Liu Han's crowning is not good news for his relatives or the nobles. Originally, the emperor trusted him to no end, but now that he is crowned, they can all think that the King of Hejian is going to join the center!
Yang Ci died of illness last year (Sikong Yang Ci died in September of the second year of Zhongping (185)), and the gentry lost another mainstay. Yuan Wei cursed those villains in Liangzhou in his heart, "There was a riot in one year, and the king of Hejian was killed." I was so scared that I didn’t dare to move, you loser!”

Who can believe that the Qiang rebellion was so severe last year, and the King of Hejian said that the Qiang people did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder for three months. This is Liu Han's dominance among the foreign races.

It's just that Liu Han is not convincing, but frightening.

Yang House.

Sikong Yang Ci passed away due to illness, so this year the Yang Mansion will definitely not be as lively as in previous years.

Yang Biao, the new head of the Hongnong Yang family, also looked sad at the moment.

I still remember my father’s words before his death: It’s time for Hongnong Yang to take sides.

"Prince Bian, Prince Xie"

Yang Biao couldn't figure out at first what his father's words meant.

Does Yang need to take sides?

Isn't the situation obvious?
Prince Bian's ascension to the throne is almost certain. This is the consensus. Do we still need to take sides?

Today, Yang Biao understood that when his father meant taking sides, he meant taking sides with the nobles or the royal family.

The King of Hejian is no longer a child with only a few soldiers and horses, but the king of two states with a hundred thousand cavalry and control of You and Bing. No matter who the new emperor is, the nobles will definitely compete with him because of power.

However, the Yang family really has to make a choice about this person's temper.

This year, Liu Han is the weakest, and Cai Yan is also the winner.

The hairpin is a kind of ornament used to fix the hair in a bun. It is shaped like a slender hairpin, with one end sharp and the other blunt. The blunt end has a protruding decoration, which is called the head part.

Hairpin, "Shuowen Jiezi" explains: "Hairpin. From bamboo, to open the sound." "Pianhai" said: "The woman's hairpin is now the hairpin. This is the hairpin."

On the second day of February, Liu Han wears his crown, and on the third day of March (Shangsi Festival), Cai Yan wears his hairpin.

Adding hairpins is also three additions.The crown and hairpins are placed on a plate, covered with a handkerchief, and held by a secretary.Women also have various phoenix hairpins, which can be added with hairpins, hairpins and phoenix hairpins respectively.

The phoenix crown is an honor that only belongs to Cai Yan. Even Queen He did not wear the phoenix hairpin and hairpin.

Cai Yong wrote several times that this move was against etiquette, but they were all rejected by the emperor and the queen mother. "The king of Hejian defeated the Yellow Turban of Jizhou and made great contributions to the court, so let this reward be given to his future princess."

Although Cai Yong felt it was inappropriate, he finally agreed.

This is an honor that only belongs to the King of Hejian, and only the Princess of Hejian can possess it.

Not only that, the guest of honor for Cai Yan and Hairpin was not a royal lady, but the Queen Mother!

There is no hostess in the Cai Mansion, so Cai Yong stood on the east steps of the hall waiting for guests early in the morning, while the maid stood under the west steps with a tray, and the guests even stood outside the venue early in the morning to wait.

Because the guest of honor was the Queen Mother, the old lady had already arrived, so no one else dared to keep her waiting.

Cai Yan changed his clothes and shoes after taking a bath, and sat in the east room (dressing room) to wait.

As the music started, everyone took their seats.

The Queen Mother (Queen Mother) arrived, and Cai Yong stepped forward to greet her, "Your Majesty, Cai Yong, pays homage to the Queen Mother!"


The rest of the guests sit in the viewing position, and the host only takes the host's position after all the guests are seated.

"Open the ceremony!"

After Cai Yong gave a brief speech, Cai Yan's wedding ceremony officially began.

Those who praised the ceremony came out first, washed their hands, and took their places on the west steps. Cai Yan, wearing Chinese clothes, walked out of the side hall, went to the venue, faced south, and bowed to the guests.

