The next day, Chen Deng returned to Huailing, came to Lu Bu's camp, and met with Lu Bu.


"How is Xiao County?"

"We are not optimistic. Yuan Shu has led an army of 30,000 to attack. The pressure on Gongtai is great, and many people in the county are timid and want to surrender the city."


Lu Bu was anxious. In his heart, Shouchun was far less important than Xuzhou. He could defeat Yuan Shu at any time, but if Xuzhou was lost, it would be really lost.

"You go back to Xiao County first and inform Chen Gong to stabilize the rebel generals who have second thoughts. I will immediately lead the army back and raise the fire as a signal. Chen Gong will respond and get rid of the traitor generals first."


At the turn of spring and summer, there is a big temperature difference between the night and the day. The cool breeze blows through, bringing with it the unique freshness and chill of the night, like the whisper of nature, which appears particularly clear in the silence.

The silence under the moonlight is like a deep lake, silently reflecting the surrounding scenery, and everything is submerged in this boundless silence.

However, there is a murderous intention hidden in the silence tonight.

Chen Deng climbed up the Xiaoxian city tower and came to Chen Gong.

"Brother Gongtai, the spies just came to report that there is a group of people moving towards Pengcheng with torches, but they are not from our side. I suspect that Yuan Shu took a small road to attack Pengcheng."


Chen Gong was shocked. If Pengcheng was lost, what would be the use of staying in Xiao County?


Chen Gong looked at Chen Deng: "I will take people out of the city for rescue, while you stay in Xiao County."


Also on this day, there was movement from the north.

"set off!"

Lu Bu and Ji Ling faced off in Huai Ling for several days, and both sides were busy. Zhang Liao received the military order and immediately prepared to go south. Now that the preparations have been completed, he is now leading his army south.


Li Dian led a vanguard of 3,000 men to clear the way, clearing roads through mountains and building bridges across rivers.

In the middle, Zhang Liao and Wang Ling led an army of 15,000, and in the rear, Guo Jia and Wang Chang led 2,000 troops to transport grain and grass.

The army moved south from Linqu and approached Kaiyang.

At the same time, after receiving the military order earlier, Zhang Ji, the governor of Taishan County, ordered Zhang Xiu and Wang Mo to blockade the entire county to prevent the enemies of Langya State from counterattack.

Zhang Xiu went even further. He led an army of 4,000 and headed straight for Linyi. Like a pair of scissors, he cut off the connection between the areas north of Kaiyang and Zang Ba and others in the city.

The north moved, naturally with the force of thunder. Before the move, they had already sent a message to Donghai Mi Fang to formulate a plan and agree on a time.

Mi Fang ordered Xie Jun to lead an army of four thousand from south to north, blocking Jiqiu, and Kaiyang suddenly became an isolated city.

Zang Ba from Taishan joined forces with Sun Guan, Wu Dun, Yin Li, and Chang Xi to harass the local area and sideline Xiao Jian.

Now they panic, "It's over!"

"The north is taking action!"

They received the treatment that only Liu Bei had at the time. They cut Langya County into several pieces with lightning speed, cutting off their escape route and turning it into an isolated city.

"Now, what should we do?"

Everyone looked sad. Although Zang Ba occupied the Langya Kingdom, his name was not legitimate and his words were inconsistent. He had limited support from the nobles. He only had more than 10,000 people so far. The remaining 10,000 people could not form an army and could only be called bandits.

"Sun Guan has been blocked in Dongguan, with Zhang Liao in front and Zhang Xiu behind."

That's Zhang Liao!

Zhang Liao was very famous in the Han Dynasty. He was already a Zhonglang general during the Yellow Turban era, and now he is a rare general with both civil and military skills.

Zang Ba looked at the corrupt situation and said with a wry smile: "That guy really thinks highly of us."

In order to capture Langya County, 30,000 troops were invested.

"Save! We must save!"

