Red Mansion Beijingwang

Chapter 44 There is no free lunch in the world

Chapter 44 There is no free lunch in the world

Imperial City, Hubu Yamen.

Shui Xiong had learned from the past and naturally came to the Hubu Yamen with ease.

At this time, King Zhongshun was still buried under the desk. When he saw Shui Rong coming, he greeted him warmly. He did not show the demeanor of a prince at all. Instead, his words and deeds were cordial, just like brothers.

The two of them sat down in the cubicle. Shui Rong did not exchange greetings. He put the banknotes on the table and said bluntly: "Cousin, the half-year period has come. I came to the accounts department to cancel the accounts."

The accounts of the Prince's Palace in Beijing were Shui Rong's accounts, so Shui Rong did not plan to withdraw money from the Palace's accounts. It would save trouble to write off the money owed.

King Zhongshun looked at the banknotes on the table and felt much relieved. Although there was an agreement at the beginning, King Zhongshun was not sure. When he borrowed the money, everything went well, but when it came time to pay it back, he had all kinds of excuses. Apart from anything else, this is not exactly what happened with the Ministry of Finance's debt to the bank.

The matter of Yinzi is not a matter, the key is Shui Rong's attitude. Writing off the accounts as agreed at this time undoubtedly shows Shui Rong's attitude. This is what makes him feel comfortable.

"Xiao Shiliu, I heard that your guild hall is full of guests and you are making a lot of money every day. I thought it was just a joke, but now it seems that what you said is true!"

"Heaven and Earth" has been open for only a few months, and the 5 taels of silver owed can be paid off. This club is really a money-making business.

Shui Rong chuckled when he heard this, and was not surprised that King Zhongshun knew about "Heaven and Earth". Now "Heaven and Earth" is quite famous in Beijing, and the money for Shui Rong's opening was borrowed from him, and the girls in it all He came from the Jiaofang Division. As long as he was willing, it would not be surprising for King Zhongshun to know about it.

So Shui Rong replied modestly: "It's just a temporary novelty, just the right time. After this stall, I'm afraid the business will be miserable."

When a new store opens, the quality of the girls there will naturally attract customers. When the popularity subsides, it won't be so crazy. Even if the business is bleak, it won't be a problem. The talented and beautiful girls don't have to worry about being sought after by men.

King Zhongshun chuckled, his eyes changed a little, and he reminded: "Xiao Liu, since you and I are brothers, I still have to remind you of something. I remember that you once said that the guild hall does not do business like brothels, but what you said is wrong. Heart!"

When Shui Rong heard what he said, it was clear that what King Zhongshun said was nothing more than Qing Xi's red paper announcement. This kind of behavior was no different from that of a brothel. As a member of the royal family, if he engaged in such dirty things, once someone with a conscience broke the news, the royal family would be in trouble. It doesn’t look good either.

Thinking of this, Shui Rong did not shy away and told King Zhongshun about selling sheep's heads as dogs' meat.

After hearing this, King Zhongshun couldn't help laughing. He looked at Shui Rong and didn't know whether he thought it was funny or irritating. He joked and said with some helplessness: "It's strange that the emperor said that you have the potential of a profiteer. Now it seems that the emperor has a bright eye. "

Shui Rong's eyes paused slightly when he heard this. He was a good profiteer and wouldn't cause too many troubles, so Shui Rong didn't look into it too carefully. Instead, he laughed at himself: "I'm not very knowledgeable, so I can only come up with some crooked ideas that won't be put on the table."

King Zhongshun raised his eyes and glanced at Shui Rong, his eyes flickered, he groaned, pushed back the banknotes on several cases, and said with a smile: "It's not time for the accounts department to settle accounts, so Xiaoliu doesn't need to write off the accounts." So anxious."

Shui Rong raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "It's not time to settle yet." What does this mean?It was not a good thing that he came to close the account of the Household Department. Why did King Zhongshun shirk it?

