People are still the same people, with the same strengths and weaknesses, but people trained in the bureaucracy are better at conspiracy than at leading troops and running a country.

Therefore, within the framework of the bureaucratic system, neither Dong Zhuo nor Lu Bu could defeat Wang Yun, and even Cao Cao was no match for them.There is nothing to say about Cao Cao's ability to lead troops in battle and govern the country!Although Cao Song's position as the third official was bought, it was still the third official. But even so, Cao Cao was pushed to other places in his early years and was promoted and secretly demoted, and then he was dismissed and returned home.

But once these warlords did not abide by the rules of their original system, but instead built their own system and stopped playing tricks on the system with those old fritters, they immediately became popular.

Dong Zhuo was like this, Li Jue and Guo Si were like this, and Cao Cao was like this.

Lu Bu was plotted purely because of stupidity and greed. Dong Zhuo's mistake was that he always had a glimmer of hope in the nobles, hoping that they would understand and recognize him, so he followed Wang Yun's advice.

The same place, different strategies, different people, but the same effect.

Wang Yun was still the same, flattering him for a while: "Yun has been very familiar with astronomy since he was a child. Recently, he watched the Qianxiang at night and saw that the Han family has exhausted its power. The prime minister's merits are known to the world. If Shun succeeded Yao, Yu would succeed Shun." Great cause, in order to meet the wishes of heaven and man! Prime Minister must not violate the will of heaven and the hearts of the people!"

Dong Zhuo was confused at first, but he was elated when he was praised by Wang Yun. Wang Yun stayed at home for half a year, and his brain finally became clear and sensible!I think so in my heart, but I can't express it so clearly, "Ah! How dare you look at this?"

Wang Yun sneered in his heart, but he still said flatteringly on his face: "Huh? Since ancient times, the righteous have defeated the unrighteous, and the virtuous have given way to the virtuous. The Prime Minister takes over the world, which is in line with the will of God and the people!"

Dong Zhuo: "If the destiny belongs to me, Situ will be the founding father of the country! Haha..."

Wang Yun: "Haha... Many thanks, Prime Minister, for your support! The Prime Minister is so kind and will never forget it."

Dong Zhuo: "Haha... very good! Haha..."

Wang Yun: "The joy of the teaching workshop is not enough for worship. I have a family trick, dare I accept it?"

The color is like a bone-scraping steel knife. It is impossible to escape from the pomegranate skirt. Wang Yun believes that Dong Zhuo cannot escape either.

Dong Zhuo: "Oh! Very good! Very good!"

Although the women in the palace are beautiful, they are still worse than the ladies trained by these noble families. In fact, Dong Zhuo had some thoughts at first, such as Princess Hongnong. Dong Zhuo wanted Li Ru to keep her alive. However, due to his willingness to die for love and the prestige of the King of Hejian, Dong Zhuo did not dare to let out the dark little thoughts hidden in his heart.

Now that the capital has been moved to Chang'an, the King of Hejian no longer troubles him. Dong Zhuo is completely safe, and his mind becomes confused while changing cups.

Wang Yun clapped his hands, Wang Rong and the dancers walked in, and a bamboo curtain fell from in front of where Dong Zhuo and Wang Yun were sitting.Wang Rong and the dancers started dancing in the lobby...

Wang Rong's graceful dancing and beauty attracted Dong Zhuo's attention behind the curtain. He watched intently, almost drooling.

Wang Yun, who was sitting aside, kept quietly observing Dong Zhuo's every move.

The same routine was used to trap Lu Bu first, and then Dong Zhuo. There is no doubt that Wang Yun's beauty trap was quite successful. After Dong Zhuo recognized that Wang Yun was one of his own, he took Wang Rong away without ceremony. .

Before Wang Rong walked into the Prime Minister's Mansion, she turned around and looked at Wang Yun, indicating with her eyes that Wang Yun's plan would be followed. After that, she walked into the Prime Minister's Mansion.Wang Yun mounted his horse and began to return to Situ's Mansion with his servants.On the way, he met Lu Bu who was riding on horseback and blocked Wang Yun's path angrily.

Wang Yun didn't expect to meet Lu Bu at this time. This wonderful misunderstanding was really what he wanted!

Seeing the angry Lu Bu, Wang Yun first introduced him into the Situ Mansion. Lu Bu took off his shirt and handed it to the servant of the Situ Mansion, then strode into the back hall of the Situ Mansion, with Wang Yun following closely behind.

Obviously, Lu Bu saw that the concubine that Wang Yun originally gave to him was now in the prime minister's house, and he came to question her, "Master Situ! Since you betrothed Ronger to me, why did you give it to the prime minister again?"

Of course, Wang Yun would not admit that this was his own plan. He showed aggrievedness at first, "Oh! General, calm down! Calm down! The general wrongly blamed me."

Lu Bu was furious, and of course he didn't believe Wang Yun's words, "Huh! You are still lying to me now. I saw it with my own eyes!"

What Wang Yun wanted was Lu Bu like this, "Ah! The general didn't know that yesterday the prime minister said to me in the court hall: "I have something to do and I will come to your house tomorrow." So I prepared a small banquet to serve it. While drinking, the prime minister said: " You heard that you have a daughter named Wang Rong, who has been betrothed to my son. I am afraid that you may not be true to your words, so I came here to ask for her and ask to see her." I did not dare to disobey, so I led Wang Rong out to pay homage to the Prime Minister. . The prime minister said: "Well... Today is a good day, I will take this girl back and marry Fengxian." Alas! General, just imagine, the prime minister personally accepts the marriage, how can I dare to resist? So I send the girl to the house. "

All the blame, one push, two, five, six, don't ask, the prime minister did it, I am a weak scholar, I can't help it.

As for the truth, who knows?

A smile appeared on Lu Bu's face after hearing this, "Ah! So that's it. Lu Bu blamed you wrongly for a moment, but he will definitely bear the blame one day."

Wang Yun acted magnanimously: "Huh? The general doesn't know the details, what's the crime? Haha..."

The next morning, Lu Bu happily came to the Prime Minister's Mansion, but the news he got was not that Dong Zhuo wanted to give Wang Rong to him, but that he had given the newcomer to him last night. Lu Bu was furious now, with a green prairie above his head, it was a man He couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to ask Wang Rong for clarification.

Wang Rong sat thoughtfully in front of the bedroom window and played with a red flower in her hand.At this time, she saw Lu Bu's reflection in the water in the pond outside the window, and she quickly threw the red flowers in her hand into the water in front of Lu Bu, covered her face with a handkerchief and cried.Afterwards, he gestured to Lu Bu with his hand, meaning that he had been missing him. Lu Bu sadly saw all this outside the window.

However, just as Lu Bu was about to step forward to ask, he saw Dong Zhuo's hands on his woman's body. He was so angry that he walked into Dong Zhuo's back hall with a sword and half pulled the sword out of its scabbard.

In the end, reason prevailed over anger and the sword was returned to its scabbard.

Dong Zhuo is old, not blind. Even a man can't bear Lu Bu staring at his concubine so blatantly: "Get out! How dare you tease my concubine? Get out! Get out! You are not allowed to enter the back hall again."

After speaking, Dong Zhuo placed his rice bowl heavily on the table.Lu Bu walked up to Dong Zhuo and looked at him angrily.

After that, he left Dong Zhuo's back hall angrily. Dong Zhuo stood up and looked at Lu Bu's leaving figure.

As a result, the rift between father and son arose, and antagonism was a foregone conclusion. (End of chapter)

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