Chapter 56 Han Army’s Counterattack ([-])

"He wants to eat my 8 people!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Tan Shihuai's words.

"I have a big appetite, and I'm not afraid of being overwhelmed!"

"Kill! Kill these Han people!"


For a time, all the generals in the Tanshihuai tent were boiling.They were the only ones who killed Han people. How could there be any precedent of Han people surrounding and killing them?
Tan Shihuai was also very angry. Liu Han underestimated him and the Xianbei people too much. Xianbei was the king of the grassland and could not be underestimated by others.

But judging from the information currently available, Liu Han wants to trap them to death. As long as he is delayed until his side is cut off from food and grass, that's when he will stretch out his fangs.

In front of Tan Shihuai, there are three plans: one is to capture the underworld at all costs, then all Liu Han's plans will be defeated. But in the last attack, the Xianbei people were the best soldiers at siege. After all the losses, there are only [-] personal troops left in his hands. It is difficult to form an effective combat force. Attacking the city may be exactly what he wants. Once everyone is mobilized to the underworld and cannot be attacked for a long time, he will really not be able to get out. .

The second is to break through to the east, capture Fanju and Guoxian, then enter Daijun, go out from Gaoliujie, and meet up with his son Helian. However, this journey will take [-] miles, not to mention the interception of the Han army along the way. The war is at a stalemate and the Han army is surrounding them, which is bad news.

The third is to return the same way, go north to Pingcheng, break through the Great Wall Pass, and return to the Royal Court. The whole journey is only [-] miles.As long as we leave the Great Wall, there are still [-] troops outside to support us. This seems to be the safest choice at present, but it is also the most embarrassing. This means that the complete failure of our journey south this time will greatly affect our prestige. The originally fragile alliance will definitely collapse.

Reason told me that I should choose three now, but as a great chanyu of Xianbei, my dignity did not allow it. I did not expect that one day I would be led by a young child.


The coldness of winter cannot hide Tan Shihuai's inner irritability. Since he has guessed the purpose of the little wolf cub, he will use his tactics to attack him. Tan Shihuai is very confident. Since he wants to eat 8 of his own people, he will use his plan to kill him. The Han army was drawn out of the turtle shell and fought a decisive battle.

Late at night on the sixth day when Tan Shihuai invaded south, it suddenly started snowing heavily.

At night, everything was silent, only the faint lights in the tent flickered in the dark night.

Snowflakes began to fall from the sky. At first they were just tiny bits and pieces, and then they became heavier and heavier, like goose feathers.The curtains of the camp were fluttered by the wind, and the snowflakes penetrated into the tent with the wind, falling on the faces and hands of the soldiers and turning into cold water droplets.

The soldiers wore heavy military uniforms on a cold night, and their hats were wet from the snow, but they still stood firm at their posts.Their figures loomed in the snowy night, as if they were guardians in the ice and snow.

The heavy snow brought a chilling atmosphere to the military camp.There were chaotic tracks on the snow outside the camp, showing soldiers and horses running and patrolling in the cold wind.The flag rustled in the wind and fluttered with the snowflakes.

On the city tower, Liu Han looked at the bonfires at the Xianbei camp outside the city, and looked at the snow falling all over the sky, melting at his fingertips, with a solemn expression. He hoped that the snow would fall harder, so that he could drag the main force of Xianbei here, but he did not want the snow to fall too hard. It was very big, because Xu Rong and Huang Zhong were walking on a mountain road, which was already difficult. If there was heavy snow, it would be even more dangerous.

"Zhicai, tell your men to keep out the cold and prepare more ginger soup. It won't be easy for us, and it will be even worse for the enemy."


"You should go back and have a rest early. You are not feeling well to begin with."

"Lord, don't worry, ambition will save you." War is a test of the endurance of a nation, and the Han nation is a very resilient nation, so Liu Han believes they can do it.

Daihai, after a night of wind and snow.

The cavalry, who had been waiting here for seven days, prepared to set off in the cold winter wind.The team is like a long winding dragon, crossing the vast land.

Snowflakes danced in the sky, fell on their resolute faces, and turned into cold water droplets.The cavalry's breath condensed in the cold air and turned into white mist.

The cavalry's uniforms are thick enough to withstand the extremely cold weather.Their armor shone coldly in the sun, like reflections on ice.The heavy iron hooves left deep marks on the snow, as if in the silent winter, only this cavalry team could break the icy silence.

Xu Rong held a spear in front, and Huang Zhong held a broadsword in the back. The sharp weapons reflected a dazzling light in the sun.The army of ten thousand people was tightly packed, with almost no gaps between the horses.The cavalrymen had firm eyes. They knew their mission and knew that the road ahead was full of unknowns and dangers.

They needed to travel three hundred miles north and then one hundred miles south in such bad weather, directly into the heart of Xianbei. Although the heavy snow made the march more difficult, it also provided the best cover for their actions.

After a night of wind and snow, Yanmen County once again fell into inexplicable peace and silence.

In the battle of the previous two days, the Xianbei people did not have time to pick up the bodies of the dead soldiers. Today, the truce agreed upon by both sides allowed the soldiers to fight with shovels, hooks and other tools in their hands in the heavy snow and biting cold wind. Their corpses were scooped up from the battlefield and thrown into deep pits dug in advance.Some corpses have been trampled beyond recognition and are difficult to identify. They can only be judged by characteristics such as clothing or weapons.The pit was filled with bloody corpses, and the blood dyed the snow red, emitting a disgusting stench.

The bad weather forced both sides to call a truce, but both sides were always tight. Liu Han wanted to lead his army to attack the camp at night, but Xi Zhicai stopped him.

First of all, Tanshihuai is well-prepared and it is difficult to successfully attack the camp. Secondly, the trench in front of the city not only restricts the enemy, but also restricts our own cavalry. If we go out to attack the camp and come back, Tanshihuai will send an army to follow. The underworld is dangerous.

Therefore, the best way is to waste time with the opponent. The longer it takes, the more the balance of victory will tilt towards one's own side.

"Today is the seventh day. If we stay here for three more days, the pressure on Xu Rong will be much less."

"I hope Tan Shihuai hasn't reacted yet."

The two looked outside the city, wishing for the first time that time would pass faster.

Eighth day south.

Tan Shihuai was very surprised. Why did he deliberately expose a flaw yesterday and wait for the Han army to attack at night, but no Han army in the city took action?

If the Han army really wanted to encircle and annihilate its army heading south, it should seize every opportunity to consume itself, such as attacking camps.

According to his own plan, he let in the attacking Han troops, surrounded them and then followed them, so that they could capture the Yin Pavilion. However, seeing such a great opportunity, the Han troops stood still, which was very unreasonable.

Tan Shihuai sat in the big tent. His years of war intuition allowed him to smell that there was definitely a conspiracy within the Han army, but he didn't expect it, so he could only frown and look at the map.

"Send the order to break camp tomorrow and break through Pingcheng."

 Thanks to book friend "Sea Wild Wind" for the 100-point reward!
  Give you one! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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