Sumu wood in the quadrangle welcomes spring

Chapter 373 Money is a good thing

In this day and age, marriage and divorce are very convenient.

Of course, there are also cases where leading cadres advise and prevent couples from divorcing.

But all the faculty and staff in the school from top to bottom are aware of Hu Meizhong's situation.

There was absolutely no obstruction. The head of the grade was even very pleased, thinking that her years of earnest teachings had finally paid off.

Hu Meizhong stayed at Xicheng High School for about forty minutes before leaving.

If it weren't for my physical disability and the slow movements, I might have been able to go even faster.

The Ford Mustang parked in front of the gate of West City High School looks very imposing.

The return rate and viewing rate are very high.

Even the old security guard couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Not bad, pretty efficient. Where to go next?"

"Please take me home, please."

See, that's the good thing about a sensible woman.

Whether inside or outside the house, in bed or in the car, always be apologetic and polite to others.

Last night, when she was very tired, she apologized as soon as she took a breath, and her voice was also soft and weak.

It feels so good just listening to it.

A large courtyard in Hepingli.

Su Mu looked at the surrounding environment and found it quite familiar.

Especially the self-built pigeon cage on the roof. I remember seeing it when I brought Qi Tian here for "planning" not long ago.

Just not from this angle.

The main reason is that Su Bancheng has so many private residences that even he can’t remember them all.

"I'll come visit you on my day off, or?"

The Ford Mustang stopped, but Hu Meizhong did not get out of the car.

He asked hesitantly.

Hu Meizhong's search naturally took place in the courtyard of Panjiayuan where she had been last night.

"When you have things settled here, tell me anytime. You can live here or move to a new place. It's okay if you don't want to move too far. I think I have a small yard behind here..."

Hu Meizhong looked at Su Mu in surprise.

What kind of man did you find? Why does he have so many houses?

This is a good thing.

More houses mean greater abilities. She has seen the abilities of the house, which are more powerful than she could have imagined.

The skills outside this house...

It feels pretty awesome too.

"I've lived here since I was a child, and I definitely won't move."

Hu Meizhong paused for a few seconds and lowered her voice again: "If in the future... I plan to leave the house to Meihua."

"There's a widower from the dyeing factory living in the back yard. When that place is vacated and you clean it up, I'll give you the key."

Hu Meizhong couldn't help but smiled.

"Let's get down to business first."

"Oh, I'm leaving now. Drive slowly and be safe."

There were already two middle-aged ladies at the gate of the yard, stretching their heads and looking over here.

They rarely see such a luxurious big car.

The soul of Bagua burns brightly.

When they saw Hu Meizhong coming down from the passenger seat, Su Mu even felt that the four pairs of old eyes in the courtyard gate were shining brightly.

After seeing Hu Meizhong off, Su Mu turned around and went home.

Nanluoguxiang Siheyuan.

He clearly said last night that he would go back, but in the end he didn't even show up in the second half of the night, so naturally I have to explain.

If nothing else, it's at least a sign of respect for Zheng Juan and Yu Li.

When I returned to the yard, Second Uncle Liu Haizhong was walking out with his hands behind his back, apparently going to the toilet.

Su Mu greeted him, and Liu Haizhong responded in a pretentious manner, neither indifferent nor reserved.

The feeling from those days seems to have returned a little bit.

Su Mu felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

You say you are just a retired employee, but you still dress like an adult at home in a suit and tie. Who are you showing off to in a suit and tie?

After passing through the hanging flower gate, I saw an old woman walking out with a basket of vegetables.

Yes, it’s for the old nanny hired at home.

Liu Guangtian chased after him: "I just forgot to tell you, my dad is going to have hot pot later, so I have to buy another bottle of Erba sauce. We don’t have enough sauce at home, and I’ll also need some vinegar…"

A rich father is kind and his son is filial, but without money, everything is in chaos.

The life style and thoughts of the second uncle Liu Haizhong fully prove the saying: If the upper beam is crooked, the lower beams will be crooked.

Su Mu shook his head and went back to the house.

Zheng Juan was tinkering with the refrigerator in the west room.

I guess it’s to prepare lunch in advance.

The couple has a great understanding of each other.

Su Mu broke his promise last night, so he will definitely come over for lunch today.

Zheng Juan decided to use last night's leftovers and make something fresh and delicious for her man.

Su Mu naturally went over to help, and after he was done he hugged his wife for a while.

Zheng Juan smelled the scent on Su Mu and asked, "Which girl did you flirt with last night?"

"You have a good nose."

Su Mu gently pinched his wife's buttocks and rewarded her for her indulgence.

"I'll make a tofu stew for lunch. I also have some vermicelli at home..."

"There's still a bag of hairtail left. Fry it. I'll get another box back tomorrow."

"Why are you eating such a greasy meal at noon?"

