Chapter 114
"If you are afraid that Gu's words will not be true, I will allow you to move out of Bingzhou."

The nobles here are overjoyed!

All they wanted was to survive, but now they saw hope.

Why wouldn't they hand over these things?
Because they were afraid that Liu Han would go back on his word and settle accounts later. If they handed over their land, private soldiers, servants, and hidden people, they would really become meat on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others.

With these things, they have the capital to resist. Even if they are eventually destroyed, they will cause a lot of trouble to Liu Han.

However, Liu Han relented and allowed the families who committed crimes under his rule to leave Bingzhou. This means that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and you can no longer control me.

Immediately, some people frowned. The ancients settled down and relocated, especially the nobles. It didn't matter if they left Bingzhou, but if they left without coming back, it would be a bit difficult to make a choice.

Fallen leaves must always return to their roots.

You will indeed survive if you leave Bingzhou, but the cost of leaving must be carefully considered.

Wang Yun asked uncertainly: "Is what the prince said true?"

"Of course, I'm here to make a guarantee. As long as you hand over all the people you should hand over and the punishments you should receive, you can stay or go as you see fit."

After saying that, Liu Han didn't plan to stay any longer. The people here were all arrogant and they would continue to argue.

"The three of us have also completed our holy mission and will return to Luoyang soon. You will think about it."

Yang Biao and the other three people also stood up and left. They didn't want to stay here anymore. The nobles were passive in everything regarding Bingzhou. In the final analysis, it was because of the word "greed" that they were caught with sore feet. They would also have to go back after they returned. Conduct a thorough investigation within the clan. If one day you are like them, then the gains outweigh the losses. This person who committed the crime can be said to be peeling off the skin and sucking the marrow. Not only will he vomit out as much as he has eaten, but he will also scrape off all the fat on his body. .

"But, are any nobles always truly clean? Which nobles are not greedy?"

Yang Biao asked himself, because he could not think of a solution to the root cause.

Compared with Yang Biao's worries, Liu Kuan let go of his worries. This task was not easy to do. As a clan member, he could neither offend the King of Hejian nor the nobles. It was difficult to handle both ends. , Fortunately, the result was good, and we finally came up with a solution, "I don't know what the Hedong Wei family should do."

Liu Kuan was more interested in the Hedong Wei clan than the Bingzhou gentry, because the Hedong Wei clan was involved in the process of selling stolen goods. "How should I deal with the gentry outside Bingzhou?"

Liu Kuan saw everything Liu Han did and had to admit that this boy was capable and courageous, because since Emperor Guangwu, few nobles would be forced to do this.

And state.

After a day of discussions and an agreement, a strange calm once again ushered in. The governor's office and the major local noble families suddenly stopped, and the two sides were no longer at war with each other.

After that day, the nobles were once again divided into several factions. Some advocated a fight to the death, some advocated leaving Bingzhou, and some secretly planned to stay in Bingzhou, each with their own calculations.

The deadline Liu Han gave them was after the autumn harvest. The families who went there could leave Bingzhou on their own with their people and property, and they were not allowed to stop them. Those who stayed must abide by the rules and pay everything they should pay.

As the deadline approached, the gentry once again split into two factions. Most families chose to leave Bingzhou, and only a few chose to stay.Shangdang County: The Chen family of the Yun family was originally a border general. However, a moth appeared in the family and smeared the family's reputation. They cooperated to hand over the perpetrators and actively cooperated with Liu Han to hand over the family property, private soldiers, servants, and fields. .
The more generals the family has, the more they understand how terrifying the power of the King of Hejian is at this moment. As a nobleman, no matter how stupid he is, he can still detect the dangerous atmosphere under the calm surface of the big man, so he chose to stay in Bingzhou and join Liu Han.