Then he was sitting on the hairpin chair facing west.

The person who likes combs his hair and then puts the comb to the south of the mat.

The Queen Mother got up first, followed by Cai Yong to accompany her. The Queen Mother washed her hands and wiped them dry at the foot of the east steps.

Cai Yan turned to the east and sat upright. The minister presented him with Luopa and hairpins. The Queen Mother walked to Cai Yan, knelt down and combed Cai Yan's hair and added hairpins.

He recited the congratulatory message loudly and said: "On the auspicious day of the month, I will start to add Yuanfu. Abandon your young ambitions, follow you and become virtuous. The test of longevity is only for Qi, and you will be blessed by Jingfu."

Then get up and return to your original position.

The praiser is Cai Yan who symbolically corrected his hairpin.

After one addition, the two hairpins turned into a bun with a mahogany hairpin.

Cai Yan stood up, and all the female guests bowed to Cai Yan and congratulated him.

Then returning to the east room, the admirer took the clothes from Yusi and went to the room to change into a plain skirt that matched the one on his head.

After Cai Yan left the room wearing a skirt, she showed it to the guests.

Then he faced his father, the Queen Mother, and bowed formally.I am grateful to my father and sister for raising me.

Next, Cai Yan sat upright facing east. The Queen Mother washed her hands again and reset herself.A minister offered a hairpin, and the Queen Mother took it, walked to Cai Yan, knelt down, and put the hairpin on Cai Yan's hairpin, then stood up and reset herself.

He chanted the congratulations loudly and said: "Auspicious moon and celestial days are for Shen Erfu. Respect Er's prestige, Shu Shende. My eyebrows will live forever, and I will always be blessed by Hu Fu."

The praisers helped Cai Yan symbolically straighten his hairpin, and all the guests bowed to Cai Yan.

Cai Yan returned to the east room, and the praiser helped him get clothes, and went to the room to change into the dark clothes with curvature that matched the hairpin on his head.

Erjia's clothing is a metal hairpin and a red dark coat with a curved train. The dark coat is elegant and graceful.

After the second bow, Cai Yan came out wearing dark clothes to show to the guests, then faced the Queen Mother and performed the formal bow.This time it is to show respect for teachers and seniors.Finally, there are three plus.

In the same process, Cai Yan sat upright facing east, the Queen Mother washed her hands again, and then reset her position.A minister offered a phoenix hairpin, and the Queen Mother took it and walked to Cai Yan. The admirer went to give Cai Yan a phoenix hairpin. The Queen Mother added a phoenix hairpin to Cai Yan, and then stood up and returned to her position.

He chanted the congratulatory speech loudly and said: "With the righteousness of the year and the order of the month, Xianjia will be obeyed. Brothers are here, so that Juede can be achieved. Yellow scorpion has no boundaries, and it is celebrated by heaven."

Those who praised the ceremony helped Cai Yan wear the crown, and all the guests bowed to Cai Yan.

Cai Yan returned to the east room, and the admirer helped him get clothes, and went to the room to change into a long skirt with long sleeves that matched the bun on her head. This outfit symbolized the grace and elegance of women.

Finally, the three bows came. Cai Yan came out of the room wearing a long-sleeved dress and a phoenix hairpin to show off to the guests.

Then face the wall chart and perform formal prayers. This is the third prayer.

This time it expresses the determination to inherit civilization and serve the motherland.

Yousi removed the furnishings for the hairpin ceremony and set up a wine banquet on the west steps.The Queen Mother took Cai Yan's little hand and sat down at the table.

Others don't know how much their youngest son likes this wife here, but she knows very well that for her, her youngest son will not touch women at all.

However, although Cai Yan's appearance and temperament are not harmful to the country and the people, she is also a rare beauty among the Han Dynasty.

Especially today and after haircut, it is quiet, elegant, and scholarly, just like an elegant ink painting.

The face is clear and beautiful, and the eyes are deep black, like twinkling stars in the night sky, mysterious and charming.There is endless tenderness and kindness hidden in those eyes, which seem to be able to see through people's hearts, making people want to explore the mysteries.

