Guangling County.

Sun Guan: "General Li, Yuan's army landed at Jiangdu Ferry yesterday."

Guangling guard Li Dian, deputy general Sun Guan and staff officer Chen Deng led an army of 5,000 to face Yuan Si's 8,000 men.

Among the three, although Li Dian's official position was not as good as that of Chen Deng, the other two were headed by Li Dian.

Chen Deng: "The so-called knowing yourself and your enemy is always victorious. General Yuan Jun is the disciple of the traitor Yuan Shu, and he is one of the few men under him who is both civil and military."

Li Dian said solemnly: "We only have five thousand men. General Zhang's order is to guard Guangling and never let Yuan's army enter Xuzhou."

After Zhang Liao received Liu Han's military order, he immediately changed his battle plan. Xuzhou had been in war for years and it was a good harvest, so no enemy troops were allowed to come in.

If Guangling is lost, the southern gate of Xuzhou will be wide open, Yuan's army will move north along the river, and Xiapi will be attacked on both sides.

"I wonder what Mr. Yuanlong has to do to defeat the enemy?"

In terms of familiarity, Chen Deng was much more familiar with Guangling than Li Dian.

"Haha..." Chen Deng stroked his beard and said, "General Li, Guangling is built on the water and is located on a plain. Yuan's army has landed, and all supplies must be transported by warships."

"General, please look at this," Chen Deng walked up to the map and said, "It's only fifty miles from Jiangdu to Guangling. The three of us can divide our forces to resist the enemy.

Yuan Si will definitely lead an army to attack in the future, and I will lead an army of two thousand to defend Guangling;
General Li can lead two thousand troops out of the city. While Yuan Si is attacking Guangling, General Li can attack Yuan's army at the ferry, burn the ships, and cut off the enemy's retreat;

General Sun led a thousand cavalry out of the city and laid an ambush on the back slope outside the city. When Yuan Si learned that his way back was cut off, he would definitely lead his troops back for reinforcements. As soon as I gave the signal, the general would immediately lead his cavalry out from the flank and attack Yuan Si's formation. At the same time, I will lead my army out of the city. We will attack from both sides and we will definitely defeat Yuan's army! "

"Okay! If my actions go well, I will withdraw immediately after burning the ship, and while you are fighting Yuan Si, I will come out from behind."

Sun Guan was still confused and looked at Li Dian and said: "General, we are fighting with Yuan Si. If the general cannot fight back, we will still pursue him until the general returns?"

"No, don't chase after the poor enemy. In this battle, you only need to cripple Yuan Si. It would be better if he can be severely damaged."

As for total annihilation, Li Dian didn't consider it at all. It was unrealistic for five thousand people to eat eight thousand in one go.



Yuan Si got off the warship, mounted his war horse and looked at the river in front of him. The sun was shining on the wide river surface, and the waves were sparkling like countless diamonds beating. The breeze blows, causing ripples on the river surface, bringing bursts of coolness.

On both sides of the river bank, lush trees swayed their branches and leaves, and the chirping of cicadas came and went, adding a bit of liveliness to this summer.

However, Yuan Si had no time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, "Hurry up! We need to move all the supplies from the ship today, and set up camp outside Guangling City before dark!"

In the decisive battle with Liu Han, Yuan Si was pessimistic. The two sides were not at the same level at all. The only thing he could do now was to capture Guangling.

"Leave five hundred men to guard the warship while the rest go ashore!"

"As ordered!"

"Beware of a sneak attack by the Han army. Take a day off tomorrow and attack the city the day after tomorrow!"


In Guangling, banners are fluttering at the top of the city.

Five thousand people were lined up neatly below the city.

"Chen Deng! Your Majesty treats you well, why did you do such a rebellious thing?!"

"Haha...that's wrong. He, Yuan Gou, dares to usurp the Han Dynasty and proclaim himself emperor. He really doesn't know whether to live or die! I am a Han official. I only know that the emperor's surname is Liu, so why is his surname Yuan?"

"It's useless to say more, let's see I capture you alive today! Attack the city!"

Yuan Si gave the order, and the army prepared and attacked the city gate.

At the same time, Li Dian and Sun Guan had already left the city with their respective troops the night before. Sun Guan stayed on the back slope to prevent Yuan Jun's spies from discovering them.