Of course, there is also the Li family, Tongtang (dī), a noble family who has good relations with the Guo family in Yangqu. The current head of the Li family is the current Dahonglu Li Mo. Because he and Guo Quan are both Bingzhou scholars, they have good relations with each other in private. Liu Han's issue was discussed in private many times, and he came to the conclusion that the King of Hejian has become a king. Although the loss of taking sides now is not small, the family will be absolutely stable in the next 50 years.

Except for the other gentry clans that were exterminated, the powerful gentry clans such as the Tunliu Bao clan, Shentu clan, Cui clan, etc. all chose to leave Bingzhou and find other places. There was no other way. Those who had been disobedient before were exterminated. The bloody lessons learned from the past can't be defeated. Then run, it's easy.

Taiyuan County is no exception. The Wang family of Jinyang and the Guo family of Yangqu have already taken refuge with Liu Han. In addition, the Hao family of Zhongdu, a wealthy family affiliated with the Chen family of the Yun family, has also purged the family and stayed in Bingzhou together.

"Oh? There is internal strife between the Wen family and the Wang family in Qixian County? That's strange."

Liu Han looked at the information sent by his subordinates. He did not expect that the Wang family of Qixian County was leaving, but the Wen family wanted to stay. There was a conflict between the two families. Jiexiu Jia family, Taiyuan Xun (Xun) family, Linghu family, Zhong family. The Dusun family, the Hao family (Hao Zhao) and other powerful local noble families, except the Wen family, all moved out of Taiyuan.

"What does Qixian Wen's family mean?"

Liu Han was confused and turned to look at Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe (147-223).

Yes, it was the poisonous master Jia Xu. He was found by Duan Xuan three days ago and was suppressed.

In order not to be slaughtered by the Di people and die in vain, Jia Xu deliberately used the banner of Duan Jiong's grandson to escape the disaster. Liu Han "accidentally" told Duan Jiong about this, and Duan Jiong was immediately furious. They asked people to bring their family letters with them. In addition to some of the left-behind people, most of the Wuwei Duan family moved to Xihe County. At the same time, they asked Duan Xuan, the clan brother, to dig deep into the ground to make him lose face in front of his lord at such an old age. Use your reputation to find guys.

Duan Xan also spent a lot of effort to find Jia Xu.

I originally thought that the Jia family of Guzang in Wuwei was a wealthy family, so it would be easy to find Jia Xu. However, since the Di people invaded Liangzhou, countless innocent Han people died tragically, and the Jia family of Guzang was not immune to it, so it took a while to find more people. Difficulty.

But it was only a matter of time. What Duan Xuan admired was Jia Xu's courage and control of people's hearts. After knowing that he was being looked for by the Duan family, Jia Xu knew that he had impersonated Duan Gong's grandson. I know, this is to catch myself and ask for an explanation, after all, we are not relatives, not friends.

Therefore, Jia Xu did not choose to run away, but changed his name to Jia Yu and lived near Duan's house, where he could darken his eyes under a lamp.

Duan Yan really didn't expect that this man had been jumping around under his nose. He hadn't noticed it yet. If someone hadn't accidentally recognized him, Duan Yan would have thought of asking him to be the teacher of the children of the clan. Thinking about it makes me blush.

Therefore, after finding Jia Xu in this way, Duan Xuan rudely forced him to Xihe County.

Duan Jiong heard about what happened before and after he found Jia Xu. Not only was he not angry, but he also became interested in Jia Wenhe. If it weren't for God's will, he would have been able to escape the disaster.

He originally wanted to repent in person, but thinking of his lord's expression at that time, he immediately changed his mind. He tied up Jia Xu and sent people to Jinyang. Duan Juan wanted to see how his lord, the little fox, would recover. Jia Xu is this old fox.

At first, Liu Han just had an attitude of looking for this matter, but he did not expect that Jia Xuren would be found and sent here in such a shameful way.

"Come here! Untie this gentleman quickly. I am not a human trafficker, so there is no need to tie him up like this."

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(End of this chapter)

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