Sumu wood in the quadrangle welcomes spring

Chapter 376: Senior Intellectual Family

"I'm here to bring food to my father."

The girl smiled as brightly as a flower in the sunshine, with surprise sparkling in her eyes.

What does it mean that I can meet Su Mu alone at this moment?
all is meant to be.

She is one step closer to realizing her dream.

Su Mu's impression of Lin Pingping is generally slightly better.

With Tang Yanling already by her side, having Hu Meizhong was an unexpected surprise. After having in-depth communication with Hu Meizhong, her interest in Lin Pingping faded a little.

Su Mu can accept being a little bit aloof, but he rejects mindless arrogance.

Lin Pingping's materialistic and petty-bourgeois style is obviously better than Hu Meizhong's, so it's better to choose the lesser of two evils, especially since Su Mu has already taken Hu Meizhong's meatballs.

However, when he met Lin Pingping on the road, Su Mu had to admit that she was very beautiful in the sun.

It's a different style of beauty from Hu Meizhong and Tang Yanling.

"Oh, does your father live here?"

"He just came back from Shaanxi and is temporarily assigned to live here. I just came here to deliver food and hand in his homework..."

Lin Pingping smiled very naturally and raised the homework book in his hand.

Lin Pingping is repeating his senior year, aiming for Beijing University.

She said this on the way to the picnic.

What he meant was that getting into Peking University is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

And her confidence lies in peace.

Lin Pingping's father came back from the cowshed in the northwest and is still waiting for resettlement.

The place we live in is a temporary residence provided by the street office.

As he spoke, Lin Pingping walked over to Su Mu.

A faint scent of soap mixed with a hint of milk seeped into Su Mu's nostrils, making him feel a little itchy.

"Where does your father live?"

Lin Pingping gave an address.

Sumu smiled.

What a coincidence.

That place was the yard vacated by Sumu.

"Oh, Professor Lin is your father."

Qi Tian casually explained to Su Mu.

The street office came to our door and wanted to arrange for the old professor who had returned home to stay temporarily, and they had to pay a rental fee.

It's set for one year.

I also specially picked a room in the middle with a back seat.

Maybe the street office also wanted to save rent and didn't consider the main house or the ear room in the backyard at all.

Most likely it's whatever way possible to save money.

If you think about it carefully, you can see the difference.

Lin Pingping was just passing through this alley.

She and her mother lived near the Lama Temple. Their home was small, and her father had just returned, so she and her wife still needed to get used to each other.


Since the government can provide resettlement housing, why wouldn’t the Lin family want to do so?

Lin Pingping's support is his father who is very knowledgeable.

With my father’s personal guidance, wouldn’t it be easy to get into university?
Many of my father's connections are at Capital University, and he himself might be transferred there to teach. Capital University has independent enrollment...

I won’t say much more.

The pinnacle of some people’s lifelong struggle is merely the starting point for others to abandon them.

Lin Pingping comes from a family of senior intellectuals.

Even though my family encountered setbacks when I was a child, my horizons and perspectives had already been broadened.

It is impossible to close it again.

As a result, material life could not keep up with the spiritual level, and over time, this led to Lin Pingping's almost distorted values.

There are also quite biased perceptions and perceptions of the country.

She is eager to go abroad.

Come back as an overseas Chinese...

On countless nights, Lin Pingping imagined himself looking down at his neighbors, friends and classmates.

Sometimes I wake up laughing from my sleep.

However, since she was old enough to understand things, only Tang Yanling has given her the opportunity to get to know the people who can help her realize her dreams.

Uncle Sumu.

"Uncle Sumu, why are you here...?"

Lin Pingping never regarded Hu Meizhong as an opponent, but the yard in front was where Hu Meizhong's home was, and Uncle Su Mu actually came here, so she couldn't help but think more.

"Oh, this is my house. I'm just looking for someone to clean it up."

"Does Uncle Sumu live here?"

Lin Pingping's eyes flashed with suspicion: "Which family is it?"

As he said this, he stretched his head and looked inside.

Although he seemed not to care, he actually entered the trial stage right away.

If the other party had a silver-plated gun, Lin Pingping would turn around and leave without hesitation.

"The yard is mine. I rented it out to the street office before. Now the last household is moving out, so it's vacant. I'm here to collect the keys. I'll have someone come and clean it up in a few days..."

The light in Lin Pingping's eyes was ignited again, and even more fueled.

The fire is burning fiercely, more fiercely than ever before.

"Uncle Sumu, you are really awesome. My family is still looking forward to the government allocating housing, but now we can't even squeeze in three people."

