The advantage of cavalry finally emerged. The integration, assembly, and movement of the army were much faster than that of infantry.

Yuan Shao's troops withdrew from Yecheng, and on their way to Cuiqiu, they were surrounded by Xu Rong and Zhao Yun.

Those pursuing in the west were Xu Rong, Xu Huang and Huang Zhong's troops, totaling 4 people, while those intercepting in the east were Zhao Yun, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, totaling 3 people.

Although Yuan Shao fled with 7 men, he only had [-] troops to fight.

Xu Rong: "One word long snake formation?"

In order to deal with the pursuers, Yuan Shao formed a long snake formation with 5 people.

Jia Xu: "One word long snake formation, strike the snake's head, move its tail, and roll; strike the snake's tail, move its head, bite; hit the snake's body sideways, reach its head and tail, and twist! From these three changes, the long snake formation moves like a giant The python attacks, the attack is fierce!”

Xu Rong nodded, besides, this was not a small snake, but a big snake with 5 people.

Xu Huang: "It seems that Yuan Shao knows his disadvantage and wants to use positional warfare to offset the mobility of our cavalry."

Jia Xu: "I also thought that Yuan Shao would deal with us the same way he dealt with Gongsun Zan. Yuan Benchu ​​is not stupid."

Xu Huang smiled heartlessly: "If that were really the case, he could have prepared the coffin earlier."

Xu Rong: "Military advisor, is there any way to solve this problem?"

Of course Jia Xu knew what Xu Rong wanted to ask, which was not to crack the long snake formation, but how to severely injure Yuan Shao without letting him realize that he had let him go on purpose. "The first step is to break the formation, seize its head, clamp its tail, and cut off its waist! Use two infantry phalanxes to cooperate to prevent the opponent's cavalry from moving on both wings, making it unable to exert its mobility and flexibility. Then use the powerful heavy cavalry as the main opponent. The infantry in the belly of the snake launched a powerful attack, causing the formation to be scattered and disordered! The infantry phalanx was defeated in one fell swoop and the long snake formation was cut into three pieces. As a result, the long snake formation fought independently and could no longer cooperate with the three parties. The formation If you don’t attack, you will destroy yourself!”

Xu Huang: "Military advisor, even we know how to break Yuan Shao's long snake formation. Wouldn't he know?"

Jia Xu: "Gongming means..."

Xu Huang: "I suspect there is fraud in it."

At this time, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei also came with their troops, and the two sides joined forces.

Zhao Yun and others clasped their fists and said, "General Xu, military advisor."

Jia Xu: "Zilong, have you seen anything?"

Zhao Yun said: "Military advisor, I made a circle outside the formation. There is indeed a long snake formation on the outside, but inside..."

Zhao Yun also saw that this was not a simple one-word long snake formation.

It was Zhang Fei who shouted: "Military advisor, in my opinion, it doesn't matter what the formation is, the lord has said that if you defeat ten enemies with one force, we will cut this snake into six or seven pieces for him."

Although Zhang Fei's words were rough, his reasoning was not rough, which inspired Jia Xu: "Yide is right! No matter what Yuan Shao's plan is, we are at an advantage in terms of equipment and numbers, and we can break the formation with strength!"

Xu Rong: "What's the strategy to break the formation?"

Jia Xu " so."

People take orders.

On the other side, Yuan Shao was sitting in the middle army. The Hejian King's army was much more mobile than him. In addition, there were family members and property in the army, so the marching speed was relatively slow, so they were naturally overtaken.

Listening to the strategies of Xu You, Guo Tu, Feng Ji and other counselors, Yuan Shao planned to fight the invading enemy with infantry formations to make up for his own lack of combat mobility.

The battle formation looks like a long snake formation, but it can transform at any time and turn around at the other end to form a two-dragon water formation. The middle moves forward to form the Three Talents Formation of Heaven and Earth, and the two ends retreat to form a four-door pocket-bottom formation, intersecting with each other to form the Five Tigers and Herds of Sheep Formation.

This is a large deformable formation. If the enemy really attacks by breaking through the long snake formation, they will fall into a trap. Yuan Shaoke ordered the army to trap the enemy in the formation, separate them, and then attack them one by one. Annihilation.

Of course, this is the best case scenario. Yuan Shao just wants to completely cripple the army chasing him and preserve the strength to go south.

However, Jia Xu doesn’t talk about martial ethics!

Yuan Shao could only say that it was not that the national army did not work hard, but that the communist army was too cunning.

