Chapter 52 Bang, Qin is gone
"Don't panic. The Immortal said that if there are fifty avenues, if you escape for one, there will still be a glimmer of hope in the future."

"Yes, as long as we succeed in cultivating immortals, we will have the power to compete with Qin."

"Just give up, our king has also become an immortal."

Everyone looked at Ying Zheng with hatred, anger, indifference, and hope.

In the central hall, Lin Wuya frowned. These questions were very simple for him, but for people today, they were like crossing a river blindly.

Tiandao College has set up the third level. It is hoped that students can know the autumn from a leaf, know the whole leopard at a glance, and analyze the general direction through the slightest movement.

Comprehension, too, captures fleeting inspiration or feelings to achieve a state of enlightenment.

The test questions are very reasonable.

[Start of second question]
[Based on the current situation, it is inferred that the Qin State was destroyed by the people of that country among the seven kingdoms. ]
[Option [-]: Chu State]
[Option [-]: Wei State]
[Option [-]: Qi State]
[Option [-]: Zhao State]
[At the beginning of answering questions, candidates are asked to make a choice within 3 minutes. Overtime will be regarded as an incorrect answer. ]
When everyone saw the question, they were stunned. The previous question foreshadowed the unification of the world by the Qin State, and now the Qin State was destroyed.

The person whose face was gloomy just now suddenly became extremely surprised.

"Hahaha, Qin was also destroyed."

"Look at the options above that were destroyed by these countries."

"The Qin State, which is like a wolf and a tiger, will be destroyed. What will happen in the future?"

"Pa... Qin suddenly disappeared..."

"The world has undergone tremendous changes. After one great change after another, who will be the winner?"

"Who can predict what will happen in the future? Can anyone really answer this question?"

"A blind guess at the Qi State. The Qi State was destroyed by Le Yi and still managed to come back from the ashes. They have experience in restoring the country."

"The state of Chu has the hardships of 'a blue road to open up the mountains and forests'. Whoever destroys Qin must be Chu."

Everyone had different views on the destruction of Qin. Most people were at a loss. Only a few people had bright eyes and seemed to have guessed it.

Ying Zheng's face suddenly darkened with joy. He had just returned to dominate the world and was immediately destroyed. His mood went up and down. Who could bear this?

"How could the Qin State be destroyed?" Ying Zheng didn't understand. The Qin State that unified the world should be more powerful. It was dozens of times stronger than before, so why was it still destroyed by Xiao Xiao?

Ying Zheng glanced at the people around him, and there was gloating in their eyes.

He understood in an instant that perhaps this group of old people were dissatisfied with the Qin State and caused chaos everywhere. They contained the Qin State and were unable to suppress the rebels, which led to their demise.

"Who has the ability to organize an army to overthrow Qin?" Ying Zheng recalled the strength of the seven kingdoms. Looking at the six kingdoms, Chu was good at smelting and had countless armors and weapons. Only Chu could quickly organize an army of equipment.

Ying Zheng nodded and pressed the answer on his hand.

[Question time is up]
[Correct answer, Chu State. ]
[Qin and Chu had a feud with each other, leaving behind the saying "Although Chu has three families, if Qin is destroyed, Chu will definitely die". The rising star is extremely capable, but Qin is exhausted and unable to resist. ]
[Note: The analysis results at this moment only represent the current conclusion. The future is full of variables and cannot be said in one word. The final right of interpretation belongs to Tiandao Academy. ]
"Great Chu is mighty!"

"Hahaha, I never expected to be destroyed by Chu State."

"Qin also has today, and is happy."

"Qin and Chu are actually feuding countries?"

"How can Chu, a mere country, have the ability to destroy Qin?"

"Why not Qi State? What about Qi State?"

"Where is our Zhao country? Where did Zhao country die?"

Everyone exclaimed, some felt sorry for their country, and some were curious about what Qin had done to Chu.

"Back then Bai Qi led his troops to attack Chu and set fire to Yiling. Yiling was the ancestral land of Chu." Xunzi said.

