no time to care about us. Now you and I are just grasshoppers on the same line!" "Once the Soul Emperor is defeated, you must know what our two clans will face!"

"Now, you have no choice!"

Seeing that Shi Splitian was still pretending, the leader of the Thunder Clan rolled his eyes and said straight to the point.

" Lei, do you have any good ideas?"

Seeing that the leader of the Thunder Clan was so direct, Shi Splitian didn't hide his thoughts and asked.

It wasn't that Shi Huitian trusted him, but that he really had no choice.

"Isn't the Soul Emperor going to challenge Xiao Yu in three days? The Soul Clan will definitely be empty by then. With the strength of the two of us..."

The leader of the Thunder Clan did not say it explicitly, but the meaning behind his words was indeed expressed.


Hearing this, Shi Huitian took a deep breath and looked at the leader of the Thunder Clan in fear.

He didn't expect that the man in front of him was so bold and wanted to take advantage of the Soul Emperor's outing to attack the Soul Clan.

"Once this is accomplished, even if you and I can't avoid death, our family will be safe!"

The leader of the Thunder Clan knew that once he did this, he would become a traitor who would be despised by others.

Even if he betrayed Xiao Yu's enemy, Xiao Yu would not tolerate him. No one would like a traitor.

"You are right, for the sake of family inheritance, even if you sacrifice one of me, it doesn't matter!"

Hearing this, Shi Huitian took a deep breath and made up his mind at the same time.

The Imperial Clan values ​​nothing more than two things, face and inheritance, and inheritance is the top priority.

Shi Splitian reached a consensus with the leader of the Thunder Clan, but the Soul Emperor on the other side saw all this.

After all, the two of them underestimated Dou Emperor's power. Even if he was in seclusion, leaving only a trace of soul power, he could envelope the entire soul clan.

"Haha, I originally wanted to spare your lives. If that's the case, don't blame me!"

A stern look flashed in the Soul Emperor's eyes, and he sneered in his heart, then cut off the power of the soul and ignored the two of them.

These two people actually plotted against his soul clan, so he would definitely not be merciful.

The death of the two people is already a certainty, so naturally there is no need to pay too much attention to it. The top priority is to conserve energy and face Xiao Yu.

Compared to Soul Emperor who was recharging his energy, Xiao Yu was much more relaxed and had been playing games with the girls.

"Brother Xiao Yu, in three days we will fight against the Soul Emperor. Brother Xiao Yu, don't you need to take a good rest?"

Xiao Xun'er wiped the sweat from her forehead, lay on Xiao Yu's chest, and asked.

"Don't worry, the Soul Emperor can only be destroyed with a raise of his hand. Let's talk about other things!"

Xiao Yu stretched out his hand and pressed Xiao Xun'er into the quilt, with a smirk on his lips.

Time flew by quickly, and the date of the battle soon arrived. Xiao Yu took the girls to the top of the highest mountain in Dou Qi Continent.

"Brother Xiao Yu, be careful!"

Although the girls all had full confidence in Xiao Yu, he was also a Dou Emperor after all, so the girls still reminded him.

The sun rises little by little and slowly climbs into the sky. When the midday sun shines down for the first time, ripples appear in the space on the top of the mountain.

The Soul Emperor, one of the two emperors of Dou Qi Continent, has arrived.

"Today's battle will definitely go down in history, and victory will definitely belong to me!"

Soul Emperor was full of momentum, his eyes flashed with sharp light, and he spoke calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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