Chapter 179 Liu Beifeng takes a turn
In July, at the head of Guangzong City.

Zhang Jiao stood on the city wall and looked at the sky.

The weather in July is like this. It was sunny just now, but now it's stormy.

Pieces of dark clouds spread from a distance and covered the entire sky.The breeze blew, and the humidity in the air became higher and higher, making people feel extremely dull.

Lightning began to flash in the distance, and dazzling rays of light pierced the sky.Immediately afterwards, thunder resounded across the sky, and the roar was like the end of the world, making people fearful.However, this was just a prelude to the heavy rain.

Suddenly, raindrops began to fall, at first just a few sparse drops, then more and more densely.Heavy rain seemed to pour down from the sky, covering the whole world in a curtain of water.The wind became more and more violent, whipping up the rainwater into strong gusts that beat against the windows and walls.

"Father, the city wall is very windy. It's better to go down and rest. The Han army will not come today."

Zhang Ning walked up to Zhang Jiao and held an umbrella for him while talking.

"Hejian King, here we come."

Zhang Jiao ignored his daughter, but looked at the Han army camp outside the city, and said worriedly: "The next step is the real matter of life and death."

Zhang Jiao was not afraid of the generals of the Han Dynasty. Even Dong Zhuo, who had Xiliang's elite soldiers, Zhang Jiao dared to touch him.

However, Zhang Jiao, the king of Hejian, Liu Han, had to pay attention to him.

In Yingchuan and Runan, this man failed to exert any force at all, and Bo Cai and Peng Tuo were defeated.

"Now, is it my turn?"

"Cough cough! Cough cough!"

Zhang Jue coughed violently, and every cough was filled with heartbreaking pain.

Looking at the blood he coughed up on his hands, "Is it hard to violate destiny?"


Upon seeing this, Zhang Ning exclaimed, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Jiao: "Don't panic!"

Then, he wiped away the blood stains with his sleeve, "Tai Shigong once said that everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. My mission is about to be completed. Ning'er, you should be happy."


Zhang Ning broke down in tears.

"This matter must not be made public, otherwise it will cause chaos, do you understand?"

Zhang Ning nodded.

Guangzong Camp.

With the arrival of Liu Han, the atmosphere in the army suddenly changed.

The most embarrassing one is Liu Bei.

Now, he regretted coming here.

Actually, it's not his fault.

Ever since Zhuojun was discovered by Liu Han, he had no shame in hanging around there and could only go out to travel and try his luck.

I have to admit that perhaps there is such a thing as destiny. What is lost is lost in the east, and what is gained is lost.Although Liu Bei lost Guan Zhang, he also gained additional gains.

Halfway through the journey, a big insect suddenly sprang out from the forest.

Escape?Definitely not!
Now this tiger is beside him, and its two legs are no match for these four.

In desperation, Liu Bei could only choose to pick up two short wooden sticks on the ground next to him and fight against the big insect.

Soon, the tiger also saw Liu Bei in front of him, glaring at it with a wooden stick in his hand, obviously trying to resist him, and suddenly became extremely furious.


It roared, leapt forward, leaped into the air with all four hooves, and pounced towards Liu Bei.

Liu Bei held the wooden stick high and stood there motionless.In fact, it wasn't that Liu Bei wasn't afraid, but that his legs were trembling and his whole body was shaking. He couldn't move at all and could only stare blankly at the tiger.

At this moment, two sharp arrows flew from nowhere and pierced the tiger's body.

"Don't hurt anyone, big insect!"

But he saw a man holding a big knife, heading towards the tiger, and stabbed it again.

The tiger let out a scream, and then fell to the ground with a snap, right in front of Liu Bei's eyes.

Perhaps it was a stress response to the danger. When Liu Bei saw that the big insect in front of him was still alive and not dead, he smashed two wooden sticks on the tiger's head at the same time.

The tiger screamed again, then his mouth and nose bled, and he died.

All this came and ended even faster, as if Liu Bei was in a dream.It wasn't until the tiger died that Liu Bei came to his senses, put down the stick, and moved his numb legs.

"The strong man is really good at martial arts. His sword skills are unparalleled and his arrow skills are skillful. If the strong man had not saved me, I would have died here today. Please accept Liu Bei's courtesy."

Only then did Liu Bei see his rescuer. He was eight feet tall and had a face as thick as a jujube. He was a young general.

The visitor hurriedly returned the courtesy, "Not saving him at the sight of death is not the behavior of a righteous man. Wei Yan is a rough man, how dare he accept the courtesy of Sir."

Wei Yan (? ~ 234), named Wen Chang, was from Yiyang. Due to the turmoil of the Yellow Turban, he had to travel and seek opportunities. (The year of Wei Yan's birth is unknown, but he died in 234. The author sets the year of Huang Zhong's birth as 147. Wei Yan was 20 years younger than Huang Zhong, that is, 167.)
"Wei Zhuangshi, to tell you the truth, I am the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan and a clan member of the Han Dynasty. Now bandits are everywhere. I want to become brothers with different surnames with the hero, join the army together and make achievements. Is it okay?"

