Chapter 121 Bingzhou Department Store Business District
Liu Han interrupted everyone's flattery, "What I want to say next is no less important than the battle with Xianbei last year."

Liu Han looked at everyone seriously, especially the four businessmen Sun Qian, Mi Zhu, Su Shuang, Zhang He.

Everyone also stood up and saluted: "Please give me your orders, my lord!"

"I plan to build a new, comprehensive market in Jinyang called the 'Department Business District'," Liu Han ordered someone to take out the map he had been thinking about for many days. "This is Gu's Imagine that there are different merchants here, forming a circle and divided into different commercial areas. They are roughly divided into fresh food areas, such as meat, aquatic products, vegetables, fruits, food areas, such as grain, oil, salt, and clothing areas. , stationery, bookstores and other types of shops gather together.”

When everyone heard Liu Han's plan, their eyes suddenly lit up, because everyone knew that this was a huge money-attracting cave. If the reputation spread, tens of thousands of guests would come here every day.

“Anyone can participate in the shops here, and the construction costs are covered, but if you want to enter this place, you need to pay part of the rent and management fees.

There are two purposes for establishing a department store business district in isolation. One is to consider everyone here, and the other is that in Bingzhou, the sale and purchase of goods vary greatly, and there is no unified management and system. "

"Let me first tell you why you are thinking about everyone here. I know that because of the power of the Han Dynasty, because of the large number of soldiers under Gu's hand, and because of wanting to find a way out for the family, you chose to stay in Bingzhou to help Gu. .”


Everyone frowned, and no one dared to answer. The main reason was that the matter was too sensitive. If you say the wrong thing, you might be doomed.

"But Gu's conditions are too harsh. Not only do they have to take back the land and private soldiers, but they also have to hide the population. As a result, you all have lost a large part of your interests, and some have been fined a lot. The family may be able to barely make ends meet for daily expenses. .”

"I'll wait for this"

"Don't explain it yet. I have confiscated so many things because you sometimes go too far. I must pull out your teeth to teach you a lesson. Land, private soldiers, and population are all restricted areas for me. , no one is allowed to touch it!”

As Liu Han's voice gradually became murderous, the Yangqu Guo family, Jinyang Wang family, Qixian Wen family and other noble families all knelt down.


Liu Han breathed a long sigh of relief, "Everyone, get up. What I said next is the key point. I just want to take back some of the privileges that can foster ambition. I don't really want to be an enemy of you. Therefore, I have never touched you." Waiting for a store under your name.”

After everyone thought about it, it turned out that this was really the case.

Although the King of Hejian has various requirements for the nobles, he has never touched the matter of shops.

"You can also move your own shop here. The rent will be waived for one year to give you a try, but the management fee must be paid. The properties under your name include Qianshengyuan, grain stores, salt stores, etc. In exchange for settling in, everyone here has the power to sell grain, salt and iron from other areas of the state."

Salt and iron agent!

Salt and iron are a hugely profitable industry. In the past, many noble people suffered because they did not get Liu Han's permission.

Now that we have the right of agency, it means that everything is in order, which also means that we can make money!

"As long as the nobles under Gu's rule don't touch the forbidden area, Gu can give you a lifetime of wealth and honor, but if someone doesn't know what's good and bad."

"I can't wait!"

To be honest, the gentry did not expect such benefits from today's meeting. Bingzhou also has a population of 150 million. Although it cannot be compared with the rich areas, the basic market has been enlarged and the cake is also bigger. Even if the share is small, it is still better than There were many more before.

"The profit earned is [-], [-]% is yours, [-]% is for you, and [-]% is tax. And this tax, not to mention you, you know who it belongs to."

Everyone nodded, this [-]% of the tax was for today's emperor. "In the future, all kinds of messy taxes will be abolished when buying and selling goods, and only transaction taxes will be retained. Different taxes will be formulated based on different goods being bought and sold. For example, for necessities such as food, the tax will be lower, such as things like Ganshengyuan and drinks from Sanwanju. If these things exceed a certain amount, the tax will be higher.”


Everyone hesitated, "Lord, will there be any income from doing this?"

"Yuan Hao, in the long run, if Bingzhou's business flourishes and is full of vitality, our income will become even more."


"Gongyou is responsible for tax supervision. It's best not to have borers or rice worms among you, otherwise you can't be kind, but you can't be kind with a knife."

"As ordered!"

Everyone discussed for another whole afternoon, checking and filling in the new model proposed by Liu Han. At the same time, they kept sighing in their hearts that if this can be done, it can further alleviate the pressure of supporting the army.

One day passed, everyone left, and Liu Han returned to his study again. No one could enter except himself. Everything here, to people of this era, would make the lord crazy, because there are too many The remarks were contrary to their common sense.

That's right, Liu Han has always believed that a good memory is worse than a bad writing. Ever since he knew where he came, he has used modern Chinese characters to record the knowledge he remembered.

Memory is never as reliable as words.

“As the population of Bingzhou increases, the cultivated land will inevitably increase. Although Bingzhou has gone through a round of bloodbath and the land ownership belongs to me, and the people are equivalent to my tenants, the increase in population will inevitably lead to a shortage of food.

I have not been afraid of military rations in recent years, because a lot of them have been purchased and inspected, but most of the food has been eaten by the people who have fled. "

After all, we can't expect the people who are fleeing to bring enough food for three months.

"Plowing cattle are also being bred, and although there are [-] retired war horses, they are still a drop in the bucket."

A year later, Liu Han opened a chicken farm, a duck farm, a cattle farm, a sheep farm, and a horse farm in Bingzhou. However, these meat products were mainly provided to the army. Although the scale was constantly expanding, the funds were always limited. Therefore, he gave the nobles an opening to tie them to their own interests and completely stand on their side.


Liu Han took out a simplified blueprint of a Quyuan plow and was wondering whether he should take it out. After all, there is no patent now, and the structure of this thing is not very complicated. It is easy to copy and spread easily. , although it would be easier to govern the people by oneself, this would make the noble families outside even more fattened.

It is difficult for Liu Han to make a decision between gain and loss.

"Currently, this is a good way to save manpower."


With a sigh, Liu Han put the drawing back and said, "Think about it again and see if there is any other good way."

This night, many people are destined to be unable to sleep.

The nobles who stayed in Bingzhou secretly rejoiced that the darkest moment had finally passed. As long as they and their descendants did not touch the red line, a lifetime of wealth would be easy.

(End of this chapter)

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