Chapter 165 Expedition!

"What? Lost?"

This is He Jin in the General's Mansion. He heard the news of Zhu Jun's defeat by the Yellow Turbans. He made a surprised voice. He couldn't understand why Zhu Jun was defeated.

"What? Lost?"

This is Yuan Wei who is in Situ Mansion, "Ben Chu, the highway was defeated!"

Yuan Wei couldn't accept that five thousand elite soldiers were no match for the refugees. What were they doing!
"Haha," Liu Han also sneered when he received the battle report, "Sure enough, we are defeated. It's my turn to play."

Zhu Jun's failure was as expected by Liu Han, but he did not expect that the reason for his failure came from the Yuan brothers.

"What a good brother!"

"Failed! Zhu Jun was defeated!"

Liu Hong, who received the battle report, was like a furious lion at this moment, "What is Zhu Jun doing! What is He Jin doing! You swore before that the Yellow Turbans were not to be feared. They collapsed at the first touch, but now they are defeated!"

Back in time a few days ago.

The imperial counter-rebellion army led by Huangfu Song, the left Zhonglang general, and Zhu Jun, the right Zhonglang general, were confronting the Yellow Turban Army in Changge City near Changshe.

But they never expected that while the confrontation was going well, Peng Tuo, the leader of the Yellow Turbans in Runan, came from the flank to kill them, and it was the two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu who caused all this.

Go back a few days.

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were arranged by Yuan Wei to return to Ruyang to gather troops and horses, and strive to achieve success in suppressing the rebellion.

Yuan Wei's original intention was good, but he shouldn't let the two of them go together. If they acted together, they would only restrain each other.

Although Yuan Shao was the eldest son, he was the bastard son of a maidservant. Yuan Shu looked down on Yuan Shao's background. However, Yuan Shao was adopted to Yuan Shu's uncle, but later became the representative of the Yuan family to the outside world and climbed over his head.How could Yuan Shu be convinced?
Although Yuan Shu was his legitimate son, he was popular, greedy, arrogant and narrow-minded. Yuan Shao was put on the spot by Yuan Shu many times on various occasions, so the two had a deep grudge.

Returning to Ruyang this time, we gathered elite troops to resist Peng Tuo. Logically speaking, Yuan Shao is the brother and is the leader, and Yuan Shu is the younger brother and is the deputy.

But Yuan Shu refused and did not obey Yuan Shao's orders.

With the Yuan family's 5000 people and the contributions of other families, Runan gathered [-] rebels to resist the Yellow Turbans at one time. Under the leadership of the two, they fought against Peng Tuo in Xihua, north of Ruyang.

The army first cursed outside Xihua City for two days, but Peng Tuo stayed behind closed doors.

On the third day, Yuan Shu refused to listen to Yuan Shao's dissuasion and ordered his troops to attack. However, in the end he failed to capture the city and could only return in despair, with morale low again.

But that night, Peng Tuo led his men to attack the camp, catching the two of them off guard!

They were originally private soldiers gathered by all parties, but they had not yet been fully integrated. In addition, there was no unified command. All of a sudden, everyone in the camp fled blindly, and flames shot into the sky.

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu led their troops to fight their way out. They thought they would escape, but they didn't expect to be greeted by the elite Yellow Turban Army led by Peng Tuo!
"Aren't they farmers?"

Yuan Shu thought there was something wrong with his eyes and looked at Yuan Shao in shock. Yuan Shao couldn't understand it. These Yellow Turbans were actually well-equipped with armor and weapons, even better than his private soldiers!

Yuan Shu knew he was outmatched, so he led the remaining troops to retreat while shouting.

Yuan Shao was not slow, "Retreat to the north! There is a large imperial army there!"

Suddenly, Yuan Shu also thought that there were still [-] imperial troops in Yingchuan. As long as he joined them, he could save his life.It was a good idea, but it brought big trouble to Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun of Yingchuan.