Her lips are as delicate as cherries, and there is always a smile on the slightly upturned corners of her mouth.

The facial features are exquisite, like natural carved gemstones, unparalleled.

Her long hair is as smooth as silk, and her skin is as fair as jade, smooth and shiny, and seems to reflect the beauty of everything around her.

The figure is slender and elegant, like a willow tree, soft yet tough.

"You are really wronged by marrying Han'er."

The Queen Mother liked it more and more and couldn't help but say this.

Suddenly he thought of the butcher's daughter again, "She has nothing but a good skin! Why would you want to think about such a bad thing on such a big day!"

"Your Majesty, the Queen Mother compliments you greatly. It is a high achievement for a minister to marry His Highness."

"Hahahaha, you are so cute, the more I look at you, the more I like you."

Cai Yan blushed, lowered his head slightly, and stopped talking.

All the guests also understood that this person's status in the royal family in the future would not be high.

Be envious!
Of course, I can only envy him.

Who makes people's lives good?
Before I even got through the door, my mother-in-law was in pain.

The King of Hejian was so weak that he had never heard of a concubine in the house because of this one, so he kept himself clean.

From now on, this big man will be able to rank among the top three.

When the ceremony of hair-raising continued, the Queen Mother turned to the west, and the praisers offered wine. Cai Yan turned to the north. The Queen Mother took the wine, walked to Cai Yan's banquet, faced Cai Yan, and read a congratulatory speech: "The wine is sweet and thick, and I recommend it to Lingfang." . Worship and accept sacrifices to determine your auspiciousness. Bear the rest of heaven and never forget the longevity test."

Cai Yan bowed, took the wine, sat down at the table, knelt down and sprinkled some wine on the ground as a sacrificial wine, then touched his lips with the wine symbolically, and then placed the wine on the table.

When someone offered him rice, Cai Yan took it and ate a little symbolically.

The next step was to give Cai Yan a "word". Cai Yong had already thought about it and had already been angry with the Queen Mother.

"Shuowen says: Yan is the beauty on the jade. "Songs of Chu·Yuanyou": It absorbs the subtle liquid from the flying spring, and cherishes the beauty of Wan Yan. Your name is Yan, and the courtesy name is Zhaoji."

The Empress Dowager took the word for Cai Yan and recited a congratulatory message: "Now that the etiquette is ready, let the month and day be auspicious, and the word will be announced to you. The word "Yuan" is Kongjia, which is suitable for fashionable people. It is suitable for fakes and will be protected forever. It is called Zhaojifu. "

Cai Yan replied: "Although I am not sensitive, I dare to come without delay."

Cai Yan bowed to all the guests, and all the guests returned the salute, and the Queen Mother returned to her throne.

Cai Yan knelt in front of his father and his father taught him. Cai Yan listened attentively.

After Cai Yong finished speaking, he replied: "Although my son is not sensitive, I dare not accept it!".

Pay homage to my father.

After that, Cai Yan stood in the center of the venue and bowed to: the Queen Mother, the guests, the musicians, the ministers, the praisers, the bystanders, and his father.

The recipient just nods slightly.

Finally, with the announcement of "the ceremony was completed",

Cai Yan, his father and sister stood side by side.

Cai Yong announced to all the attendees: "The hairpin ceremony for my daughter Cai Yan has been completed. Thank you all for your kind participation!"

He and Cai Yan bowed to the audience again to express their gratitude. At this point, the hairpin ceremony ended.

At night, Cai Yan took off the decorations and looked at the phoenix hairpin in his hand, his eyes full of tenderness, "Brother Han, Yan'er is one step closer to you."

This phoenix hairpin is unique because it was designed by Liu Han himself for Cai Yan.

Different from the flat hairpins at that time, Liu Han designed a three-dimensional golden hairpin with phoenixes and auspicious clouds. Currently, this is the only one for the Han Dynasty.

When it was first handed over to the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother was a little disgusted, "You haven't married yet, you have a wife and you have forgotten your mother." (End of this chapter)

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