Chapter 136 The Battle of Lingwu Valley

And state.

Shangjun, Fushi.

Xu Rong also received a letter from Huang Zhong.

Because new communication technology is gradually maturing, Xu Rong did not go to Jinyang to take charge, but stayed where he was.

"Send the information to all counties in Bingzhou. The Xianbei people did not go to Yanmen this time, but to Yunzhong."

The sudden change caused Xu Rong to go to the defense map and prepare to change the layout.

Xihe cannot be moved. There are 10,000+ Southern Huns and tens of thousands of prisoners of war and criminals. Once a rebellion breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Shuofang County and Shang County cannot move. They are close to Beidi. If there is no one and Xianbei takes advantage of it, it will be in danger.

Yunzhong County could not move and faced Xianbei's southward army.

"Order, the field troops in the four counties of Yunzhong, Wuyuan, Shuofang, and Yanmen enter wartime status to assist the people in moving into the city, and at the same time reinforce the city walls to prevent the Xianbei invasion."

"Order, Yan Xing will lead 3000 people to garrison Pianguan Pass and defend to the end. Hao Zhao will lead 3000 people to garrison Yanmen Pass and defend to the end. Even if the last person is left, no retreat will be allowed without orders."

"Order, Taiyuan will send 1 troops, Shangdang will send [-] troops, and Wuyuan will send [-] troops, a total of [-] people, riding on reserve war horses, commanded by Xu Huang, will come out of the clouds to rescue Huang Zhong's tribe."

"Order Gongsun Zan's tribe on behalf of the county to give up the attack on Danhan Mountain and turn west from Gaoliu to support Huang Zhong's tribe."

One order after another was issued from Xihe County again, and after receiving the order, all ministries mobilized their troops again.

As a result, the two sides once again returned to the same starting line in terms of military strength. "The most critical thing is Huang Zhong, whether your people can hold on until the army arrives."

Xu Rong looked to the north with a solemn expression. Xu Rong was very confident in the ability of Paoze, who had sneaked into Danhan Mountain with him, but after all, he was an enemy several times his own, and it was an away game on the grassland, which was too dangerous.

Lingwu Valley.

Because Helian led 1 men and horses to join Danhan Shanxi's men and horses, the Xianbei people in Liangzhou did not dare to be too rampant and looted. There were only 1 people in the valley, divided into three small groups, and 1 people outside the valley as a rotation. And the 5000 people who guard this place.

Xu You looked solemn at this time, because a large number of Han troops were coming towards Lingwu Valley.The Xianbei people were good at horse warfare, but without the skills of Han craftsmen, they could not build fortifications.What frightened him even more was Liu Han's ability to control the battle situation. Instead of dealing with the Xianbei army within the territory, he wanted to control this lifeline of entry and exit. Once the retreat was cut off, he would be unable to enter from outside the valley and unable to exit from within. The people inside will die sooner or later.

"This is forcing Xianbei to fight him."

What made Xu You even more speechless was that Xianbei general Shamo Han was arranging his troops at the mouth of the valley, preparing for a showdown with the Bingzhou army.

"How dare you!"

"Are you so brave?"

It's too late to say anything now. Ten thousand troops from outside the valley have also arrived, obviously intending to compete with the Bingzhou army.

Not only Xu You thought this way, but Liu Han also thought this way at the moment.

"Front-faced? I like it!"

Suddenly, a scout came on horseback with the latest information, "Report! Lord, there are Xianbei cavalry on both sides of the rear. The number is unknown."

"Zhang He, Gao Shun!"

"The end is here!!"

"Order you two to take 3000 men each to block the enemy forces in the rear."


Lingwu Valley.

Outside the narrow valley, a total of 6 people faced off.

Between the two armies was a land so trampled that not even a blade of grass could grow.There is no life there, only silence, as if this place has become a wilderness forgotten by the gods.Everyone's eyes are fixed on each other, as if looking for weaknesses in their opponents.

The soldiers of the Han army were all wearing heavy armor and iron helmets, like iron towers.The light in their eyes was like the eyes of a wolf, shining with a cold light in the darkness.The war was about to break out, and the air was almost frozen.Every breath and every heartbeat seemed to be amplified countless times, echoing clearly in this silent plain.In this tense atmosphere, it seemed that even the soldiers were looking forward to the start of the battle.

Suddenly, a general came out of the Xianbei formation and said, "Han boy, how dare you fight!"

"Fighting General? When did the Xianbei people learn this?"

Liu Han was disdainful, but he didn't mind playing with them. He glanced at the side and saw that Cheng Pu understood. He held an iron-spine spear, patted his horse and rushed out of the military formation.
"I'll meet you somewhere!"

I thought it was an evenly matched contest, but after just twelve rounds, the leading bird was stabbed to death by Cheng Pu with a spear.

"Batu Gu!"

Samadhan did not expect that his best warrior would be killed like this.

Liu Han didn't expect it, so he muttered, "He looks tall and powerful. With just this ability, I should have known I would get it."

The Shamo Han people no longer plan to fight generals. They organize their army and prepare to charge. Compared with cavalry fighting, the Han people will definitely not be the opponents of the Xianbei people. There is not much difference in the strength of the two sides. This battle will be won!

The melodious horn sounded.

The Xianbei people were planning to charge.

When Liu Han saw this, he didn't dare to be careless, "Look, the Xianbei people can't afford it! If you can't beat them in a single fight, they will start a group fight. Are you afraid?"




Shouting and killing.

"Okay, big man!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Big guy!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Liu Han looked ahead, "Those who openly offend the strong men will be killed no matter how far away they are! Kill them!"

"Follow me, go!"

Under the leadership of Liu Han, the Han army's iron hoof also began to charge.

Under the sky, the armies of the two most powerful nations in the world once again clashed fiercely, a battle of life and death.

For a time, the sound of war drums, the sound of horse hooves, and the clash of swords were intertwined to form the symphony of this battle.

Although there were a large number of Xianbei cavalry on the front, the Han army's cavalry was not inferior at all. They used their spears to fight against Xianbei's sabers, and used a tough formation to withstand Xianbei's attack.Every collision seemed to tear the whole world apart; every swing of the sword seemed to cut down Xianbei's cavalry.

At the same time, a more fierce offensive and defensive battle was going on on both sides.

Zhang He and Gao Shun, a group of Euphorbia warriors, one group fell into the camp. Under their command, with 6000 troops, they blocked the charge of Xianbei's [-] cavalry.

This battle was also a test for Liu Han. The iron hoof of the Han Dynasty had not had such a head-on collision with a foreign race on such a large scale for a long time.

If this battle can be won, the last capital that the Xianbei people are proud of will be trampled under Liu Han's feet, and it will also lay the foundation for the future army to leap into the prairie.

The reason why the Han people have no actual control over the grasslands is not because they don't want to, but because they are incapable.Agricultural technology in the Han Dynasty was far less developed than it is now, and they did not have the technology to transform prairie land into cultivated land. Farmers could not "live for water and grass" like nomads, so even if they occupied the grassland, they could not use it for survival.

But Liu Han was different. He wanted to actually occupy the grassland, so he left the 10,000+ people of the Southern Xiongnu, so he taught their children to read Chinese characters and learn Chinese etiquette, so that after the Xianbei were expelled in the future, the grassland would be filled with people immediately. block blank.

(End of this chapter)

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