Not to mention that the two men's 15-strong army was almost completely wiped out, and only a few hundred people escaped to Shengtian. They also brought the [-]-yellow turban army from Runan to Yingchuan. Yingchuan still had to face [-] waves of troops on the front battlefield. The Yellow Turban Army now has another [-] troops, and the pressure has increased sharply.

Unfortunately, this pressure came to Zhu Jun.

Zhu Jun never expected a disaster from heaven. The confrontation with the Yellow Turbans was already under great pressure and his troops were stretched thin. However, these two hard-working men brought him such a "big gift". Zhu Jun's heart was broken.

Although the 2-strong army is an official army, it cannot withstand the impact of 10,000+ people, even if most of them are refugees.

If not for Huangfu Song's timely rescue, the 2 people in his group would also have been made dumplings.

The most frustrating thing is that I can't deal with these two "war criminals", so I can only report to the court and ask for support.

Zhu Jun was so angry that he pointed at their noses and cursed: "You two came all the way from Runan, what a great gift you gave me! But this gift is too heavy, I can't bear it! You, Yuan Benchu, think I'm too big Are you relaxed?"

At this time, Yuan Shu acted like a cow, "Yuan Benchu ​​is Yuan Jiaming's spokesperson."

Yuan Shao was so criticized by Zhu Jun that he couldn't find any basis to refute. He looked at Yuan Shu, who was pretending to be dead, with anger on his face, "You didn't listen to me when I told you not to attack the city by force. If you have to attack by force, it's okay to attack by force. If you don't conquer it, what will happen?" The men and horses were exhausted, and the Yellow Turban thieves took advantage of the situation and attacked the camp at night, and were completely defeated!"

But now, it's too late to say anything.

"Is this what you people say the Yellow Turban is not enough to cause trouble, it will collapse at the first touch?!"

At this time, Liu Hong threw the battle report directly at Yuan Wei's feet, "Should you give me an explanation?" (Don't ask Yuan Feng, he is already dead.)
"Is this your Qilin'er of the Yuan family? Yuan Benchu! Yuan Jilu! Even if you can't defeat the Yellow Turbans in Runan, I don't count on your Yuan family, but why did you go to Yingchuan? You also helped the Yellow Turbans encircle Changshe?! You Yuan What’s the point of home?!!!”

The angry Liu Hong suddenly turned pale and coughed a few times. Then he looked at the palm of his hand and was shocked. Zhang Rang on the side saw something was wrong and quickly helped Liu Hong to the dragon chair and gently caressed the emperor. Back, "Your Majesty, don't get angry, don't hurt yourself!"

Liu Han below was originally watching a show. When he heard Zhang Rang's words, his expression suddenly changed, and he was filled with murderous intent. "Brother, do you just disobey me?"

"Brother Emperor?"

Liu Hong raised his hand to indicate that Liu Han was fine. After a while, his complexion gradually returned to rosy, but he was a little weak. "If we let them put down the rebellion again, the world will be over. I leave full authority to the emperor's brother in this matter."

"Your Majesty"

Just when someone wanted to stand up and speak, he was interrupted by the emperor, "I have made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me anymore."

"My brother obeys the order."

"The ministers obey the order."

Seeing that it was a foregone conclusion that King Hejian would go to war, Yang Ci stood up from the train and said, "Your Majesty, I think that although King Hejian is brave and resourceful, the Yellow Turban situation is serious and we should send more people to assist."

Liu Hong originally thought that Yang Ci would stand up and object, and he would get angry, but something got stuck in his throat, "What Yang Sikong said is the principle of maintaining the country with experience. I wonder if there is anyone who can choose?"

"I think"

Finally, after everyone's deliberation, the imperial court appointed Wang Yun, the imperial censor, as the governor of Yuzhou, Yilang Cao Cao as the cavalry captain, and Sun Jian, the prime minister of Xia Pi, as the right middle man general and the army commander Sima. They rushed to Yingchuan from three directions to support Huangfu. Song and Zhu Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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