Chang Xi spoke immediately, firstly, Sun Guan had two thousand men in his hands, which were rare elites. If he rescued them back to Kaiyang, they could at least resist a little bit; secondly, he was close to Sun Guan, and the most important thing was the third point. , he didn't like the Han army. If he surrendered, it would be more uncomfortable for the Han army to follow the rules than to kill him. He would rather resist.

"How to save?" Yin Li asked, "If you fail to save others, what should you do if you get involved again?"

The two were arguing below, which made Zang Ba's ears hurt: "That's enough!"

At this moment, the sergeant came to report: "General, General Wu Dun is back."

"Wu Dun? Why are you back? Aren't you guarding Yangdu? How dare you escape from the battle?"

"Huh...running away from the battlefield? I can't bear this crime!"

Zang Ba said: "Wu Dun, what's going on?"

"General, Zhang Liao crossed Dongguan. If I hadn't run fast, I would have been cut off by Zhang Xiu."


Chang Xi couldn't believe it. No matter how easy it was to attack and defend Dongguan, two thousand people couldn't defend it for even half a day?

"It was not Zhang Liao who conquered Dongguan, but Sun Guan who led his troops to surrender."

After hearing this, Chang Xi's face turned red and green. He had just discussed with everyone to save Sun Guan, but he had already surrendered. Save him?
"Just come back."

Compared with Sun Guan surrendering to the enemy, Zang Ba was more gratified that Wu Dun could lead his troops back safe and sound.

"Secure Kaiyang first. I want to see how Zhang Wenyuan attacks the city."

"As ordered!"

The news that Zhang Liao led his troops south was intercepted by Mi Fang of the East China Sea. It was impossible for it to reach the ears of Yuan Shu who was still fighting wits and courage between Pengcheng State and Chen Gong so quickly. Otherwise, the two families would most likely stop fighting and make peace to jointly resist Liu Han.

Otherwise, even if Zhang Liao could gain a foothold in Xuzhou, he would have to pay a lot of lives, and he would not be able to advance as far as he did now.

That night, Lu Bu led the few cavalry in his hands towards Xiao County. Chen Gong led his soldiers and horses to open the city gate of Xiao County and charge towards the enemy troops outside the city.

Suddenly, in this raging fire (crossed out) in the dark, coupled with the tension of war, the two sides started fighting over a disagreement.



The two armies fought. Lu Bu thought he was ambushed by Yuan's army and led his army to charge with all his strength. Chen Gong was confused, "Where did they get so many cavalry?"

He did not expect that those who were attacking Pengcheng were all Yuan Jun's cavalry, but he did not flinch. He gritted his teeth and thought of using his numbers to defeat Yuan Jun's cavalry.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties. During the fight, Lu Bu suddenly saw Chen Gong and was shocked and said: "Gongtai! How could it be you?!"

Chen Gong reacted immediately, "Oh! We have been deceived, go and save Peng Cheng!"

"Stop it! Stop it!"

"They are all our own!"

"Stop it!"

Lu Bu was still in a state of confusion, but he also knew the importance of Pengcheng, so he immediately ordered: "Go to Pengcheng!"

The two men's small armies joined together and hurriedly marched towards Pengcheng. In the early morning, Lu Bu and Chen Gong led their troops to Pengcheng.

"Open the door!"

Suddenly arrows were shot down from the city.

"Asshole! I'm Lu Bu!"

At this time, Liu Bei's counselor Jian Yong came out and said, "Lu Bu, I have been waiting for you here for a long time! You took my lord's city, and now it is time to return it to my lord."

"Where are Chen Deng and his son?"

Jian Yong looked at Chen Gui who was hiding on the tower in Pengcheng and refused to face Lu Bu. "Anyone who betrays the master will be punished by everyone. Naturally, I will kill him."

After Jian Yong said that, he turned to look at Chen Gui who was hiding aside. Chen Gui smiled at Jian Yong.

"Where is Chen Deng? Chen Deng! Chen Deng! Chen Deng!"

"Lord! We have fallen into Chen Deng's trick."

"Chen Deng! Chen Deng!"

"Lord! It's better to go and save Xiaopei quickly." (End of Chapter)

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