Chapter 5 First Arrival in Luoyang
July of the fourth year of Jianning (AD 171).

Make the Song family queen.

Unfortunately, Liu Han fell ill again and was unable to go to Luoyang due to a temporary craving for food. However, Liu Yi took the gift with him.

The gift was very novel. It was two pieces of ink with a faint fragrance. A dragon and a phoenix were engraved on the front respectively. The dragon and phoenix represented auspiciousness.On the back are written eight characters: "Hold your hand and grow old together with me."

This is Hui ink that Liu Han ordered people to make in two years (one tael of Hui ink and one tael of gold), but now its name is "Jianning ink".

This ink integrates painting, calligraphy, sculpture, modeling and other arts, making the ink itself a comprehensive art treasure.

The falling paper is like paint, the color is dark and moist, it is durable, the paper and pen do not glue, the fragrance is rich, the texture is rich and smooth, etc. It is known to be light when picked up, clear when rubbed, sweet when smelled, hard as jade, silent when grinding, and a little bit. Like paint, it remains true for thousands of years.

Such magical characteristics made Liu Hong fall in love with these two figures, and even attracted the jealousy of all the princes in the court, especially the scholar-bureaucrats.

The Song family, who had just been crowned queen, was also very happy. The gift given by her brother-in-law was unique and very popular.

"Jianning Mo" became an instant hit!

So with a stroke of his pen, Liu Hong made "Jianning Mo" a special offering for the royal family.

This move once again raised the price of this ink.

In fact, Liu Han also thought about papermaking, but he didn't know the process of papermaking very well. He needed to experiment slowly, and the impact was too great. But ink is different. Although the construction period is long, the process is not that complicated, and the formula is kept confidential. It's not that easy to reproduce.

In today's society, common people cannot afford to spend money, but the rich are the gentry and wealthy families. Those scholar-bureaucrats have pockets full of five baht.

Literary people are the best in face and elegance!
Therefore, this is a great tool for making money!
Secondly, his current strength is too weak. Once the paper comes out, it will definitely cause an uproar. According to the greed of the nobles, he cannot hold on. He cannot hold the sword of paper at the moment.

In the fifth year of Xiping (AD 176), there was a leap month in May.

The party is resurrected.

Cao Luan, the prefect of Yongchang, wrote a letter to express his grievances for the "Party members" and demanded that his imprisonment be lifted. Emperor Liu Hong did not listen and instead arrested and executed Cao Luan.Then, he issued an edict that all party disciples, former officials, fathers and sons, and brothers who served as officials would be dismissed and imprisoned for life, and the five clans would be implicated.The scope of the party's imprisonment expanded, affecting more innocent people.

Zheng Xuan, who was far away in Zhongshui County, couldn't help but sweat broke out on his forehead when he saw it.

Two years later, it was April, the first year of Guanghe (AD 178).

On the outskirts of Luoyang.

I saw a handsome young man riding on a horse, with a slender figure and a tall and straight posture. This man was Liu Han, the Marquis of Zhongshui County. Unknowingly, Liu Han was already 13 years old.

There was a middle-aged general next to him, Huang Zhong.

At this time, Huang Zhong was no longer a county captain. The county captain was already Guoyuan, a disciple of Zheng Xuan. Huang Zhong had been named a Zhongshui captain, and behind him were five hundred people who had been on the battlefield and had seen each other. Blood cavalry.

"Luoyang, I'm coming!"

The one who shouted these words was the young man on the side, Zhang He.

Speaking of Zhang He, I can only say that it is fate, which is wonderful.

A few years ago, Liu Han went on a study tour with his teacher Zheng Xuan and passed through Mào County. It was a time when young people were fighting bravely. Several older children were bullying a child. Liu Han had been practicing martial arts for several years, so he had to fight against the strong and support the weak.

So there was a hearty (child) (child) (fight) (fight), and it was later discovered that the person who was beaten was Zhang He (it is not known exactly when Zhang He was born, the novel tentatively dates it to 164 AD).

