Chapter 27 After the War ([-])

Liu Han stopped.

"I can give you the opportunity, but if you fail."

Before Liu Han could finish his words, Su Shuang immediately continued: "Your Majesty, don't worry, if it goes wrong, the two of us will die to apologize!"

"Huh? What's the use of you two dying to apologize? The Yi clan."

Liu Han used the calmest tone and said the most vicious words, so frightened that the two of them did not dare to raise their heads.


"You guys go down first. I'll see you later if I have something to do."


Watching the two leave, Liu Han continued to discuss the post-war matters with everyone.

"My lord, this."

Zhang He was very puzzled. My lord had never been like this before. What happened today?If I mess up things in the future, will I also have the Yi tribe?

"Businessmen value profits. If we don't warn them in advance, they won't be able to do anything."

After Liu Han explained this, everyone suddenly realized and put down the stone in their hearts. If anyone does something wrong in the future, they will all come to the three tribes to cheer them up. Who can bear this?
"Mr. Yuan Hao, currently we only have [-] troops left to fight. Development in the next year is the top priority. Is there anything you can do?"

"My lord, now that our army has recently arrived and is sparse in strength, I thought that we should first stabilize Yanmen County and then slowly advance.

The Great Wall in the north of Pingcheng needs to send troops to handle it. General Han Sheng can be sent to lead [-] troops to build the Great Wall and prepare thunder stones, rolling logs and other defensive materials.

The old general Ji Ming can lead five hundred Yulin Guards to guard Dingxiang County, and the station will be the county to govern Shanwu;
General Gong Minghuang led [-] troops to Mayi, while the lord led the remaining people to stay in the Yin Hall of the government office, and they were at odds with General Xu.

In this way, the first line of defense based on the Great Wall was established. "

As Tian Feng spoke, he drew a circle on the map with his hand.

The other generals couldn't help but nod, this was the best way to allocate troops.

“While the generals are stationed, they must first gather the refugees, secondly build fortifications, thirdly punish traitors and eradicate evil, and fourthly train new troops.

This time I brought a lot of supplies, enough for several generals to lay the foundation and gain a firm foothold. "


All generals obeyed.

"Spring plowing is about to begin. This matter must not be delayed. The displaced people can be used as corvees."

"No, corvée is not allowed."

"My lord, this."

Tian Feng didn’t understand. Without corvee labor, where would the labor force come from to build fortifications?
"Relief for work!"

Just four words, but Tian Feng's eyes lit up!
"My lord is so talented that you can't even compare with him!"

"Work-for-relief means the government invests in construction projects. If the refugees have jobs, they will have income, and they will be able to settle down with income! My lord, you are a great talent!

Generals, when recruiting refugees, don’t forget to register them and distinguish between men and women, young and old, and spies. "


Su Shuang, Zhang He, who left the yard, were beating in their hearts.

"Brother Zi Ou, you said we should do this, right?" Zhang He felt frightened when he thought of the prince of Hejian County. Although he had heard of the prince's talent, but when he saw it today, he understood what the majesty of the Tian family meant. I have been doing business for many years and have met many officials. Ordinary state and county officials do not have this sense of oppression at all.

"I do not know."

Su Shuang shook his head, "But now that you and I have taken this step, there is no turning back."

If they really become the king of Hejian County, their status will be completely different. They will no longer be the lowest businessmen, but royal businessmen with official background!

If you perform well, you can even become an official!
Why the Zhen family in Zhongshan is so rich is because he is not a pure businessman. He has a hereditary marquis with an official background. Although it has declined in recent years, his connections are still there and he is still a wealthy family.

If you want to completely get rid of your identity as a businessman, you can only take a gamble!
After the meeting, everyone left one by one as planned.

Liu Han sat on a chair and picked up a pen to think.

If you want to defeat Xianbei, you must first rely on people. Tan Shihuai claims to control 30 strings. It is very difficult to defeat him.

If you want to support a cavalry, you need at least 15 yuan a year. One hundred thousand is 15 yuan (15 billion), which is [-] gold;
A soldier needs ten hu of rice a year, and 10 people need 100 million hu of dendrobium. One hu of rice requires [-] qian, which is [-] qian, which is [-] gold;
Of course, the equipment must be the best, and in batches, it will cost at least 15 gold, which is another 15 gold;
There are also daily clothes, vegetables, meat, medicine, etc., which is almost thirty million gold, and another thirty thousand gold;
Added up, at least 40 gold is needed to feed an army of [-] for a year, not counting post-war pensions and losses.


Liu Han took a breath of cold air. It was not that he didn't know, but he was shocked. This was equivalent to emptying out his own family, and he could only feed an army of [-] people for one year!
Thinking about it this way, I am quite rich.

The five counties in the north are about 200 square kilometers. Excluding mountains, rivers, roads and houses, the cultivated area is only about one hundredth. The land in the north is barren, with a yield of about 1000 kilograms per mu, which can produce almost [-] million dendrobium a year. Mi, but this is completely unrealistic.

Talent, people and wealth.

Liu Han already had drafts for conscription and a preliminary plan for recruiting talents, but for money, Liu Han needed the help of those two people.

To merge the states, a big move must be made.

If you want to relieve the border troubles, you must not let these aristocratic families hold back here. You must first find a chicken and kill the respectful monkey.

Wealth and food are all controlled by aristocratic families, so don't blame me for being cruel.

After thinking about this, Liu Han called Su Shuang and Zhang He.

The two were very reserved when they came in.

"You two must also know that Gushou also has some properties, and Sun Gongyou is in charge of them."

The two nodded. Sun Gongyou and Qian Shengyuan must be known to every businessman in the Han Dynasty.

Although there are few stores, they only sell high-end products, and the profits are too high. If it weren't for this person and that person behind it, they would have been divided among the wealthy families.

How could they be like them, selling horses for a living and walking on the edge of a knife all day long.

"You also know the purpose of Gu coming here, so Gu will get straight to the point. Gu needs you to provide all the supplies that can support an army of [-] for several years, including horses, iron, salt, food, and everything else you can think of. "


As a businessman, he has a keen sense of smell. The interests involved are too huge, and they are not able to swallow them now.

"Gu now gives you two choices. One is that we only have a cooperative relationship. Gu will buy whatever you have. Apart from being your long-term partner, Gu has no other guarantees."

Liu Han's words stunned the two of them instantly. This was a huge cake. One bite would make them rich. If they cooperated for a long time, as long as the descendants are not stupid and can have enough food and clothing for generations, to be honest, they are very happy. Heartbeat!

"The second option is to be loyal to Gu. You two will be responsible for this matter. Whatever you want, Gu will ask Sun Qian to give you what you want. When the Northern Expedition is over, Gu will definitely be richly rewarded.

But this means that you cannot get any profit from it, and you may even be involved with all parties.You will be very tired, and you may even die, because if you fail, the three Yi tribes will fail.

I can't make fun of you with the lives of [-] soldiers. "

(End of this chapter)

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