Chapter 168

The footsteps of summer are coming quietly, just like the morning sunshine gradually covering the earth, silently.People are still immersed in the gentleness of spring, but the breath of summer has quietly spread.

The temperature began to rise slightly, and there was a hint of hot flashes in the air.The originally fresh air seemed to become fuller, with a faint smell of summer.The smell is so fresh and irresistible.

There are green trees, and the leaves are shining with vitality in the sunlight.The sun shines through the leaves and onto the ground, forming patches of mottled light and shadow.

Liu Han and his [-] troops have arrived at Yingyin County, fifty miles south of Changshe. In just two months, the place has changed beyond recognition. The prosperity of the past is no longer there, but only dilapidation and decay.

At present, Huangfu Song and Zhu Junbu have been resisting the Yellow Turbans of Bocai for more than half a month with the help of Changshe City Gao Shijian.

If it were Liu Han's command, he would not have besieged Changshe so foolishly. Instead, he would have chosen to go south to plunder, with the elite ambushing him halfway. He would have lured Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun out, led his troops to attack them, and finally selected one of them. After the two men left Changshe, they took advantage of the opportunity and occupied the county seat of Changshe.

If they lose, they will retreat to Changshe, and there will be someone to support them; if they win, they will pursue and kill them towards Changshe, attacking from both sides.

And tonight, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun in the city have received the arrow book from Liu Han.

"Fire attack!"

Seeing these two words, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun suddenly understood.

Huangfusong held the silk in his hand and had already started walking towards the map to see the feasibility of the plan.

"Soldiers are very valuable, and victory or defeat does not entirely depend on the number of people. You see, the moth thieves camp in dense vegetation, and they are prone to fire. If you use fire attacks to attack them at night, the enemy army will definitely be in chaos. Let's send troops to attack them again. , maybe it’s really possible to defeat the 10,000+ enemies in front of you.”

Zhu Jun: "Your Highness is really hitting the nail on the head! Why didn't I think of that?"

Huangfu Song had dealt with Liu Han once, and in his impression, this man's military talent was unparalleled. Just like the last time in Lingwu Valley, if he didn't move, he would be defeated, but if he moved, he would be able to decide the world in one battle.

"I think your Highness had already roughly thought of a way to defeat the enemy on the way to Changsha."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

Huangfu Song walked out of the tent, stretched out his hand and said, "Wait for a wind."


At the same time, the scout came to report that there was also a group of people thirty miles west of Changshe. After investigation, it was discovered that it was Cao Cao, the cavalry captain.

Liu Han knew that tonight was the time to take action.

"Zhang Liao, in this battle against Yellow Turban Bocai, you will command an army of [-]."

The Yellow Turbans' combat effectiveness was uneven, but they would never be a match for the Bingzhou Army. Liu Han had high hopes for Zhang Babai, so he asked the two top men in the army to lead him, one to teach him the art of war and the other to teach him martial arts.

Now, it is time to write his first pen on this stage of troubled times.

"My lord, I."

Although Zhang Liao has always been in the army, he has never had the opportunity to be a general. He has always followed Duan Jue and Huang Zhong to learn how to lead troops and how to formulate battle plans...

"What are you afraid of? There is always a first time for everyone, isn't it? I am very satisfied with your performance in the Bingzhou Army. I believe in your ability, so go ahead and do it boldly."

As Liu Han spoke, he pushed Zhang Liao in front of everyone, "Generals, listen to your orders!"


"Do you know why Ziyi, Hansheng and Gongming were not chosen to lead the team in this counter-rebellion?"

Everyone knows it.

"Let them quell the rebellion, so I don't have to come over."

"In this battle, the entire army is commanded by Zhang Liao, and Gu is watching from the rear. Don't let me down."

"As ordered!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Liao. This 15-year-old boy was filled with envy, especially the newly joined Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. They had already heard about Zhang Liao's background, the military skills taught by Duan Jong, and the martial arts taught by Huang Zhong. It is said that he is the person whom the Lord focuses on training.

The Yellow Turban is a big cake, and countless people want to take a bite. Now, the emperor gave the biggest cake to Liu Han, and Liu Han cut it off without hesitation and stuffed it into Zhang Liao's mouth.

As for Zhang He, more than envy, he wants to compete with Zhang Liao to see who is more powerful!

Zhang Liao calmed down, took a few deep breaths and said: "Tonight, if nothing unexpected happens, there will be flames outside Changshe City. I give my order!!"

Zhang Liao looked at the people below, "Guan Yu, Zhang He!"

"The general is here!" "I order you two to lead [-] cavalry and [-] euphorbia soldiers to surround us from the west!"


"Gao Shun, Zhang Fei!"


"I order you two to lead [-] trapped troops and [-] cavalry to surround us from the east."


"Dian Wei!"


"You and I will lead the remaining eight thousand cavalry and charge directly north from Yingyin!"

"As ordered!"

(Will anyone ask about Taishi Ci and Chen Dao? Let me tell you, they are now under Zhao Yun to "quell the rebellion" in Youzhou.)
At three o'clock that night, Huangfu Song did not give up this opportunity. He ordered the elite Han troops to hang ropes from the city wall with bundled reeds, and infiltrate out of the encirclement through the gaps in the Yellow Turban camp.

Immediately, the fire began to spread in the Yellow Turban camp. The wind helped the fire, and the fire was out of control.


Taking advantage of the chaos within the Yellow Turbans, Zhu Jun led his troops out of the city.

The historical limitations of the farmers were exposed at this moment and magnified infinitely. Once chaos broke out, they would be leaderless and scurrying around, unable to organize an effective defense at all. Some camps even erupted in roars.

Cries, calls to kill, begging for mercy... all kinds of sounds were mixed together, and the 10,000+ army just dispersed.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Bo Cai could only take the remaining troops and flee westward.

However, the house leak happened to rain all night.

At this moment, the earth shook, and a large number of cavalry were killed from all directions.

"Big guy!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Big guy!"

"Wan Sheng!"


Following Zhang Liao's roar, the [-] cavalry divided into three parts and attacked the Yellow Turbans from three directions.

With so many cavalry, needless to say, Zhu Jun knew that the Bingzhou Army had arrived.

"Is this the Bingzhou Army?"

This was the first time Zhu Jun had seen such terrifying combat power, especially on this great plain. How could these yellow scarf thieves be the opponents of the cavalry?

At dawn, a group of soldiers and horses arrived from the west. It was more than 1000 cavalry led by Cao Cao, the cavalry captain.Seeing the flames of Changshe soaring into the sky, he deliberately set up camp overnight to provide support. Since most of the troops were infantry, the journey of thirty miles took a lot of time.

Therefore, Cao Cao arrived late and could only drink soup.

The Bingzhou Army is dividing and encircling the battlefield, and every song is coordinated in an orderly manner.

"The descendants do not kill!"

This is the advice and warning given by the Bingzhou Army to the Yellow Turban thieves.

At this time, Cao Cao happened to encounter Bo Cai who was breaking out of the encirclement. Without thinking much, he led his army to cover up and kill him. However, due to the exhaustion of traveling and the fact that the opponent was desperate to break out of the encirclement, he was unable to retain his troops in the end.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

  I will write slowly during the holidays, so don’t be anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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