Li Dian led his men to sneak out of the city under cover of darkness and arrived at the Jiangdu ferry.

"General, there are defenders at the ferry, but there are not many of them, only 500 people."

"Okay, let everyone prepare for a quick victory."





The Yuan army below the city attacked the head of Guangling City like a tide.

"Fire arrows!"

Arrows were shot down from the top of the city like a storm, and enemies kept falling to the ground after being struck by arrows. The siege equipment under the city also started to be activated. The huge wooden ladder slowly approached the city wall. The soldiers guarding the city waved their weapons vigorously, trying to stop the enemy's attack.

The sound of war drums at the top of the city was rapid and powerful, inspiring the soldiers guarding the city to fight bravely against the enemy. Sometimes they leaned down to shoot, sometimes they leaped up and brandished their spears, and fought desperately with the enemy. "Thunder Stone Rolling Wood!"

Chen Deng commanded the Han army to defend in an orderly manner at the top of the city.

Two thousand people guarding five thousand people, although it occupies a favorable location, is still not an easy task.

Gradually, a small gap was opened at the top of the city by Yuan Jun, and Yuan Jun boarded the top of the city.

"Follow me! Kill them!"


As the battle continued, the soldiers at the top of the city gradually became tired, but they still stood firm and did not flinch.

"Ming Jin!"

After an hour of continuous attack, the soldiers' physical strength was rapidly losing. The gap in the city had been blocked by Chen Deng. Yuan Jun had missed the best opportunity. Yuan Si did not want to fill in the soldiers' lives, so he temporarily withdrew his troops to rest.

Chen Deng watched Yuan Jun retreat and breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh... order the whole army to rest and seize the time to repair the fortifications and prepare for the next wave of enemy attacks."


"This weather is so damn hot!"

Li Laoer was a young man who was forcibly captured and conscripted into the army when Yuan Shu attacked Dong in the second year of Chuping (191). He had seen blood, experienced life and death, and became a veteran oil man.

"Who says it isn't?"

The person talking to him was Zhang San, a recruit who was forcibly captured after Yuan Shu became emperor and was less than three months old.

At Jiangdu Ferry, Yuan Jun gathered in twos and threes to light a fire and cook.

"Hey, do you think the general can capture Guangling?"

It was easy to capture Guangling before, but this time it was different. They faced the Han army.

"What does it have to do with us whether we can win it or not? We just have to hold on here."

"Don't be so solemn. There are only a few Guangling defenders. The general can definitely win with so many people."


While he was talking, a large group of people suddenly appeared from the grass.

Li Dian: "Kill!"

Yuan Jun made a fire to cook. At the most relaxed moment, two thousand Han troops rushed out with overwhelming force.

The battle lines collapsed at the first touch.


Li Laoer rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and pulled Zhang San into the reed swamp.

Being able to survive several battles relies on his own pair of legs that no one else can match.

The Han soldiers are numerous, well-equipped and well-prepared. If you catch them by surprise, you will win.


Zhang San has never been outside. In his eyes, the pavilion chief was the sky. Although he joined the army less than three months ago, he saw the sky beyond the sky. He wanted to fight for the emperor. If he was rewarded... He picked up the edge of the well and looked outside. .

"It's nothing, kid, if you want to survive, run away!"

Zhang San wanted to say something else, but suddenly a sharp arrow pierced his chest, and there was a heartbreaking pain. He covered his chest with his hands in disbelief, and the blood was gurgling. He looked at Li Laoer and ran away into the distance. He fell to the ground with a sound.

Before I could even dream, I fell down.


These were his last words, but it was too late to regret it.

Li Laoer ran away without looking back.

"It's terrible! The Han army is too terrible!"

With nowhere to go, Li Laoer could only hide in the reeds and pray: "Don't find me!"

"set fire."

Seeing that Yuan's army was killed and dispersed, Li Dian had no time to clear out the remaining enemies, so he immediately ordered people to set fire to the ship.

The fire started and the warship was destroyed.

"Ah! Help!"

This time, Li Laoer, who was hiding in the reeds, lost his previous good luck and died in a sea of ​​fire. (End of chapter)

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