Red Mansion Beijingwang

Chapter 33: Selection of the Guild Hall Site

Chapter 33: Selection of the Guild Hall Site
A pavilion-style carriage came out of Fengming Courtyard. Inside the carriage, there were several tables with fruit and tea on them. Shui Rong and Du Yuejiao were sitting opposite each other.

Originally, if Shui Rong was alone, there would be no need for a carriage, but with the addition of Du Yuejiao, he would have to take care of her, so Shui Rong rented a carriage.

Du Yuejiao lifted the curtain and looked at Fengmingyuan, which was gradually moving away. She had mixed feelings for a moment, her clear eyes sparkling with stars.

Shui Rong took a sip of the fragrant tea on the table and looked sideways at the beauty. The hibiscus fringed skirt was tightly wrapped because it sat sideways. The round and plump shape hung in the air, like a crescent moon, with enlarged breasts and fat buttocks. , Xiao Niangpi’s capital is very strong.

With a slight cough, the water suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and he joked: "Miss Du, are you reluctant to let go?"

Du Yuejiao turned her pretty face and looked at Shui Rong. She didn't notice someone's prying eyes and said leisurely, "What's there that I can't bear to leave behind?"

For them, there is nothing they can't bear to part with in a brothel. It's just that after staying there for several years, once they leave, they feel something inexplicable in their hearts.

Shui Rong was silent for a moment and said softly: "Miss Du, this is a new beginning. I am not a harsh boss. Everything will be fine. Maybe Miss Du can become a famous curator in Beijing!!!"

After leaving the brothel, there is a scene of its own. Shui Rong is not a human trafficker. As long as Du Yuejiao works hard, he will not treat her badly. It is better than staying in a brothel.

Du Yuejiao pursed her lips and smiled when she heard this. She looked at Shui Rong with expectant eyes and said, "Thanks to the good advice of Young Master, the slave family will do their best in the future and will not let Young Master down."

Shuilu gently chinned her head, what she wanted was for Du Yuejiao to work with all her heart.

The carriage galloped all the way, and half an hour later, it arrived at a mansion. The two of them were walking on the verandah. Du Yuejiao looked around and saw everything from screen walls, moon wave water pavilions, and rockeries with strange rocks.

"Master, is this the location of the guild hall?" Since Shui Rong brought him here, it is obvious that this is the selected location of the guild hall. He can't just hide his beauty in a golden house! ! !

Shui Rong nodded when he heard the words and said, "Yes, this house was originally owned by a wealthy businessman. It has 56 rooms in three fronts and back. There is a back garden that imitates Jiangnan gardens, which is quite elegant."

Shui Rong originally planned to use a shop as the location for the club, but it seemed too small, so he bought a mansion as the location for the club.

Hearing this, Du Yuejiao nodded slightly and said, "It's not bad. It won't be a problem as long as it is improved a little."

Converting the mansion into a clubhouse only requires some decoration and partitions. He also bought the mansion for convenience and did not need to rebuild it.

Seeing that business was being discussed, Shui Rong began to show his master's style and said seriously: "Miss Du, I have purchased the two houses next to each other. I built the three houses with walls and connected them inside. These things are intertwined. It's up to you to handle it. With Miss Du's experience, she should know very well about men's preferences. It's up to you to decide how to decorate the partitions in the club, but you must not be greedy for cheap. Wherever you need manpower, let others do it. The required expenses I will be responsible for everything. Here are 5 taels of silver notes. Miss Du keeps them."

It is not convenient for Shui Rong to participate in the affairs of the club, and as the owner, there is no need to worry about everything. There is a saying that if you can't lead a team, you can only work until death. Since you have recruited the other party, you will naturally not doubt the user, so Shui Rong It is planned to leave all the affairs of the hotel to Du Yuejiao, and the silver is ready to be dissolved in water. The only thing left is to let Du Yuejiao use ink freely, and also take advantage of this to check Du Yuejiao's ability.

Du Yuejiao looked at the stack of silver notes in Shui Rong's hand, her expression slightly stunned. Just give her 5 taels of silver?Shui Rong meant that she was leaving everything in her charge, which was more thorough than a hands-off shopkeeper. But it had to be said that Shui Rong's trust made her very touched.

After a while, Du Yuejiao came back to her senses and said: "The master's spirit is extraordinary, and the servant has learned a lesson."

Hearing this, Shui Rong didn't take it seriously and said in a clear voice: "Miss Du, you can't let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf, and you don't spend a lot of money, how can you stand out in the capital? Don't think I'm just a whim."

Since he wants to do business, it is natural to do it in a big city. Don't think that Shui Rong wants to raise hundreds of girls to play with. He wants to build a serious entertainment venue.

Du Yuejiao raised her eyes to look at Shui Rong, a glimmer of light flashed through her clear eyes, she stretched out her hand to put the banknote away, and said seriously: "Since my boss trusts me so much, I will definitely live up to my expectations and build the best club in the capital for my boss."

Shui Rong nodded with satisfaction when he saw this. What he wanted was someone who was motivated, hesitant, and annoying. Seeing this situation, Shui Rong warned: "Don't save any manpower and material resources on the affairs of the guild hall. You can get it done as soon as possible." ."

Things about the guild hall should be done sooner rather than later. The sooner it opens, the faster it can make money. Du Yuejiao redeemed herself and left a lot of time. She can focus on the construction of the guild hall. The 2 taels of silver cannot be wasted.

Du Yuejiao nodded lightly when she heard the words, and responded: "Don't worry, Master, I will supervise and continue."

Shui Rong saw this and said nothing. After talking for a while, he left the house. Du Yuejiao leaned in front of the carved window sill and looked at the green bamboos outside the window. She felt inexplicably that this would be her destination in the future.