Han Fei nodded; "Except for the Xiang clan whose surname is Ji, the three clans of Zhao, Qu, and Jing that control the military and political affairs in Chu State are all surnamed Mi. Burning Yiling is equivalent to burning people's ancestral graves." "And King Huai of Chu was killed by Qin Zhaoxiang The king was imprisoned to death, but the people of Chu felt pity for him as if he were a relative, so the princes did not direct Qin, and the hatred between Qin and Chu became deeper and deeper. The chance of Qin being destroyed by Chu was greater than other options."

Everyone suddenly realized that there was such a gap between Qin and Chu. If this were left to their own family, they would want to eat Qin alive.

The Qin State destroyed the Chu State, and was destroyed in turn. They sighed, the wind and water turned, and the general trend of the world was always changing. The reason was unclear and endless.

They also understand in their hearts that no country can last forever, and no country will perish for no reason.

"Your Highness, King of Qin, you have to be careful. As the immortal said, Qin is exhausted. This is the root cause of the country's destruction." Han Fei said with a smile.

Xunzi and Bei Mingzi looked at each other, both of them speechless. Perhaps they were the only ones who could see the current situation clearly.

Qin's policies were militaristic, legalistic, and harsh. Such a country turned the people into war tools. It was suitable for disputes among nations, but it was not suitable for a unified country.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. Without war, if this set of wartime policies is still followed, the people will complain, and destruction will be a matter of time.

Xunzi and Beimingzi saw it, but they didn't say anything.

Ying Zheng's face was not very good, and his fists clenched unconsciously. The immortal had already predicted the future. How can he save Qin?

His eyes were full of hope, and he even wanted to enter Tiandao Academy to cultivate immortality. Only by cultivating immortality could he gain the power to change the situation.

[Start of the third question]
As the announcement sounded, they entered the state again, and they could pass the test by getting three out of five questions correct.

The third level is a life and death test. Those candidates who answered two questions incorrectly have serious faces, their hearts are beating fast, and they are extremely nervous.

The people who answered two questions in a row were full of confidence at the moment. As long as they answered the third question correctly, they would become students of Tiandao Academy, and they were extremely anxious.

[On a desert island, there are four boxes, each with words on it. ]
The text on the first box reads "Some boxes do not have flat peaches."]
[The second box text reads "This box contains no fairy items."]
[The text on the third box reads "All boxes contain flat peaches."]
[The fourth box reads "This box contains elixir."]
[Only one of the four boxes is true, please make an inference. ]
[Option [-]: All four boxes contain elixirs]
[Option [-]: All four boxes have flat peaches]
[Option [-]: There is a fairy weapon in the third box]
[Option [-]: There is no elixir in the fourth box]
[At the beginning of answering questions, candidates are asked to make a choice within [-] seconds. Overtime will be regarded as an incorrect answer. ]
As soon as this question came up, everyone was dumbfounded.

Han Fei and Gai Nie frowned, Xunzi and Bei Mingzi had expressionless faces, and Han Fei's mouth curved.

"I guess, fifty breaths? It's not even enough to read the questions?"

"It's true and false. I'm confused. How do I know who is true and who is false?"

"Death in infancy, death in infancy, how should I solve this question?"

"Ah, I'm crazy or crazy, I can't tell at all."

"The difficulty has directly increased, and the time has been shortened so much?"

"Death, death, no time, no time."

"Is it that easy? I'll give you points."

"Who can tell me the answer?"

Many people panicked and didn't let go of every breath of thinking time. Their eyes were as wide as bells, and they scratched their heads and couldn't come up with an answer.

Anxiety, anxiety, irritability, and tension filled their hearts.

Lin Wuya in the central hall was also stunned. The span of the questions was a bit wide. One second he was still analyzing the general trend, but now there are logical analysis questions.

Those who can answer this question correctly must have superior intelligence and rigorous logic.

Except for those who are lucky.

[Ten seconds countdown, candidates please answer quickly! ]
The voice of the voice broadcast was like a reminder, urging them towards the abyss.


(End of this chapter)

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