Although Zhang He was young, he still had martial arts skills, but he was temporarily at a disadvantage. Unexpectedly, a young man suddenly appeared and the two fought side by side, and they formed a friendship from then on.

Liu Han did not expect that he would meet Zhang He, one of Cao Wei's "Five Good Generals", by chance, so he was very excited.

As the saying goes, as long as the hoe is wielded well, there is no corner that cannot be dug down. Boss Cao, I'm sorry!

Therefore, Liu Han took Zhang He to Huang Zhong to become his disciple.

Here we have to talk about Liu Han, who has been practicing martial arts for many years. Perhaps the old Liu family does not have the gene for martial arts. Liu Han has been practicing martial arts for eight years. In addition to strengthening his body, his martial arts skills are mediocre and second-rate. He cannot withstand Huang Zhong's three moves.

The key is that Liu Han, who has some martial arts skills, wants to spar with everyone he sees. This gives Huang Zhong a headache, but there is nothing he can do about it.Another dish!Love to play again!

Fortunately, the new disciple he accepted, Zhang He, was talented in martial arts, which made Huang Zhong very pleased.

The Zhang family in Mo County could only be regarded as small landowners. Zhang He's father never expected that his son would get to know the Marquis of Zhongshui County, so he just let Zhang He follow Liu Han.

As a result, Zhang He was sold by his father when he was only ten years old.

Unlike Zhongshui County, Luoyang can be seen from a distance, and Liu Han has mixed feelings in his heart.

ten years!

He has not seen his brother and mother for ten years.

"My lord, please come and report on the scouting horse. There are shouts of killing in the woods four miles ahead of us."

Huang Zhong's words brought Liu Han's thoughts back to reality.

When Liu Han was ten years old, Huang Zhong and Jushu recognized their master, one as a general and the other as an adviser. From Liu Han, they saw the future of the Han Dynasty.

"Oh, it seems that Luoyang, which is prosperous on the surface, is turbulent on the inside. The more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are."

"Zhang He."


"Take the men and clean up."


Zhang He accompanied Liu Han. Only when he really came into contact with the Marquis of Zhongshui County did he know his personality charm. This man was very strange. He was kind to the civilians under his rule, respected the soldiers in the army, and had many good governance measures. Zhongshui The "wise" voice of the county prince spread throughout Jizhou.

However, he was not polite at all to the powerful and landlords under his rule. If there was any violation of laws and disciplines, he would resort to thunderous measures to confiscate homes and exterminate clans!

Half of the collected finances went to the public and half to the army, but all the land became the private property of the Marquis of Zhongshui County. He had an inexplicable obsession with the land.

So far, [-]% of the cultivated land in Zhongshui County belongs to the Hou Mansion. Common people have become tenants, but the rent is pitifully small. The common people in Zhongshui County have become the envy of farmers in other counties because they have a surplus of food every year.

How the Marquis did it, Zhang He couldn't understand, but Zhang He knew that apart from his martial arts, other aspects of the Marquis were admirable.

He can lead people to live a good life.

This is enough.

For this reason, 14-year-old Zhang He is willing to become the knife in Liu Han's hand.

In the forest, more than twenty dead soldiers armed with sharp knives surrounded Cai Yong's family. The servants had long been killed and dispersed. The wife had fallen in a pool of blood to protect the younger daughter, while the eldest daughter was protected by Cai Yong behind her.

"God will kill me!"

Just when Cai Yong was desperate, there was a sound of charging and killing in the forest, and then the horses neighed and the ground trembled. Two hundred iron cavalry suddenly rushed out from the side and scattered the assassins.

"Yulin Wei!"

While Cai Yong was shocked, the battle started again, but it was more like a one-sided massacre.

In less than a cup of tea, all the assassins were beheaded.

After all, Zhang He had an absolute advantage here, both in terms of mobility and numbers.

When Cai Yong was stunned, he was already safe.

(End of this chapter)

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