Liu Han came and left quickly, but he did not leave Hulao Pass. Instead, he was stationed in Pinggao, north of Hulao Pass.

Dian Wei was puzzled, "Lord, why do you want to destroy these places?"

Liu Han looked at Jia Xu, who was smiling and saying nothing, "Wen He, what do you want to say?"

Jia Xu: "Haha. My lord is using a borrowed sword to kill someone. Borrow Dong Zhuo's sword to clean up the powerful nobles in the Sili area and Liangzhou first."

Zhao Yun also understood, "We will take over Hanoi after Dong Zhuo's reaction."

"Aren't Baibo's Yellow Turbans here? After Dong Zhuo leaves, we won't be in a hurry to go in and let them continue to cause trouble for a while. This matter will be left to Zilong."


With the experience of "cleaning up" the Yellow Turbans in Youzhou, Zhao Yun certainly knew what to do.

At this time, Liu Han suddenly thought of something, "Where is the Sima family in Wen County?"

Jia Xu: "My lord, I haven't found it. The Sima family of Wen County left Hanoi last year and disappeared. I don't know where he hid it."

"Huh? Ran away? The Sima family has been in Wen County for hundreds of years, and they don't want to lose their ancestral property?"

Jia Xu shook his head. Although he didn't know how the Sima family provoked the lord, he knew that those who were missed by the lord would never end well.

"Oh, it's really interesting!"

In Liu Han's mind, there were several must-kill lists, such as the Yuan family in Runan and the Sima family in Wen County. As soon as Liu Han arrived in Hanoi and established a foothold, the Sima family ran away. "It doesn't matter. If we didn't find it this time, it won't be possible next time."

Liu Han and Dong Zhuo reached an agreement and stationed troops in Hanoi. Dong Zhuo returned to Luoyang that day to prepare for moving the capital. No one knows why the first thing Dong Zhuo did when he came back was to move the capital, and the second thing was to clean up everyone inside and outside the prime minister's palace.

Later, in order to ensure the safety of the Empress Dowager, Dong Zhuo ordered his son-in-law Niu Fu to lead the Fei Xiong Army and secretly send him to Hanoi.

The princes of Guandong were still in the confused stage. Huang Zhong, the governor of Fufeng, led his army to the north. Liu Yu, the pastor of Liangzhou, was changed to the governor of Youzhou. Duan Juan officially retreated to the second line (almost 70, it's time to retreat).

At the same time, Zhu Jun, the governor of Hanoi, also led his troops to withdraw north. Only then did everyone understand what agreement the King of Hejian had reached with Dong Zhuo.

The Shandong nobles angrily scolded the King of Hejian for betraying his ancestors and would be punished by God.

He didn't know whether Liu Han would be punished by God, but Dong Zhuo, who had let go of his hands and feet, made the nobles feel the Xiliang people's way of reasoning. First, it was the Luoyang nobles. Dong Zhuo felt that the whole of Luoyang was a big sieve, and the nobles were inconsistent, which made Dong Zhuo a little safer. No sense at all.


Anyone suspicious will be killed!
Not only can spies be eliminated, but a large amount of money and materials can also be seized, killing two birds with one stone!
Ever since he braved the disdain of the world and killed Yuan Feng, Dong Zhuo felt that killing anyone was just a matter of words, and he completely let himself go, "Those who follow me will prosper; those who go against me will perish!"

For a time, the powerful nobles in the Sili area were like fat meat being targeted by a hungry wolf. Even the eggs laid by chickens and the dogs passing by the door of the targeted family were not spared, and the land was plowed.

First came Luoyang, and slowly spread to surrounding counties and counties, including Hanoi, Henan Yin, Hongnong, Hedong... Anyone who is not on Dong Zhuo's side will be killed.

Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.

Dong Zhuo let himself go and broke the rules, which would inevitably lead to desperate resistance from the nobles. What's more, in Sili, a place with many nobles, there were waves of large and small resistances.