Liu Han assembled an army of [-] troops here, including [-] cavalry and [-] infantry. Commander Xu Rong, because his original plan was to attack Yecheng, so he brought a large amount of engineering equipment. Unexpectedly, the offensive battle turned into a pursuit battle, and then into a pursuit battle. In the "attack" battle, I thought that the engineering equipment would not be used, but Yuan Shao's army was entrenched in that mass. Yuan Shao simply huddled inside and fought outside the city. After Jia Xu suggested it, Xu Rong said that he had never seen it. There are better "walls" to attack than this.

The army formed a formation, with the cavalry on both sides and the infantry in the middle. Then siege crossbows, bed crossbows, and honeycomb crossbows with a hundred carts and a thousand arrows built with a lot of money were all brought up and set up.


The overwhelming rain of arrows shot towards Yuan Shao's army. The darkness made Yuan Shao confused. How could there be such a shameless person when the two armies were fighting? Shouldn't the soldiers be fighting against the generals?

The army was ready to fight with blood and fire, and he launched a salvo of thousands of arrows, still in such an open environment.

The arrow rain causes large-scale damage, especially the honeycomb crossbow. It is really useful to cover the sky, but the cost is too expensive. Originally, the honeycomb crossbow was prepared to suppress the archers defending the city, so it is not a loss to use it here.

The shield bearer can indeed block some crossbows, but how to block the arrows of siege crossbows and bed crossbows? That power, especially the flat shot, hits in a row. "Archers strike back!"

Yuan Shao is also anxious. Since you don't respect martial ethics, don't blame me. I have many archers here.


Unfortunately, Xu Rong was well prepared, and the shield hand blocked the bow and arrow.

Xu Rong smiled and suddenly understood what his lord meant by "fear of lack of firepower".

"The catapult is ready!"

A simple siege catapult, this time it throws not stones, but jars filled with kerosene.


Beautiful parabolas streak across the sky.




Some of the fire oil cans hit the soldiers, and more hit the ground, splattering oil stains.

"Fire oil!"

Yuan Shao saw it was kerosene at a glance, but he didn't expect Xu Rong to be so vicious.

Xu Rong: "Fire the arrow!"

Unlike the previous round, the arrows in this round are rockets.

Yuan Shao: "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. Oil ignited when it encountered fire, and the fire broke up the battle formation that Yuan Shao had spent several hours forming.

In war, the most taboo thing is to be sloppy.

Seeing that Yuan Shao's army was in chaos, Xu Rong immediately ordered his cavalry to attack.

Suddenly, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei came from the left wing; Zhao Yun and Xu Huang came from the right wing, and [-] cavalry attacked Yuan Shao like a landslide and tsunami.

This was the second time Yuan Shao encountered the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry. The originally confident battle formation was torn apart like paper, and then the chaotic army was trampled wantonly by the cavalry.

"No retreat! No retreat!"

Yuan Shao hoped to organize a battle line to withstand the impact of the cavalry, but as the outer defense line was torn apart layer by layer, he watched with his own eyes as Xu Rong's cavalry grabbed the head of the big snake, clamped its tail, and cut it in half. Tear into several pieces.

"Lord, nothing can be done. The defeat is already over. Leave now!"

"Lord, before the opponent comes to kill you, retreat quickly!"

The generals tried their best to hold Yuan Shao, but Yuan Shao refused to listen.

Xu You: "Yan Liangwen Chou! Take the master away quickly!"

Everyone worked together to pull Yuan Shao away and retreat. Han Meng took the initiative to break off and met Zhao Yun again. However, this time he did not have the fighting spirit as before and was seriously injured and knocked down by Zhao Yun.

Gao Lan met Guan Yu on the way back and was captured alive by Guan Yu.

Qu Yi was a bit miserable. Although the first soldier to die was brave, he went into battle again without rest after the battle. He also encountered the unreasonable Zhang Fei. The third master did not make trouble with him, and the heavy cavalry opened the way. The first soldier to die was killed. The boy was crushed into a pulp, and Qu Yi was stabbed in the throat by Zhang Fei and fell to the ground.

The remaining civil and military personnel died, some escaped, and many were captured.

Xu Rong finally breathed a sigh of relief and lived up to Liu Han's expectations. "Order: The infantry will clean the battlefield, and the cavalry will pursue the remaining enemies. The army should not kill too many people, and those who surrender will avoid death."


Jia Xu: "General, Jizhou has been decided, and a message should be sent immediately..."

Before Jia Xu finished speaking, he saw the flag belonging to the King of Hejian in the distance, and Liu Han and Dian Wei arrived late with the Yulin Guards. (End of chapter)

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