When Wei Yan heard this, he was stunned. Did he save a Han clan clan member?
And although he has martial arts skills, he is just a rough man.Although Wei Yan thought highly of himself, his family members from the Han Dynasty wanted to become brothers with different surnames. What an honor it would be for him!
In fact, Liu Bei didn't want to give up his name so early, but he was screwed by Liu Han once. He must not miss a good helper this time.

"Brother, please accept Wei Yan's bow!"

At this time, Wei Yan was young and vigorous, and had not yet had much experience. He could not resist such temptation and immediately knelt down to salute.

Liu Bei was overjoyed, "Second brother, please get up quickly!"

"Hahahahahaha" they both laughed at the same time.

Liu Bei and Wei Yan passed through Qiao County and happened to encounter the Yellow Turbans attacking Yiwubao. Without saying a word, the two joined the battle to help resist the Yellow Turbans.

The owner of this Wubao is none other than the Xu family in Qiao County.

Xu Chu's brother died in the battle against the Yellow Turbans a few days ago. Now he is the only one who has gathered thousands of strong men and clan members to jointly build defense facilities to resist the Yellow Turban soldiers.

At that time, the Yellow Turbans in Runan were causing the most ferocious commotion. Ge Po's Yellow Turban soldiers attacked Xu Chu with more than [-] soldiers. Xu Chu was outnumbered and exhausted from the battle. He also ran out of arrows and ordered both men and women to find big rocks to defend themselves against the enemy.When the enemy soldiers rushed up, Xu Chu Feishi retreated, so the thieves did not dare to approach.

At this moment, Liu Bei and Wei Yan came in from behind the Yellow Turbans. Seeing this, Xu Chu welcomed them in.

(The year of Xu Chu's birth and death is ominous, but according to the records in "Book of Wei", it is estimated that he was born in 169 and died in 226.)
After Wei Yan and Xu Chu met, they were about the same age and wanted to compete. Unexpectedly, Xu Chu was young but his martial arts skills should not be underestimated.

Later, Xu Chu also heard that Liu Bei was a descendant of King Jing of Zhongshan, a clan member of the Han Dynasty, and a disciple of the great scholar Lu Zhi. With such a background, he was startled.

"Alas! These are troubled times, and heroes are bound to emerge in troubled times. It is the right time for heroes like you to use force. Why do you have to bend and be controlled by others? Don't you know that times create heroes, and heroes are also at the right time!
Nowadays, the Yellow Turbans are rebelling, and the whole country is responding to it. The imperial court has ordered all states and counties to recruit local warriors to defend the country. This is because they are unable to do so, there will be a shortage of soldiers, and there are constraints from the eunuchs.However, this will definitely lead to the separatist trend of local powerful forces. The day when the Yellow Turbans are pacified will be the time when the heroes rise.Who controlled the world at that time?It’s not all known yet. "

Liu Bei's words gave the two of them unlimited reverie.

Liu Bei: "In order to achieve great things, I have been wandering for half my life, struggling to find like-minded people. Until today, I have sifted through the wild sand and found real gold. God has mercy on me and bestows these two heroes on Liu Bei. Bei wants to become brothers of life and death with you. , I wonder what you two think?"

Xu Chu: "I have had this intention for a long time. If the three of us work together, brass will turn into gold. With you taking care of me, great things will definitely succeed!"

Wei Yan: "Although Wei is a warrior, he also knows the word loyalty and righteousness. As the saying goes, a bird that chooses a tree can live in a good tree; a minister who chooses a master can meet a wise master. Wei's life's wish is fulfilled. From now on, Wei His life is his brother's life, and Wei's body is his brother's body, but there is no difference of heart according to his driving force."

Then the three of them became brothers with different surnames again at Xu Chu's home.Liu Bei is the eldest brother, Wei Yanxing is the second, and Xu Chu is the third brother.

The wheel of history is turning again in confusion, which is sad.

The personal general who originally belonged to Cao Cao actually became Liu Bei's.

Since the imperial army had not yet entered Runan at this time and was confronting Bocai in Yingchuan, most of the local defenders fled.

So at Liu Bei's suggestion, Xu Chu dispersed his family's property, recruited more than [-] warriors, distributed money to others, and asked them to go to nearby relatives and friends.

Liu Bei, Wei Yan, and Xu Chu first came to Jizhou to defect to Liu Yan with more than 300 soldiers.

(The governor of Jizhou at this time was Liu Yan. In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", it is written that Liu Yan was the governor of Youzhou, which is wrong.)
 My brain was burned out. As soon as the fever subsided, I got up to type and my whole body ached.

(End of this chapter)

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