Zheng Juan muttered something, but still went back to take the hairtail out of the refrigerator freezer.

The words of the men in the family are like imperial decrees, and they are always obeyed unconditionally.

"Do you have anything to do this afternoon?"

Zheng Juan asked as she sorted out the ingredients.

"Nothing, what's wrong?"

"I want to go see Guangming. The day before yesterday, I heard from Master's wife that he has found a partner, so I plan to go and ask him."

"I'll take you there after dinner."

"You don't need to pick me up tonight. I made an appointment with Yan Qing to stay at her place for one night."

Yan Qing is having her period, and Su Mu has no plans to go there.

The two masters of the harem wanted to get together and hold a small social gathering.

"Just the two of you?"

If Gao Yan was there, Su Mu would consider participating.

No matter how big the matter is, it cannot stop all the mouths.

There is still some fun.

"Just the two of us."


Su Mu gave up.

The women around me are all in good health, and the visits of relatives are extremely regular, even accurate to a certain time period of a certain day.

Tomorrow afternoon is the time when Zheng Juan’s aunt will come to visit and express her condolences.

These two women came and went, overlapping for four and a half days.

Su Mu didn't know when it started, but women who visited at similar times started to pair up with each other.

It feels like the same principle as when we were students and had to go to the toilet together.

When carrying the meal back to the house, Su Mu ran into Liu Guangfu again.

The old guy was humming a tune while carrying more than three kilograms of mutton.

The rich father wanted to eat mutton hotpot, so the second boy prepared the ingredients and seasonings in detail, and the third boy was willing to spend money to buy mutton for the old man.

So, it’s not that family affection is weak, it’s all about money.

Su Mu shook his head slightly.

The family in the backyard is almost deformed.

Bang Geng lives in the backyard. On the left is Liu Haizhong's family, who are all deformed. On the right is Xu Damao, a villain who can't have children...

I don’t know how far this guy can grow.

At least, it takes some years to get a driver's license.

Who made him treat his face as if it wasn't a face and his nose as if it wasn't a nose?

Even his mother Qin Huairu is useless.

After so many years, it's hard to keep it as a second-tier company, how can I take care of other things? No matter how much kindness we have, we can't let Sumu Fuze be ungrateful.

It still belongs to the Jia family.

Two meaty and greasy home-cooked dishes were served on the table, and Su Mu and Zheng Juan chatted while eating.

After dinner, Zheng Juan dragged Su Mu to the second floor of the south room to take a nap.

I won’t be able to exercise for several days starting tomorrow, so don’t waste today.

We must create as much as possible.

It's past three o'clock.

Su Mu sent Zheng Juan to the clinic of his brother-in-law Zheng Guangming.

The traditional Chinese medicine clinic provides massage and acupuncture, which is unique in Dongcheng.

Zheng Guangming is quite famous in this area.

I have not been discriminated against by people in the industry because of my young age.

To be honest, blind massage is more professional and traditional than traditional Chinese medicine massage.

It's not certain who looks down on whom.

Su Mu had eaten meat and fish for two or three meals in a row, and he planned to have Western food in the evening.

According to the plan, we will go back to the compound to sleep at night.

So he went to the training center to pick up He Hongling, and then picked up Zhao Xiaohui before her clothing stall closed.

When she is not training, Zhao Xiaohui sets up a stall on the street.

The street here is lined with small stalls selling clothes, shoes and hats.

She likes the atmosphere of free hawking.

Bargaining, changing coins, shopping and the like keep her busy and fulfilled, and she enjoys it every day.

According to her, the synchronized swimming team has a very fast renewal process and it is a job for young people. She will be eliminated and retired in a few years, so it is better for her to find a way to make a living on her own in advance.

Making money is secondary, the main thing is to have fun.

Moreover, Zhao Xiaohui has advantages that others do not have.

Her stall is stationary.

Even though she is absent from the stall from time to time due to swimming team training, the position is always there.

Because she put it in front of the gate of her own yard.

There are several stalls on both sides of her door.

Nearly half of this future northern commodity distribution and wholesale street belongs to her... man.

As long as you have money, the world will give you warmth in return.

They also buy goods from each other, help to watch the stalls, help each other buy meals and so on.

If I give up Zhao Xiaohui's convenience...

Not to mention the friendly neighbors, on average every five days there are sanitation workers squatting on the street with buckets and brushes to scrub the ground.

Clean up the blood and stains spilled at night.

"Guo Heizi, get out of here right now. I don't want to do business with you!"

In front of Zhao Xiaohui's stall, Guo Heizi's figure was still strong but a little bloated.

Even though he was being scolded, he was still smiling.

Without him.

Zhao Xiaohui has the most beautiful goods on the whole street. Although there are not many fashionable styles shipped from Hong Kong, they are incomparable to those that other companies have to carry back from the south after several days and nights.