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and Shui Rong can't help but have a bad feeling in his heart.

"Cousin, I've already come here. Is it possible that I have to go all the way in vain? I'll have to write off all my accounts. I'll just do it today."

Regardless of the reason, he should close the account first, so that the rest of the matter has nothing to do with him.

King Zhongshun calmly put down the tea cup in his hand, and said helplessly: "Xiao Liu, I will tell you directly, His Majesty intends to ask the Ministry of Revenue to collect the money owed to the Ministry of Revenue at the end of the year. Anyway, the difference is less than one cent. Two months, it will save trouble to sell them all together by then, and I will ask you to help me a bit, so you can’t refuse."

Shui Rong's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this, and he sighed: "Cousin, why bother bothering me." At the end of the year, the Ministry of Revenue was chasing money owed to it, and the capital became noisy again.

It’s just that King Zhongshun asked him to write off the debts and help him. This is to use the Beijing Palace as a benchmark. Let’s ask, the Beijing Palace has taken the lead in paying the arrears. Among the remaining people, there are always those who follow the wind, such as those individuals. The old department of Beijing Palace.

As the saying goes, a snake cannot survive without a head. As the current King of Beijing County, those old tribes will naturally move closer to Shuirong and seek shelter.

When King Zhongshun heard this, he rolled his eyes at Shuirong and scolded with a smile: "I'm just asking you to respond a few times. What's the point? When you came to borrow money, I never said it was troublesome."

After hearing this, Shui Rong was speechless. When he asked King Zhongshun to help him, the other party really did not shirk. Now that he was asked to help, it was really hard to refuse.

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Shui Rong began to think in his heart, and after a moment, he said, "Cousin, if they come looking for me, all I can do is understand them rationally and move them emotionally. As for the rest, I can't do anything else."

It is a natural thing to pay back debts, so Shui Rong has nothing to say. Just taking money out of other people's homes is undoubtedly a thankless task. You can't let him force it!

When King Zhongshun heard this, his eyes changed slightly, he chuckled, and joked: "That's what I meant, Xiao Liu thought too much."

"Think too much"?I'm afraid that's not the case. If Shui Xiong doesn't express his attitude, he will definitely be used as a weapon.

However, the conclusion is settled and there is no point in trying to expose it.

Thinking of this, Shui Rong lowered his head and said, "In that case, let's make an agreement. Please show mercy to my cousin when the time comes, and don't torment a lazy person like me."

It's okay to exchange favors, but if it's not equal, it's embarrassing.

Upon hearing this, King Zhongshun glanced at Shuirong thoughtfully, groaned, played with the cup in his hand, and said with a smile: "What you said makes me appear to be a villain, but if I ask you to help me with a little help, I won't complain all the time. What's more, you and I are both relatives of the emperor, and it is natural for us to do our best for the court, but you are pushing back and blocking me, and you are too lazy to do anything."

He couldn't see it as doing his best for the court. After all, this was a feudal dynasty, and the so-called court was the court of Emperor Yongkang. This was a nod to him!

The status of the Prince of Beijing is aloof, enough to let water dissolve freely. In this case, why bother to participate in the affairs of the court? As the saying goes, accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger, it is better to keep a distance.

After thinking for a moment, Shui Rong smiled and replied: "If I can do my best, I won't sit idly by and ignore anything, but there is nothing of great concern to the court. I'm used to living a life of idleness, so I don't want to worry about it. It gives me a headache just thinking about it.”

King Zhongshun chuckled when he heard this, and said "It's up to you" without saying much.

After chatting for a while, Shui Rong didn't wait long, collected the banknotes and left.

As soon as he left the Yamen of the Household Department, a female official in a light blue palace dress came to meet him. She saluted and said, "I have met the Prince of Beijing County."

Shui Rong looked at the female official in front of him with a strange expression. Isn't this Jia Yuanchun? Why is she here...

(End of this chapter)

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