Han army camp in Shen County.

Liu Han was handling official business as usual.

"Lord, the latest information from Wang Yue."


Liu Han quickly unfolded the silk, glanced at ten lines, and handed the information to the counselors, "Ah... Yuan Shu is kind, but he made another bad move."

Zhang Xun was trapped in Xiao County. He and his advisers discovered and made a judgment in advance, and then changed the battle plan. However, Yuan Shu thought that he had his own secret work, and the secret work was Ji Ling.

To be honest, there are really not many people that Liu Han likes in Yuan Shu's side, but Ji Ling is one of them.

Able and loyal enough.

"He actually sent Yang Hong as his military governor."

A villain like Yang Hong can become a military governor!

What can he do?

Can't do it!
You don’t have the ability to know!
Yang Hong was able to prosper under Yuan Shu just by making money for Yuan Shu. If such a person goes to the battlefield, thank God if he doesn't do any harm to Ji Ling!

"Lord, the intelligence says that Yang Hong and Ji Ling have never been on good terms. It seems that Yuan Shu really suspects him."

Everyone was speechless at Yuan Shu's magical operation and rushed to give them results.

"If that's the case...it's not impossible."

Liu Han looked at Jia Xu: "Wenhe, what are you muttering about?"

"Ah? Lord..."

Jia Xu was just thinking about the rudiment of the plan, "I was just thinking about using the contradiction between the two of them to expand Yuan Shu's distrust of Ji Ling and recruit Ji Ling."


As soon as Jia Xu said this, Liu Han became more energetic. Liu Han was very interested in poaching people, and he was very interested. "What's the plan?"

"My lord, my plan is still in its infancy..."

"It's okay, let's talk about it and let's improve it together."

"Well, Ji Ling and Yang Hong are at odds. Why don't we take advantage of the opportunity and use some clever tricks to separate them? Then we can accomplish great things!"



There is no fool here, just one point will tell the truth.

"It's hard to win against one person, but it's easy to win against two people. Jia Wenhe, Jiawenhe...hahaha!"

"My lord, you praise me so much."

"What do you think?"

"This plan works!"

"It's just...how to stop it?"

Jia Xu said: "My lord, you can write a letter and send it to Ji Ling first."

"Okay, as you say."





After five consecutive days of high-intensity attacks on Xiao County, Xiao County was on the verge of collapse.

"General Zilong, it seems Zhang Xun can't hold on any longer."

"If you resist stubbornly, you will die."

At first, Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao's 40,000 men drove Zhang Xun's 20,000 men back to Xiao County, and then surrounded the place.

Zhang Xun also tried to break through, but all ended in failure.

Now, as reinforcements arrive from the rear, Zhang Xun will be unable to fly without reinforcements.

"Zhang Xiu."

Zhang Xiu: "The general will be here at the end."

"You take over from Hua Xiong who is feigning an attack and don't give the enemy troops in the city a chance to breathe."

"Here." In the past few days of siege, the Han army did not attack with all their strength. Instead, they constantly harassed the enemy troops in the city and put enough mental pressure on them.

"Fengxiao, how many days do you think the general offensive will be launched?"

"In my opinion, Zhang Xun still has strength. It's better to wait for two more days until he is exhausted and launch a general attack."

"it is good."

Now Zhao Yun has 40,000 people at his disposal and is very wealthy. "Then wait two more days for Wang Ji, Guo Huai, and Du Shu to arrive with reinforcements and launch a general attack."

In order to eat Zhang Xun, Liu Han specially sent 10,000 people from the camp to support Zhao Yun. Yuan Shu also sent people to rescue, but Liu Han didn't want to lose his advantage.

Zhang Xun in Xiao County was besieged for several days and was in constant distress. However, Ji Ling's reinforcements were blocked by Zhang Liao's troops in W County and could not advance even an inch, which made people extremely anxious.

Yuan Jun camp.