Wang Kaixuan’s recorder approval slip has been secured, and the channels are unobstructed, so there’s no problem in taking on some private work.

The quantity is not large, so just stuff them into the packaging box like anti-collision cloth and ship them over in batches.

In order to provide Zhao Xiaohui with some supplies, Lou Xiao'e even specially made a larger packaging box...

Su Mu didn't get off the car, and neither did He Hongling.

But the sound of the car horn still caused Guo Heizi to turn his head and catch a glimpse of He Hongling sitting in the passenger seat.

He Hongling is so beautiful, which man wouldn't be tempted by her?

In the past, Qi Tian protected Guo Heizi, who relied on Qi Tian as his big brother, and he dared not show any signs of it even if he had any thoughts about it.

Guo Heizi considers "future" more important than women.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so cruel as to send Zhao Xiaohui to Li Shangyou to be ruined.

If it weren't for Sumu's mighty general, Zhao Xiaohui would have been completely ruined by Guo Heizi.

Given this relationship, it is normal for Zhao Xiaohui to hate Guo Heizi. However, Guo Heizi still came to Su Mu with a flattering face to reminisce about the past, which made Su Mu look at him with admiration.

This grandson is so bold.

He even dared to hang around right under my nose.

It's a bit like the feeling of forgetting the pain after the wound has healed.

When he saw the Ford Mustang, Guo Heizi immediately turned around and fled in the opposite direction.

He really didn't dare to face Su Mu directly, but Su Mu was not by Zhao Xiaohui's side every day. In order to make money, he was not afraid of running errands.

I can't afford to offend you, but annoying you is also a form of revenge.

"I hate it so much, husband. Can you think of a way to make Guo Heizi stop bothering me?"

Zhao Xiaohui got in the car and complained to Su Mu in a casual manner.

Zhao Xiaohui sells cutting-edge Hong Kong products, and her taste and tone are also influenced by Hong Kong. In the entire small group of people in the back house, only Zhao Xiaohui dares to call Su Mu "husband" directly.

In Beijing, the term "husband" is not a nice word.

"Okay, I'll find Qi Tian and tell him not to bother you."

He Hongling pursed her lips.

Qi Tian, ​​she is familiar with it too.

Zhao Xiaohui had never discussed this with her before and had never mentioned it at all.

In fact, He Hongling misunderstood Zhao Xiaohui.

If Zhao Xiaohui had not been caught being harassed by Guo Heizi today, she would not have turned to Su Mutou for help.

Although Zhao Xiaohui seems carefree, she actually has a lot of thoughts.

Both EQ and IQ are not low.

She now lives a free life, can do whatever she wants and enjoys it, and has no intention of changing at all.

Although her boyfriend couldn't accompany her wholeheartedly, Zhao Xiaohui knew that if Su Mu really wanted to accompany her wholeheartedly, she couldn't bear it.

My body definitely can't bear it.

So that's good.

If possible, Zhao Xiaohui thinks it would be perfect if the frequency could be lowered a little bit. She has thought about it specially and feels that the best frequency is twice three weeks.

But she thought so in her heart but never said it out loud.

Every time afterward, he still looks reluctant and like he can’t get the love he wants.

Zhao Xiaohui understands men.

She just did her duty and never thought about controlling Su Mu. She was indeed a traditional woman who was down-to-earth and loyal.

"Aren't you going home to eat?"

Zhao Xiaohui looked at the direction of the car and asked in surprise.

"Let's go to Lao Mo for Western food today."

The meal coupons are ready-made, Sumu has no shortage of them.

As for the expenses...

That's not even a drop in the bucket.

However, both He Hongling and Zhao Xiaohui were looking forward to the suggestion of eating Western food.

In high spirits.

Even Lao Mo was not new to them, as he had been here many times.

But I still like it as always.

Maybe what they like is not the taste of the food, but the atmosphere and the emotional feedback that the psychological class brought about by high consumption gives them.

A bottle of red wine was opened with this meal.

Wine is much more expensive than beer.

In this era, there are fakes, but they are very few and far between. The more upscale the place, the harder it is to open up the fake goods market.

So the wine is very real and very expensive.

Very few people dare to open red wine.

Su Mu maximized the emotional value of the word "grade".

He Hongling and Zhao Xiaohui's cheeks were flushed from drinking, and when the second half was almost over, there was a hint of anger in their eyes.

On the return trip, Zhao Xiaohui sat in the passenger seat.

He Hongling was sitting in the back, but she leaned her head forward and held onto the back of the driver's seat with both hands.

"If I tell you, can you really agree?"

Just now, Su Mu had an in-depth discussion with the two of them about tonight's role-playing and exercise methods.

Under the influence of alcohol and the trendy ideas of a young girl, the usually conservative He Hongling reluctantly agreed and prepared to let herself go.

As a reward for taking a big step forward, Su Mu promised to fulfill one of He Hongling's requests. (End of this chapter)

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