Cai Yong knew that he was wrong. Compared with the Cai family, he and the Liu family shared weal and woe. They both prospered and suffered.

Because he is a member of the gentry, he can't bear the treatment of the Yingchuan gentry. In addition, other gentry are fanning the flames. Yes, they are fanning the flames. Cai Yong feels that if they don't keep gossiping next to him, he will definitely do it. Stick to the bottom line, ignore political affairs, and focus on teaching instead of wading in muddy waters.

"As for Qi'er's enlightenment, my daughter means to leave it to Master Zheng."


When Cai Yong heard this, he immediately became furious, like a cat that protects its food, "I don't agree! Qi'er is my grandson, and I can be considered a capable scholar. What's the matter with letting outsiders enlighten me?" "

Cai Yan retorted: "Master Zheng, he is not an outsider."

In terms of closeness, Zheng Xuan is no worse than Cai Yong, and Zheng Xuan has experience in teaching Liu Han and has taught his own son to be a hero like his father. Cai Yan thinks Zheng Xuan is more confident.


Cai Yong wanted to refute, but when he met Cai Yan's uncompromising eyes, his face froze, and what he wanted to say suddenly got stuck in his throat. Cai Yong's eyes became blurred. The little girl surrounding him seemed to be just yesterday. Today, the little girl has grown up and has become a high-ranking king.

"I... obey your order."

Cai Yong felt depressed, his face turned old for a moment, and he felt unspeakably depressed. Just now, he said that the courtesy of monarch and minister cannot be abolished, and now he has really changed from father and daughter to monarch and minister. He and his daughter are only five steps apart, but there seems to be a chasm between them, and there is a barrier that makes him afraid to step on it.


Cai Yan, who is delicate and considerate, naturally noticed Cai Yong's changes, but she had to do this. Women are weak, but mothers are strong. For the sake of her children, Cai Yan could not care about her father's feelings.

"My minister retire."

Cai Yong turned around and left. Just as he was about to go out, he suddenly thought of something and stopped: "Princess, I have one more thing that needs to be decided by the princess."


Cai Yan knew that after today, there would definitely be a rift between father and daughter, "Father, please speak."

"Things about Zhenji."


Cai Jue, Cai Yan's sister, also has the reputation of a talented woman. She is as beautiful as her sister, but more agile than her sister. She is a beautiful elf full of energy.

Because of Liu Han, Cai Jue not only did not have the kind of wandering life, but also became a favorite in the eyes of many people.

Before Cai Jue reached the age of hairpin, due to her special characteristics, she had already become "other people's children" among her peers. Now that Cai Jue has reached the age of hairpin, naturally some people will target her. The easiest way to maintain relations between noble families is through marriage. , who can be more popular than Cai Jue?
Originally born into a noble family, the daughter of the great scholar Cai Yong became Cai Yong's son-in-law. How big a network of connections does that mean in one fell swoop?

What is even more coveted is that she has a princess sister. As expected, the princess becomes the queen, and she suddenly becomes a brother-in-law with the royal family.

The most important thing is that Cai Yong has no children and no successors. If his children give birth to offspring with Cai Jue in the future, then this child will inherit a huge political resource.

This child will be the next Huo Guang as soon as he is born!
Everyone knows it, but they can't say it clearly.

It was okay last year, but this year Cai Yong had people coming to inquire about his bottom line every three days, which annoyed him very much. Cai Yan frowned and said, "You really need to think about it carefully. Does your father come from a good family?"

Cai Yan is also very concerned about this sister. Her mother passed away early and she is like her mother. Cai Yan hopes that her sister can marry someone who loves her as much as she does. It is better if they are in love with each other.


"Father has a candidate in mind, so why not tell him about it?"

"I have a good relationship with Yangxu, the Yangxu family of Taiyang. Although Yangxu has passed away, he has three sons, the eldest son Yangmi, the second son Yangdi, and the third son Yangdan. The eldest son has married, and the second son has also lost his crown. Yangmi has taken his younger brother many times. Yang Di came to visit me, and I saw that he was a talented person, so..."

(The author has something to say: Historically, Cai Zhenji did marry Yang Di and gave birth to two sons and one daughter: Yang Cheng, Yang Huiyu, and Yang Hu. However, Yang Cheng died young, and Yang Huiyu, Yang Di’s daughter, was Sima Yi. The eldest son Sima Shi's stepwife was known as Queen Jingxian in history. She had no children. Sima Shi's nephew Emperor Wu of Jin posthumously gave Cai the title of King of Jiyang County. Yang Hu was a famous general in the Western Jin Dynasty and was given the title of Marquis of Nancheng. Taifu, it's just that Cai Zhenji is Yang Di's stepwife, and Yang Di's first wife Kong is the daughter of Kong Rong, a famous scholar in the late Han Dynasty and a Shaofu.

Now, because of Liu Han, Cai Yong did not die, and Cai Yan was not kidnapped. Cai Zhenji was not alone. She was not welcomed by others, and her status was infinitely elevated. Naturally, she could not become Yang Di's stepwife.

PS: Yang Dan’s younger brother Yang Dan married Xin Xianying. )

Cai Yan naturally knew that, but after the death of Yang Xu, the Taiyang clan was in a state of decline. There was no talent that could not be used. The whole family could only have some prestige in Taishan County. Cai Yan looked down on a third-rate noble clan. (First-rate gentry: those who were eloquent in the Han court, such as the Yuan family in Runan, and the Yang family in Hongnong; second-rate gentry, those who were eloquent in local states, such as the Xun family in Yingyin, and the Wang family in Jinyang; third-rate gentry, those in the local The county can speak well, such as Taiyangshi).
Cai Yong heard Cai Yan's tone, and it was obvious that she was dissatisfied with Yang Di.

Regarding his sister's marriage, Cai Yan couldn't think of a good candidate for a while, so he said, "Let Jue'er come to me. I'll first ask her if she has anyone she likes. If not, we will help her find one."


Cai Yong didn't object. At this point, there was nothing wrong with being cautious.

"That being the case, I will take my leave."

Cai Yong walked out of the palace and looked at the majestic stone lion standing outside. (The earliest stone lion was the stone lion in front of the tomb of Gao Yi of the Eastern Han Dynasty (the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, who was honest and honest, and it is said that the whole country cried after his death).) Cai Yong felt very awkward, but there was Very happy: "Yan'er, you have really grown up."

"Who would have thought that my daughter, Cai Yong, would have the majesty of a mother who embodies the world?"

Cai Yong had long wanted to tell Cai Yan about Cai Jue, although marriage was "the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker."

But who dares to ignore Cai Yan?
If you want to marry Cai Jue, you have to pass Cai Yan, otherwise there will be no way.

After sending Cai Yong away, Cai Yan began to write a letter to Liu Han, "Here comes someone."

"The servant is here."

"Go and find the sisters and ask them if they have written the letter. Once it is written, we will give you Duoduo money and send it to the king."


Although there were five people in Liu Han's harem, Mi Zhen and Zhen Mi were forced on him. Zhen Mi had not yet reached the age of hair, and Diao Chan was a maid who became a concubine. She was helpless and gave birth to a daughter, not to mention Zhang Ning. Now, her identity cannot be revealed, and she also gave birth to a daughter, so no one in the harem poses a threat to her.

"You also miss your father, right?"

At this moment, Cai Yan took off the mask of the princess and stroked her belly with her hands, full of maternal glory. This was her and Liu Han's second child, "Come on, the father is coming back soon." (End of this chapter)

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