Looking at the military orders sent by Yuan Shu one after another, Ji Ling's head was as big as an ox.

"That villain must be complaining again!"

Yuan Shu's tone became more intense every time. It was obvious that someone was secretly instigating him. Apart from Yang Hong, Ji Ling could not think of anyone else to do this kind of thing that was harmful to others and not beneficial to himself.

"Ji Ling, Zhang Xun has been surrounded for seven days. In a few days, we will be out of food. We can't wait any longer!"

"Yang Hong, open your dog eyes and take a look. Zhang Liao is guarding 10,000 people in Wu County. I have tried my best to attack. It's not that I won't save them, but I really can't move forward."


Yang Hong rolled his sleeves and left. If it weren't for Ji Ling, how would he have been eating military rations here every day? Is this food for humans?

Ji Ling really wanted to kill Yang Hong alive, but he couldn't. Yang Hong was the governor appointed by Yuan Shu. If he killed him, he would really become a traitor.

On the Wuxian city tower, the banner with the word "Zhang" flying in the wind at the top of the city. Zhang Liao led his army out of the city and looked at Yuan Jun on the opposite side. "But General Ji Ling? General, you're fine!"

Ji Ling returned the greeting, "General Zhang Liao, I've admired you for a long time!"

Zhang Liao was chatting with Ji Ling when he suddenly saw a small man coming on horseback. He thought it was Yang Hong, so he said, "Generals are rare and capable. Staying with Yuan Ni is really a secret."

When Yang Hong heard this, his eyes narrowed.

Ji Ling was displeased and said, "General Zhang, don't say much. Your Majesty has treated me with great kindness. You and I are each our own masters, so how can you be so kind to me?"

Zhang Liao said with a pityful tone, "Okay, since the general has made up his mind, I won't say anything more, but my lord has a letter for the general. I don't know, general..."

"King of Zhenbei?"


Ji Ling respectfully accepted Liu Han's letter in front of everyone. As a military general, Liu Han was worthy of Ji Ling's admiration regardless of whether he was friend or foe.

But the mistake was that he shouldn't have accepted the letter in front of everyone, especially Yang Hong.

"I have conveyed the letter. I hope the general will think twice."


Before Ji Ling could say anything, Zhang Liao returned to the city.


At night, Ji Ling sat at the desk and looked at the letter written by Liu Han. He saw that a lot of content had been obliterated on it. He felt very puzzled. He was about to write something when Yang Hong happened to come in and saw him. "Ji Ling?"

"Oh? It's so late, what do you want from me?"

The two of them were not dealing with each other. Ji Ling looked unhappy when he saw Yang Hong coming.

"I heard that King Zhenbei came here with a letter. I wonder if you can let me see what is written in the letter?"

"Here is the letter. Read it yourself."

As Ji Ling spoke, he handed Liu Han's letter to Yang Hong. Yang Hong took the letter and looked at it. He saw that all the suspected vital content had been obliterated. He was very puzzled.

"Why do I just wipe out all the important places?"

"The original book is like this, why? I'm afraid it was King Zhenbei who sent the draft."

Yang Hong wondered: "How could anyone send a draft to others? Could it be that the general was afraid that I would know the details, so he would erase it first?"

"Huh? What does this mean?"

Yang Hong's eyes were unkind, and Ji Ling was furious: "Hmph! My loyalty to the lord can be seen from the sun and the moon. How dare you slander me out of thin air and think that my sword is not good for you?"

Ji Ling was aggrieved and angrily threw the pen in his hand to the ground, and stood up suddenly, trying to pull out the sword.

Yang Hong was frightened by Ji Ling and then calmed down, "I was the one who was abrupt."

"Hmph! It's hard for me to defend myself even though I'm full of words. But in this case, one day I will go to the front of the battle line and ask Zhang Liao to come and speak. You order people to prepare secretly and kill him with one arrow."

"If you can do this, you will see that the general is sincere." (End of Chapter)

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