However, Dong Zhuo's soldiers burst out with astonishing fighting power at this time, making all the resisting nobles flee with their heads in arms, and finally hung their heads at the city gate. (I also have a share of the treasure I grabbed. Can I not fight for it?)
Of course, Dong Zhuo's men also suffered many casualties.

It wasn't until a month later that Dong Zhuo was satisfied with the robbery, and then he stopped. Except for the palace and the imperial mausoleum, Dong Zhuo had a thief heart but no courage and dared not move. Due to Dong Zhuo's misdeeds, the entire civil servants lost [-]% of their nobles and powerful men.

The Empress Dowager was sent away, and there was another problem before Dong Zhuo - the deposed emperor.

How should Hongnong Wang Liu Bian solve it?

Liu Bian was the emperor jointly elected by his relatives and nobles. The princes of Shandong challenged Dong for Liu Bian's sake.Therefore, in order to stop Yuan Shao and others from thinking about it, Dong Zhuo decided to send Li Ru to Yong'an Palace to kill King Hongnong.

For Li Ru, this is a hot potato.

If he doesn't kill King Hongnong, he will definitely be squeezed out of the decision-making center; if he kills King Hongnong, not to mention carrying such an infamy, the Shandong nobles will not let him go, and the most important thing is that King Hejian will not let him go either.

Li Ru really saw the intelligence capabilities of King Hejian outside Hulao Pass. Li Ru didn't think he could hide from King Hejian's eyes and ears.

When he was having a headache, a man sneaked into Li Ru's mansion at night.

"Sir, are you worried?"

Li Ru was startled by the sudden voice, and immediately stood up and said warily: "Who are you?!"

"A certain person is Wang Yue."


Others may not know Wang Yue under Dong Zhuo, but Li Ru, who is in charge of intelligence, must know Wang Yue. He is the most mysterious person under King Hejian and is mainly responsible for spying on intelligence.

"You are so brave, how dare you break into my house!"

"Sir, please don't be angry. I came here this time just to share your worries with you and have no other thoughts."

"Oh? Let's talk about it. If I'm wrong, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"King Hongnong."


Li Ru was shocked. He was sure that the prime minister only told him about this matter, and he never told any third person. How did Wang Yue know about it?
Could it be that the Prime Minister had already surrendered to the King of Hejian?
Is he the biggest traitor? !
"His Highness once said that Dong Zhuo would not let King Hongnong go, so the dignitaries did not put King Hongnong in their plans this time, otherwise the negotiation would definitely fail. If King Hongnong is taken away blatantly by His Highness, it will really be a disaster. It became 'a Han in the east and a Han in the west'."

"What does King of the River mean?"

"Your Highness is not interested. It's just that Your Highness guessed that if Dong Zhuo wanted to kill King Hongnong, the person who would do it would definitely be Sir, so he sent me here. I hope Sir will show mercy."

"Have mercy? How can you show mercy?"

"Sir, you only need to lead the way, and I will do the rest."


Li Ru was very hesitant. In this matter, he had to choose between offending the prime minister or offending the King of Hejian.

Wang Yue saw that Li Ru was shaken and said, "Sir, you are a smart man. There are so many people in the world who oppose Dong Zhuo's actions. If one day, how will you deal with it?"

"This alas!"

Li Ru sighed. As a counselor, he naturally knew what the prime minister's fate would be in the future. He had already felt the terror of the King of Hejian, as if everyone's every move was under his control. Good birds choose trees to roost in. Li Ru Choose to cooperate with Wang Yue.

"Then, I will wait for news from Mr.

After saying that, Wang Yue left Li Ru's house, "It seems that we need to step up preparations for that matter."

Since he followed Liu Han, Wang Yue has really realized what it means to be a hero and what it means to be a "great chivalrous person who serves the country and the people." (End of chapter)

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