The maid Lian'er brought a cup of fragrant tea and said, "Miss, you must be thirsty after talking for so long. Drink a cup of tea to moisten your throat."

Du Yuejiao took the tea cup with a relaxed and happy expression, and could not hide the smile between her brows.

Seeing this, Lian'er smiled and said, "Miss, my boss is really generous. He gives me 5 taels of silver on demand without even frowning. He also trusts the lady very much and does everything for her."

Du Yuejiao nodded her head lightly when she heard the words. It was true as Lian'er said. She was in a romantic place and saw many people of all kinds, but Shui Rong was the only one with such charisma, and the most important thing was Shui Rong. His attitude toward him was not condescending at all, it was all business talk. This kind of respect made ripples in his heart.Lian walked to the case, Du Yuejiao put the tea cup on the table, looked at the excited Lian'er, and said sternly: "It's not about trust, my boss has a noble status, how can he care about me, a prostitute? If there are not enough successes and too many failures, it is hard to deal with criticism."

Trust is trust, but Du Yuejiao knew in her heart that it was because Shui Rong was sure that she didn't dare to have other thoughts. Don't think that she can do anything wrong with this trust.

Lian'er nodded when she heard this. This was her young lady telling her to abide by her duties. If she didn't handle things well, she would definitely be blamed.

Seeing Lian'er's solemn expression, Du Yuejiao smiled sweetly and joked: "You don't have to worry, Xiao Langjun is a reasonable person. As long as we work hard, even if things go wrong, we won't be blamed. "

The risks in business are unpredictable, and even if you work hard, you can't make money [-]% of the time.

Lian'er responded and looked at Du Yuejiao who was An Ran. She has been serving Du Yuejiao since she entered Fengming Courtyard. She knew Du Yuejiao better than others. Her young lady smiled at the guests. Ying, but he always feels sad when alone together, but now Li Duoqian appears, obviously in a good mood.

Moreover, my own girls have never been well-dressed, but Shui Rong came here dressed beautifully and always called her husband.

Thinking of this, Lian'er looked slightly hesitant. After thinking for a moment, she still asked: "Miss, what do you think of our new owner?"

Du Yuejiao was stunned when she heard this, and looked sideways at Lian'er who looked strange. She thought Lian'er was worried about punishment, so she laughed and scolded: "What are you thinking about? I'm humble and polite, not harsh." people."

Although Du Yuejiao didn't have much contact with Shui Rong, he was able to give her the respect of a prostitute, and he was obviously not a harsh person. She felt relaxed and comfortable getting along with him. This was a feeling that no one else could give her, but it made her feel happy. Unknown mood.

Hearing this, Lian'er knew that the young lady had misunderstood what she meant, and hurriedly said: "Miss, I'm not worried about this. What I want to ask is whether the young lady has any other ideas."

"Other ideas"?Du Yuejiao's expression was stunned, and she suddenly felt enlightened.

Lian'er carefully observed Du Yuejiao, and when she saw that she didn't refute immediately, she realized in her heart that her own lady had always been scornful.

If you think about it carefully, that young master has a charming temperament and is kind to others. No daughter's family will be moved by him.

Thinking of this, Lian'er encouraged: "Since Miss is interested, why don't you take the initiative?"

Du Yuejiao raised her eyes and looked at Lian'er, seeing a sincere look on her face. She knew that Lian'er was doing it for her own good, so she didn't blame her, but she didn't know it was "intentional". Maybe she liked to get along with the young man... …that’s all.

And she doesn't want to be abandoned again. The crows in the world are as dark as crows, and men are all talkative, sweet-hearted but sword-minded. Maybe the young man is an exception.

"Don't think so wildly. The young man and I are just talking about business. We have no other intentions. What's more, the young man has a noble status, so how can he look down on me, a ruined beauty."

If we were in the prime of life, it would not be impossible to serve tea and pour water with red sleeves to add fragrance, but now it is not possible
Seeing her young lady complaining about herself, Lian'er curled her lips. If she really had no other thoughts, why would she add the last sentence.

Thinking of this, Lian'er said in a clear voice: "That's not certain. My boss always looks at Miss Naizi. Don't think I don't know."

"Bah, what are you talking about?" Du Yuejiao's cheeks were flushed, and her pair of bright apricot eyes were angry. She naturally noticed the little movements of the water, but she was not disgusted, and even felt a little bit in her heart.

Seeing this, Lian'er pursed her lips and smiled. She knew that her young lady was interested, so she joked: "The young lady is good-looking, and no man can be unmoved. No matter how small the boss is, he is still a man. As long as the young lady takes the initiative, it is not easy to get her." "

In Lian'er's eyes, although her young lady is older, her appearance is no worse than that of an oiran. If she really has a heart, she doesn't believe any man can be unmoved, unless he is not a man.

Du Yuejiao came back to her senses, took a breath, and said angrily: "Young Master is an extraordinary person, don't have wishful thinking, just do your job well."

Hearing this, Lian'er frowned and said, "Miss, don't all those gentlemen like red sleeves to add fragrance? We don't seek any status. It can satisfy the lady and be protected at the same time, so why not." "

Women's status is low, and this is especially true for promiscuous women. In the end, they always have to rely on men. Lian'er understands that Shui Rong's status is noble and does not dare to have wishful thinking. Can't she get a guarantee?The daughter's family has to rely on someone after all.

Du Yuejiao raised her eyes and looked at Lian'er. She never thought that Lian'er would actually say such words, but it was undeniable that every sentence made sense.

Thinking of the ease and comfort of getting along with Xiao Langjun, Du Yue's beautiful eyes didn't seem to be so resistant...

(End of this chapter)

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