Lin Pingping had something in mind, but he was not ashamed to reveal his family background.

If it weren't for the fact that her eyes were flickering and Su Mu hadn't seen through her little thoughts, he would have been deceived by her independent and hardworking personality as a child from a poor family.

In fact, she is just a frivolous girl who worships petty bourgeoisie and is pro-Western.

"Brother, you guys chat, I'm leaving first."

Qi Tian didn't want to stay any longer. He felt uncomfortable as he could hear the other party's words were full of hidden meanings and his performance was very amateurish, so he quickly escaped.

Can't you take some time to do something useful?

Even if I could just go to the supermarket to help Yanqiu look after the store and lend a hand, it would be more meaningful.

Why bother acting here with a little girl with impure intentions?

Qi Tian left, but Lin Pingping showed no intention of leaving.

Su Mu simply took her into the yard.

The yard that has been reclaimed must be inspected.

Since Su Mu wanted to design it himself, he had to have a comprehensive understanding of the size and structure of the entire courtyard.

His eyes are the ruler.

The size is evident wherever you look.

Hmm~ a pair of vertical peaks passed by.

The forehead is full and the bottom is broad and round, which can be said to be a good product.

"Oh, Uncle Sumu, you are looking at the wrong place..."

Lin Pingping stamped his feet.

There is some shyness, but there is also some meaning in deliberately exposing it.


It may not be the eyes that reveal something, it may be something else...

The kind that men love very much and women find very expensive.

"Uncle, what do you do? This whole yard belongs to you?"

Lin Pingping blinked and asked in an innocent manner.

"I used to work in a government department, but now I am just... sitting at home with no work."

"Take a back seat?"

Lin Pingping actually understood, it seems that he has an extraordinary family background.

At least it’s not an ordinary family.

"I guess so. It's understandable that one should retire after success."

"No wonder, uncle, you must be in a very high position. Last time I heard Yanling say that you opened a company with an American. You said it yourself the other day that you were fine in the past few years. You're really amazing..."

Lin Pingping's father went to the Northwest only for academic reasons and as a student studying abroad.

Uncle Sumu does business with foreigners. He is a true capitalist. And they can live in peace...

It’s terrifying when you think about it!

Beneath the seemingly cute face, is a shrewd girl who is very careful and attentive.


"Uncle, you don't look old at all. If you didn't mention it yourself, I would have thought you were the same age as me."

"Haha, that's not that exaggerated."

As they were talking, they came to the middle courtyard.

In the southwest corner is an abandoned dry toilet, which has become a storage room. There were many flowers and plants in the yard, but now there are only potholes and bare ground left. Even the paint on the veranda is mottled and looks terrible.

"Uncle, are you going to move here in the future?"

"It depends on the situation. Most likely they will clean it up and rent it out. I can't live here by myself."

Lin Pingping blinked.

"Then if you marry Yanling in the future, will you consider living here?"


Su Mu shook his head without hesitation.

"It's no problem to support her for life, but marriage is definitely not an option."

"Why? Does Yanling know that you think so?" Lin Pingping was really surprised.

I couldn't help but blurt out the question.

But deep down I felt a little excited for some reason, and I felt that my chance seemed to have come.

The feeling of having the goal right in front of you.

A little joy, and a little impulse.

No, it's a little exciting.

"I communicated with Yanling from the beginning, and she understood. The reason for not getting married..."

Su Mu looked around and said casually, seemingly indifferent, "You can't commit bigamy. You still have to abide by the law, right?"

Su Mu's nonchalant attitude made Lin Pingping unable to continue the conversation.

A lot of the words I had prepared were stuck in my throat, unable to be spoken because of Su Mu's frankness.

No sense anymore.

Exploration is ineffective.

You try to play around, but others come straight to the point.

They are not on the same level at all.

"Uncle, do you have anything else to do after you've finished looking at the house today?"

"I have a dinner party tonight. I don't have anything to do during the day."

"Oh, then, I'll buy you tea."

"you are very welcome."

"How can you be polite? Last time I said thank you for taking us on the picnic. I must keep my word."

Lin Pingping pouted deliberately.
Being cute is not something you can act out; beautiful women are naturally cute.

Lin Pingping is roughly equivalent to a beauty, the kind that catches Su Mu's eye.

"You're welcome. You and Yanling are friends, so you're also my friend."

"Really? I thought the uncle and I were already friends."

"Haha, we are already friends."

"Well, uncle friend, I'll treat you to tea later, okay?"

"You can."

Su Mu shook his head.

Lin Pingping is showing a mature and eccentric attitude at this moment.

But the traces of acting are too obvious, and the character setting is obviously not consistent with the quirky style.

If it were Tang Yanling, perhaps it would be more appropriate.

After all, she is a big imperial concubine, not the kind of cute and lovely type.



Beautiful women all have the bonus of being favored.

Lin Pingping is no exception.

Since she was so persistent, Su Mu decided to be kind and give her a chance.

"Okay then. But, don't you still have to bring food to your father?"

Su Mu pointed at the lunch box that Lin Pingping had been holding in his hand.


Lin Pingping slapped his forehead and said, "I almost forgot."

Su Mu was speechless.

It seems that Lin Pingping's father, his biological father, does not have a very good position in his heart.

When you meet a man, you forget whether your father is hungry or not.

"Uncle, can you wait for a while? I'll be back soon after I give my father lunch."

"Go ahead, I still have to walk around for a while."

The Intermediate Court had not had time to measure yet and was just busy talking.

The chat was not very informative.


Beauty can mislead people, the ancients were right.

Looking back, I am still a real hero.

Well, I felt much better immediately.

"Uncle, I'm going to deliver the food first. You must wait for me and don't go away."

"Okay, let's go."

If you wait a little longer, your lunch will go bad in this hot weather.

"Please wait for me. I will be back soon."

Lin Pingping walked out, but her words kept floating towards the central courtyard.

Su Mu shook his head slightly.

He didn't know what was going on during this period of time, but he felt that his charm was skyrocketing.

If you meet someone you like, you can easily win him/her over.

Hu Meizhong is quite amazing.

Tang Yanling was already lying on the chopping board, ready to be eaten at any time.

It is said that after taking the three girls to the wild, they all found themselves attracted to the tall and strong man.

The only regret is that everyone has their own plans and no one is willing to pay for it.

Lou Xiao'e does not count.

This little girl Lin Pingping...

The ambition of the wolf is obvious.

It's definitely not directed at my own body.

Most likely, it was due to the influence of that American company.

In the early days of reform and opening up, the trend of going abroad was very popular.

It is most likely due to the sequelae of previous suppression.

It's like a spring. Keep pressing it and keep pressing it. If you suddenly let go of it, it's bound to bounce back wildly.

Do whatever rebound you can.

Many people who have some connections and some abilities are afraid of returning to the dark and depressing times, so they run away when they get the chance.

There are also those who always think that the moon is rounder abroad, and they will almost try their best to run away.

I really don't know what he was thinking.

It won’t take too long. Just giving the country twenty years of stable development will be enough to realize the dream of “the scenery is the best here”.

Just wait, why go around in circles?

You know, it's easy to go out, but it's hard to come back.

The world of flower growers is the most difficult to obtain in the world.

Most people still have regrets.

It’s a pity that there is no regret medicine to sell.

Su Mu was determined to use this courtyard house for Hu Meizhong.

It’s just that the three-story courtyard is a bit big.

Hu Meizhong can't live here alone.

However, Su Mu felt that his acquaintance with Hu Meizhong came from Tang Yanling's "help".

Although both parties are still hiding it now, sooner or later this secret will be revealed naturally.

Su Mu has strong confidence in his body's functions.

When they can no longer bear it, they will naturally look for more suitable ways and methods.

It is much easier to achieve success through collaboration than to work alone, and to obtain the ultimate joy and perfection.


Hu Meizhong can live in the east wing.

Tang Yanling lives in the west wing.

If Lin Pingping lived in the east wing...

Su Mu shook his head.

Based on his understanding of Lin Pingping, this girl is very proud and would definitely not be content to live in the ear room.

There is a high probability that he will go to the back house and live in a wing room.

It would be better if the three girls all moved to the back room and lived in the same yard at night so they wouldn't be so lonely.

If you need a hand or physical assistance, you can summon them by just shouting through the communication channel.

Very convenient and fast.

Su Mu was measuring the structure and size of each room while thinking about all sorts of things in his mind.

It is also a way to kill time and entertain yourself.

Su Mu was very happy with it.

I don’t know how Hu Meizhong’s divorce is going.

If Su Mu had not met Lin Pingping by accident, he would have really wanted to ask Hu Meizhong.

Of course, we shouldn’t go to the yard in front where her house is to ask, but go to West City High School.

Forget it now.

The more refreshing Lin Pingping was obviously trying to stick to him again.

Su Mu didn't want to reject the girl's kindness.

Just deal with it reluctantly. (End of this chapter)

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